Sentences with phrase «body fat stores rather»

Targeted weight loss using a weight loss nutrition plan should specifically aim to reduce excess body fat stores rather than just losing mass from other tissues and areas.

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This means you burn stored body fat for energy, rather than being dependent on sugars from food.
This is healthy, fiber - packed bread that your body will use for fuel in the digestive process rather than store as fat.
This type of fat is easy for the body to metabolize, meaning that it won't store as fat within the body, rather it's sent straight to the liver and used productively as energy.
The medium - chain fatty acids get used as energy rather than stored as fat in the body.
Another benefit of the slow break down of carbs is that it makes the body store more of the carbohydrates as muscle glycogen rather than body fat.
Rather than the body storing fat, it burns it naturally and freely.
He also claimed eating fat causes the body to metabolise it for energy, rather than store it, while eating carbohydrates encourages the body to store fat.
In the context of bodybuilding, insulin resistance increases the body's tendency to store carbs as fat, rather than transporting them into muscle tissue in the form of glycogen.
Most of that saturated fat comes from medium - chain triglycerides (MCTs), which your body metabolizes differently from other fatty acids and prefers to utilize for energy rather than store.
When proper metabolic actions are in place, the food that has been consumed can be converted to ready to use fuel to power the body rather than fat that will be stored away for future use.
While it is true that HGH helps lose weight by improving metabolic functions so that the body can convert food to fuel rather than fat and start to burn some of the excess fat that has already been stored inside cells, the majority of overweight people will only see a decline of about 10 % of their excess body fat during 6 months of treatment with HGH therapy.
According to Salk Institute researchers, the program can help the body to burn fat rather than store it, despite no weird food or kJ rules and occasional cheat meals.
Because vitamin E is fat soluble and can be easily stored in our body, it is best to meet your needs through foods rather than supplementation when possible.
By loading up on the right (delicious) food, youll be getting fuel your body will use rather than store as fat.
By recalibrating your body's fat loss mechanisms, you bring your metabolism back to the way it should be - hungry when it ought to be, full after a decent portion, and burning - rather than storing - what you eat.
If you're fasting your body doesn't have any «food» or energy to use so it pulls it from your fat stores rather from the glucose in your blood stream or the glycogen from your muscles and liver.
One study found that a chemical released when the body is in a stressed state, Neuropeptide Y, causes fat cells to open and store fat rather than burn it.
Your body has used a lot of stored carbohydrates (glycogen) during the workout, and will use the carbs you eat to replenish the glycogen in your muscles, rather than store it as fat.
This means that your body will use more stored fat for energy rather than carbohydrates.
My problem is that I am relatively skinny but have an untoned stomach and I store most of my fat there rather than the rest of my body.
Unlike other types of saturated fats, medium - chain triglycerides (MCTs) provide energy for your body, rather than being stored as fat.
Because it has all of this readily available, easy to burn energy in its blood stream (thanks to the food you ate), your body will choose to use that as energy rather than the fat you have stored.
Many environmental toxins and toxins found in food are stored in body fat rather than eliminated.
This means that MCTs are used by the body for fuel rather than being stored as fat.
improves insulin sensitivity in the muscles, which helps your body better absorb and use the food you eat (rather than store it as fat),
As you know these guys cause the body to utilize energy more efficiently rather than storing it as body fat.
HOWEVER (and this is a big, huge however), a proper weight training program done consistently with a focus on progressive overload signals the body to use those excess calories to build muscle rather then store them as fat.
They are not a miracle pill, but they are proven to help enhance your body's ability to use energy rather than store it as fat.
Secondly, the MCT's quickly convert into caloric energy, rather than being stored as fat on the body.
Although Vitamin A is needed for healthy skin high doses of it can be toxic because it is a fat - soluble vitamin (gets stored in fat in the body rather than being excreted in the urine like water - soluble vitamins).
For these reasons, MCTs are readily used by your body for energy rather than being stored as fat.
Among its benefits, coconut oil provides fat - burning medium - chain triglycerides (MCTs), which behave differently than other fatty acids because your body prefers to use rather than store them.
Not to mention, your body prefers to burn the fat in coconut, rather than store it.
Avocados are high in monounsaturated fat which gets converted into your body as energy rather than being stored as fat.
It allows your body to burn fat rather than storing it.
I talked a little bit about MCT oils in my Energizing Matcha Latte post, but basically they're an oil made up of only medium - chain triglycerides (fats) which, when consumed, are sent directly to the liver where they are then used more as «fuel» for the body, rather than being stored as fat.
According to the authors of the cookbook, most other fat loss recipe books have three major problems: • Rather than using the right ingredients that will boost metabolism, they often use unhealthy ingredients that actually encourage your body to store fat like high calorie dressings, margarine, or even sugar.
So the body uses the fat in coconut oil to produce energy, rather than be stored as body fat.
While you increase your strength and lean muscle mass, you're also going to train your body to burn off fat rather than store it.
Coconut oil contains medium chain fatty acids that are easily digested and utilized as an energy burning fuel source, rather than stored as body fat.
This means your body will be using additional support from elsewhere, resulting in the fats you consume being stored rather than being burned off.
Why, when calories are restricted, does the body conserve energy rather than simply withdraw the deficit from fat stores?
Since your body burns less fat for energy when Insulin levels are high, having a bunch of Insulin floating around your bloodstream will cause you to store more fat, rather than burn it.
This is healthy, fiber - packed bread that your body will use for fuel in the digestive process rather than store as fat.
When insulin levels spike the body can not use it's own fat stores for fuel, also known as training the body to burn fat, instead insulin spikes and drops force the metabolism to rely on food for energy rather than its own fat stores.
With this stack, you will train your body to burn fat rather than store it.
Because your body will finally burn your stored fat for fuel, rather than the food you keep shovelling into your mouth.
Unlike other saturated fats, these fatty acids do not circulate in the bloodstream, but are sent directly to the liver where they are immediately converted into energy, so the body uses the fat in coconut oil to produce energy, rather than to be stored as fat.
The body uses them quickly for energy rather than storing them in fat tissue.
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