Sentences with phrase «body chemical similar»

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Scientists have long suggested that similar chemical reactions took place when a collision between Earth and a Mars - sized planetary body produced debris that ultimately formed the Moon.
Grégoire Courtine at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne, Switzerland and colleagues previously restored movement to rats with spinal injuries similar to those causing lower - body paralysis in humans, by using a cocktail of chemicals and direct stimulation of spinal nerves.
The team injected chemicals similar to those released in a healthy rat by the brainstem pathways that activate nerves controlling lower body movement.
Anandamide is among a class of naturally occurring chemicals in the body known as endocannabinoids that attach to the same brain cell receptors as does marijuana's active ingredient, THC, with similar outcomes.
«No matter the species, we all have similar signaling systems in our bodies, similar chemical reactions.
«The idea is that eventually the community gets to a point where people are confident enough in the devices that the effects they see from putting chemicals or pharmaceutical drugs into the platform environment are similar to the results we would see in the human body
What's more, the substance seems to stick around in the body: Novice ski wax technicians showed a spike in PFOA blood levels during the season that barely diminished in the off - season; experienced technicians sported massive, year - round concentrations similar to those seen in employees at plants manufacturing the chemical.
Very few available chemical nematicides can affect control, and some options are restricted by the Environmental Protection Agency and similar bodies.
This brain inflammation is caused by the release of cytokines, chemical messengers in the body that trigger an immune response, similar to a viral infection.
The caffeine in these beverages might be disadvantageous enough to the body to choose other foods and drinks that provide a similar function without the use of a chemical like caffeine.
Similar to the effect of morphine, the body will naturally release chemicals throughout the body called «Endorphins» when the body is subjected to the strain of physical activity.
Soy has taken a beating in the popular publications on health and fitness because it contains a substance called phytoestrogen, which has a chemical structure similar to our bodies» naturally produced hormone estrogen.
The bark of the willow tree contains the chemical salicin, which has a similar effect in the body as acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin).
These are chemical compounds that are structurally similar to estrogen, so when they enter the body, they behave with estrogenic effect on the reproductive system function.
Created from fossilized animals and plants, synthetic chemicals are similar enough to natural ones to be easily assimilated into the body's natural processes.
These treatments may lead to side - effects since the testosterone placed into the man's body is not similar on a chemical level to the natural testosterone that are present in their bodies.
Synthetic hormones, have a chemical structure that may be similar to, but not exactly the same as, the hormones produced by the body.
«So, basically what this means is that we produce within our bodies chemicals that are very similar to the chemicals that are produced by the cannabis plant.
T4 and T3 both serve similar functions — they act as chemical messengers and affect the metabolism of every cell in the body.
Purring realizes endorphins (the body's own pain killers and feel - good chemicals, actually very similar to opiates) to help reduce the pain.
He also gives the opinion that these exacerbated effects «cause adverse health effects similar to exposures to hazardous substance [s] that adversely affect various systems in the body», akin to exposure to toxic chemicals or toxic metals.
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