Sentences with phrase «body feeling alert»

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Addiction Caffeine addiction or dependence begins because caffeine first creates the alert feeling that coffee drinkers crave, and later becomes a chemical that the body needs to prevent withdrawal symptoms such as headaches, lethargy, and depression.
All humans (except very new newborns) have a natural circadian rhythm that guides their brains and bodies to get tired and fall asleep at night, and feel awake and alert during the day.
They appear not to wake up as much next to their mothers but actually in terms of small arousals and even larger ones they wake up more, but they do not necessarily alert the mother because they sense their own safety (or whatever emotion or physical sense that reduces stress or anxiety) which comes with smelling her milk and feeling her body, hearing her breadth and feeling her movements and rhythms.
Increased Heart Rate Because your body is pumping more blood to your uterus, your heart rate will increase and make you feel more alert and less sleepy.
A workout is like nature's energy drink, firing up your brain and body so you feel more alert and alive.
«I have so much energy these days, so much more than I did when I was 19 and had bags under my eyes... Once the sludge was removed from me, I felt my body soften and open, and I felt awake and alert and inspired and turned on.
It boosts energy: Since your body doesn't have to wait to absorb the nutrients through digestion, you will feel energized and alert almost instantaneously.
When we overindulge it puts our bodies on high alert to work harder to process and the feelings of fatigue or even flu like symptoms that you experience the morning after that kickin» Christmas party / New Year's Eve party are very often due to your body saying... dude, enough already!
While you're busy catching up on zzz's, though, your body clears itself of adenosine, which allows you to awaken feeling alert and refreshed, rather than tired.
My body looked even better and I was more alert, sleeping better, had more energy all around and just felt awesome.
Protein provides the body with essential building blocks and it also helps us feel full, alert and can help control sugar cravings.
For example, your body temperature rises just before dawn to help you feel alert and ready to wake up and drops at night to help promote sleep.
Once all the toxins have been removed from your body you will start to feel more alert and have much more energy.
Your circadian rhythms are your body's internal clock that signals when you are supposed to feel sleepy or alert.
«When you wake up, your body is producing elevated amounts of cortisol, the stress hormone that makes you feel anywhere from alert to anxious.
Reading body language is rarely black and white, but when you stay alert and look out for tell - tale signs, it's usually possible to detect their feelings beneath eye contact, gestures and reactions.
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