Sentences with phrase «body experience»

Sometimes I felt like I was having an out of body experience in front of my students.
The study suggests taking into account dieting behaviour when attending to the issue of body experience in interventions targeting eating behaviour, especially among men.
My husband and I have both thoroughly tested this carrier and I am excited to share both our disabled and able - bodied experiences with you all.
Kids can have virtual out - of - body experiences as early as age 6.
This day 25 yoga practice invites you to work on organic movement and creating a full body experience — that is true to you.
It's like an out of body experience during labor and then the moment we hold our baby we come crashing back down into reality - A twisted reality.
I recommend using this assessment to find out how well you connect to your whole body experience.
It was an out - of - body experience for sure!
The birthing process was somewhat of an outer body experience.
But what makes it a hot scientific topic right now is recent clinical evidence that patients with certain neurological conditions tend to have out - of - body experiences more often than others.
We believe in offering a total body experience using various techniques.
This is a total mind body experience customized to your needs.
What a strange, out - of - body experience growing up is turning out to be.
This is a well rounded mind - body experience like no other!
I don't think female bodies experience exactly the same effect.
My work is body experience oriented with an emphasis on communication that is heard and understood.
Now scientists researching the location of the brain's sense of self have begun inducing the out - of - body experience in the lab.
Bring about a state of harmony and balance with this full body experience.
It was an out - of - body experience for me watching this short video.
It's a drug that promises an out - of - body experience with each hit.
A recent functional imaging study reported the case of a woman who could experience out of body experience at will.
There's an out - of - body experience where I talk like a stoned college freshman about the universe.
Russell Westbrook won the MVP last season by having an out - of - body experience once - a-week for the final two months.
Gottlund arouses the viewer's interest in investigation and reading as a whole body experience while reminding us that the interpretation of history can become fuzzy as it is handed down through generations, even when formally recorded.
There is a continual exchange of meanings between the two kinds of body experience so that each reinforces the categories of the other.4
In confronting this perennial problem in the care of souls Gregory again turns to a medical analogy: Sometimes a person who has a constitutionally weak body experiences a violent illness that requires a drastic remedy.
Then (by gravitation) our reference body experiences an acceleration a1 in the direction B1.
It's surprisingly easy to lose touch with your physical being — such out - of - body experiences reveal how our brain generates a sense of self
Out - of - body experiences normally occur when brain function is disturbed, such as after an epileptic seizure, but it is possible to reproduce the experience in healthy people
Two of the water bodies experienced a roughly fourfold increase in CO2 levels.
I had never heard of OBEs [out - of - body experiences] or NDEs [near - death experiences].
Newberg and D'Aquili also argue that activities often found in religious rituals — like repetitive chanting — activate (and deactivate) similar areas in the brain, a finding that helps explain some of the more puzzling out - of - body experience reports, like those of the airplane pilots suddenly floating outside their planes.
When he directed these fields toward the temporal lobes, Persinger's helmet induced the sort of mystical, free - of - the - body experiences common to right temporal lobe epileptics, meditators, and people who have had near - death experiences.
Out - of - body experiences Science is a discipline based on accurate reporting of facts and requiring that opinions and theories be based on and true to relevant facts.
Lenggenhager's research on out - of - body experiences attracted a lot of media interest.
See also «PSYCHOLOGY: Out - of - Body Experiences Enter the Laboratory,» Science, 24 August 2007: Vol.
Researchers also tested the validity of conscious experiences using objective markers for the first time in a large study to determine whether claims of awareness compatible with out - of - body experiences correspond with real or hallucinatory events.
But New Zealand mom and nutritionist, Julie Bhosale, wanted to share her unfiltered post-baby body experience after giving birth to her second child, and encourage fellow moms to embrace their imperfections.
This total - body experience injects elements of cardio - based fitness routines and high intensity interval training (HIIT) designed to dramatically improve your health.
Co-Contraction When the lower body experiences resistance, in the form of bodyweight or additional weights, it normally signals the anterior and posterior portions of the legs to undergo something called co-contraction.
This kit is your on - the - go spa: a full - body experience featuring a sampling of our bestselling face oils, our soothing wellness oil, and our restorative hair oil.
Biweekly guided and self guided meditations provide an inner body experience that enriches our expanding practice on and off the mat.
In many cultures, it has been in practice since centuries to help the spirit, mind and body experience wholesome detoxification and health.Healing clay has recently been in spotlight in the U.S. and Europe as a trusted product that can be added to any detoxification program.
The best part about them is that months and even years later, when the memory comes to mind, I can still feel that same out - of - body experience rush over me again.
Wilby's inopportune out - of - body experiences contrast with the upstanding citizen angle he appeals to voters with.

Phrases with «body experience»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z