Sentences with phrase «body cells because»

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When a women eliminates a clump of living, human cells from a part of her body she is doing it because those cells are a part of her body that she doesn't want.
This argument, however, falls, because we have shown that although a body, say, a plant, can accomplish what the individual cells in it can not do, e.g., flower and bear fruit, still, the plant needs the ground as its «other.»
I could go on and elaborate on a number of other disciplines or facts that creationists have to pretend into oblivion to retain their faith, including the Ice Ages, cavemen and early hominids, much of microbiology, paleontology and archeology, continental drift and plate tectonics, even large parts of medical research (medical research on monkeys and mice only works because they share a common ancestor with us and therefore our fundamental cell biology and basic body architecture is identical to theirs).
I pray you will get the chance to know the only one who has the ability to love every cell in your body, soul, and spirit because this is the point at which you will begin living.
It is what spurs the association to endorse us because they have all these athletes that have aged blood cells and acidic bodies that have depleted all these minerals.
This mineral boosts energy levels because it helps transport oxygen - rich blood cells throughout the body.
I like to include raw beetroot in my salads, because of its high anti-inflammatory and antioxidant content, especially betalains, involved in both phases of the natural detoxification of our body cells.
Loosing weight is a very important for diabetics, because fat cells reduce your body's ability to move sugar into cells and use it as energy.
Deficient of oxygen in the body cells increases the risk of turning cancerous, because they make the body more acidic.
My philosophy is to keep it «real» (lots of whole foods and fresh produce), cook as many of your own meals as you can, and always get the best ingredients you can afford because they will deliver the highest nutritional value to every cell in your body.
Adding coconut to your diet can also fight off fatigue because it's a good source of iron, the mineral that delivers oxygen - rich blood cells throughout the body.
Coconut oil and avocados are two of the best calorie rich foods because they are full of good fats that help train our body to make healthy cells and enhance our hormones.
Capsaicin only inflames human cells because heat - detecting proteins in our nerve endings called TRPV1 receptors become activated in the chemical's presence, mistakenly interpreting capsaicin as a sign of extreme heat, and sending the body's burn defenses into overdrive.
Folic acid is recommended by the American Pregnancy Association because it helps the body create red blood cells.
It's easy to digest, and because it is made of live cells, your baby's body can easily absorb it.
Products like Skinade are found to be effective within just the first month because you are delivering it to cells throughout the body in an innovative beverage that you simply drink as directed.
Tattoos are permanent because the ink remains walled off within the body via the body's inflammatory process, making the possibility of the ink migrating into the mother's blood plasma and then into the milk - making cells of the breast, next to impossible.»
Some researchers have even looked at the chromosomes of the miscarried pregnancy to determine whether the NK cells were elevated because of the body's natural response to a chromosomally abnormal pregnancy.
This is because breast milk is full of white blood cells and the antibodies that your body has made to combat your infection.
Usually, no treatment is needed — avoiding the triggers is normally enough to prevent a crisis, or removing them is all that's necessary to eliminate symptoms, because the body then starts to create new red blood cells naturally.
Breast milk is a great way to improve and increase immunity in children, because it contains antibodies and white blood cells, both of which boost the immune system and help the body to fight against diseases.
This is simply because your body will be producing more oestrogen than usual due to the additional fat cells in your body.
When less milk is released from the milk making cells, the body then produces less because it think it needs less, and your supply could drop.
Stem cells are unique because they are essentially the body's building blocks; these are the only cells in the human body that have the ability to regenerate more cells with specialized functions.
Because cord blood cells are less mature, the body is more likely to accept them without risk of rejection.
Newborns have more red blood cells than adults do at birth because before birth it's the placenta that's kind of breaking down the blood cells and when the baby's born they kind of have to do it on their own and so, there's this fetal blood cells that have to breakdown and be eliminated from the body.
That's because when you lose weight you're shedding water and also lean cells as well as fat, your metabolic rate slows down, and also your body adjustments in various other methods.
Include protein - rich food in your diet — this means more of fish and lean meats because your body needs amino acids to build new cells and develop feat brain, heart, muscle and tissue.
