Sentences with phrase «body breaks down»

The human body breaks down as we age.
A dead animal's body breaks down and ceases to exist, but it still leaves its presence on the board of brass.
As the body's supercomputer, the brain requires a lot of energy, most of which is satisfied when the body breaks down glucose from food.
A carbohydrate is a macronutrient that the body breaks down into sugar uses as fuel.
Purine, a substance that is created when the body breaks down protein, is thought to be the cause of stone formation.
Instead, the cat's body breaks down proteins and fats.
The combination of their curious nature and unique metabolism (the way their body breaks down chemicals) makes cats vulnerable to toxins.
When the body breaks down this fat, it produces as a by - product toxic acids known as a ketones.
The combination of their curious nature and unique metabolism (the way their body breaks down chemicals) makes cats very vulnerable to toxins.
If the disease remains undiagnosed, the dog will lose weight as his body breaks down fats and proteins to get needed energy.
Complex carbohydrates are always superior to simple carbohydrates because of how the body breaks them down.
Mexiletine (Mexitil) can decrease how quickly the body breaks down caffeine.
Rather, the body breaks down carbohydrates into glucose, which is carried to the brain through the blood stream and used immediately by nerve cells for energy.
People forget that and then the body breaks down protein from muscle tissue.
Your body breaks down protein over a longer period of time than it does carbohydrates.
The opposite of protein synthesis is protein breakdown, which is the biological process whereby the body breaks down existing proteins into their constituent amino acids.
, which is the biological process whereby the body breaks down existing proteins into their constituent amino acids.
It is thought that visceral fat is related to the release of proteins and hormones that can cause inflammation, which in turn can damage arteries and enter your liver, affecting how your body breaks down sugars and fats.
When you digest food, your body breaks down the proteins in it to their amino acids and then uses them to build the proteins it needs itself.
Whatever kind of sugar a carbohydrate contains, your body breaks it down to glucose, also called «blood sugar.»
Simple carbohydrates, on the other hand, your body breaks down faster and you get the energy more immediately.
The more inflamed you are the faster your body breaks down.
After consuming carbohydrates foods the body breaks down into simple sugars and then into glucose.
I can not stay at this lean race weight very long before my body breaks down.
When you consume protein, your body breaks it down into amino acids, which are used to repair your body from daily wear and tear.
Lipids, carbs and protein are the three types of macronutrients your body breaks down for energy.
Remember, any muscle tissue that your body breaks down in the fasting process (a) needed to be broken down and metabolized anyway, which is hard on the kidneys but great for your stripped - down and rebuilt lean muscle, and (b) will be the first to be rebuilt, along with healthy organ tissue, like pancreas or kidney or liver.
It tells your brain when you've got too much fat, and basically decides how quickly or slowly your body breaks it down.
When you eat and your body breaks down your food, the glucose (sugar) from your food goes into your bloodstream for transport to your cells.
Usually, when you eat food, the body breaks down carbohydrates into sugars like glucose and fructose.
And it is how the body breaks down the entire animal protein molecule vs the plant protein molecules that makes the difference.
In basic terms, the low glycemic index refers to the way your body breaks down carbohydrates.
When you ingest food, your body breaks it down via digestion with the help of enzymes and other fun stuff and provides fuel to the necessary body parts from the nutrients in the food.
Whenever you eat anything, your body breaks it down into a composite of substances before releasing insulin into your bloodstream.
Ketone bodies, created when your body breaks down fat for energy, are an alternative fuel for your brain.
Then your body breaks down your food into components your body can utilize and absorb.
When you consume complete proteins, you're body breaks them down into the individual amino acids which comprise them and then sends a bunch of those amino acids to your muscle tissue where they are re-constructed into complete proteins as muscle tissue.
In order to digest the starch in potatoes, your body breaks down this starch and releases it as free glucose in your blood.
That is, your body breaks down muscle more muscle proteins than when training in a fed state.
You will also gain a deeper understanding of how your body breaks down specific foods and how this affects your mood.
During a workout, your body breaks down muscle fibers as well as carbohydrate stores.
Specifically, to gain muscle, you need to consume more protein than your body breaks down through natural processes (16).
When you eat carbohydrates, your body breaks them down into glucose, which is a simple sugar molecule that your cells process for energy.
When you're awake, a chemical called adenosine builds up in your blood, and when you sleep, your body breaks it down.
During a fast or diet, there is little to no food to digest so the body breaks down damaged tissue, congestive waste material, excess fat deposits, and often, abscesses or tumors.
During times of muscular stress your body breaks down amino acids for energy, specifically using the branched chain amino acids (BCAAS).
A condition called ketosis takes place where your body breaks down fats into ketones which are used as an alternative food for your brain, organs, and muscles.
The food list by itself is not a diet plan, its simply a measure on the effect of how your body breaks down the carbohydrates and that food's impact on your insulin.
Following the consumption of food, the body breaks down food into its most basic form — glucose.
If a relationship fails, there are almost always more to come, but if your body breaks down you will have a hard time experiencing life as most would like.
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