Sentences with phrase «body burden test»

The Osprey experiment is a follow - up to tests I had run to check my internal levels of 321 common pollutants, a process called a chemical body burden test.
«In 2004, the Hollands became the first intact nuclear family in the United States to undergo body burden testing.
Body burden testing in the blood and urine.

Not exact matches

The best way to predict the «aluminum body burden» is to test bone tissue.
We have comprehensive tests to measure the toxic body burden and guide appropriate detoxification.
Developments in modern medicine allow us a wide array of laboratory tests designed to help diagnose certain disease states, along with measuring the severity of the disease and the burden on the body.
In order to detect whether an excess body burden of lead, cadmium, and other toxic metals is present, a challenge test should be performed with a single dose of a chelating agent such as EDTA or DMPS to see how much of the metal (s) can be pulled into the urine.
This laboratory test provides unprecedented information for the healthcare practitioner, allowing them to assess the patient's exposure sources, body burden and ability to excrete each form of mercury.
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