Previous failures in reprogramming primate cells probably happened because the egg ran into roadblocks — portions of the body cell's DNA known as reprogramming - resistant regions, say study coauthor Mu - ming Poo, director of the Institute of Neuroscience at the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Shanghai, and his colleagues.
Because they multiply quickly and spread throughout the body, cancer cells require more energy than normal cells.
Because they can differentiate into almost any cell type in the body, stem cells have the potential to be used to create healthy cells to treat a number of diseases.
Scientists examined the DEJ for T cell activity because this is where the genital herpes virus multiplies after reactivating and traveling from its hiding place in the body's sensory neurons.
«That is really the greatest challenge, because many scientists can come up with new materials for certain applications,... but if they don't know how these materials are going to be placed in the body and interact with the cells, interact with biological fluids and so on, they have no appreciation of the total problem,» Peppas says.
The latest findings show that genetic defects in the body's ability to manufacture carnitine might be associated with an increased risk of autism because carnitine deficiency interferes with the normal processes by which neural stem cells promote and organize embryonic and fetal brain development.
We found that the inflammation unfortunately gets hijacked by tumor cells that are able to grow faster and penetrate deeper because the blood vessels in the brain are more permeable than in any other part of the body.
It has been difficult to do before because CRISPR activators are too big to fit inside viruses needed to deliver the tools to body cells.
«Drugs like morphine hijack the body's natural painkilling mechanisms, such as those used by endorphins, but because they act within the central nervous system, they can affect other brain cells that use similar pathways, leading to side effects such as addiction or sleepiness,» says Professor Gamper.
Because neural crest cells contribute to so many tissues in the body, altering their function could change an animal's behavior, appearance and biology, the researchers reasoned.
«Because we observed microbial effects mainly in the gut, we believe that a microbe - based therapy would avoid the collateral damage seen with drugs that wipe out classes of immune cells across the body,» said Benoist, a professor of microbiology and immunobiology at HMS.
And the cells in our body differ from one another — serving as neurons, white blood cells, smell sensors, and so on — largely because they activate different sets of genes and thus produce different mixtures of proteins.
But it seemed unlikely, because the body coverings were thought to grow differently: Feathers and hair develop from specialized plates of thickened ectoderm — an embryonic cell layer — called anatomical placodes, structures not seen in reptiles.
(Embryonic stem cells are notable because they can morph into virtually any cell type in the body.)
It is unclear how the entire body is affected because Spector looked only at telomeres, nucleotides on the ends of chromosomes that slowly erode as cells copy themselves during normal aging.
Deleting telomere elongation capacity throughout the body would also be life - threatening, because it would mean that our regular proliferating cells (like those in the skin or the lining of the gut) would suddenly have iron limits on their ability to reproduce themselves and thus replenish tissue.
If we could snatch this one tool out of the hands of cancers, we would cause any and all the aspiring cancers we developed to fizzle out before they became life - threatening — indeed, before many of them even became actual cancers, because they wouldn't get the opportunity to undergo the full spectrum of mutational events needed to give rise to the kind of renegade cell that can truly pose a threat to the body.
The virus can not infect noncancerous cells, Kirn explained, because researchers deleted its thymidine kinase gene, which it needs to replicate in the body.
Cancer cells are a problem for the body because they multiply recklessly, refuse to die and blithely metastasize to set up shop in places where they don't belong.
The capsule creates the biotechnical condition for it, because it separates the donator's cells from the body of the receiver and transfers the hormones which are important for the metabolism exclusively «In the eyes of Dresden scientists this kind of transplantation will be suitable for patients with adrenal insufficiency but also with congenital diseases such as the lack of 21 - hydroxylase.
Because the kidney makes erythropoietin (EPO), a hormone that triggers the production of red blood cells, people whose kidneys degenerate can develop anaemia — not having enough red blood cells to carry oxygen around the body.
«If you looked at a liver cell from my body and a neuronal cell from my brain, the DNA would be identical, but the cells themselves would be very different because they are composed of different proteins.
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