Sentences with phrase «body functions while»

A sleep study (also called a polysomnogram) lets doctors check for OSA and record a variety of body functions while a child sleeps.
They allow your child to take control of their own body functions while also working to help them notice the signs that they need to use the bathroom.

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While the mechanisms at play aren't totally understood, he said, young organisms» blood not only contains all sorts of proteins that improve cell function; somehow it also prompts the recipients» body to increase its production of those proteins.
On Thursday, the Ontario Electricity Stakeholders Alliance issued a series of recommendations that included urging the government to stick to broad planning while empowering regulatory bodies to carry out their designated functions with a greater degree of independence.
My approach shows what is wrong with Locke's flight of fancy that an unstructured material body might think, or Kenny's suggestion that our ways of speaking are compatible with our heads being full of sawdust, so that indeed bodily function is internal to normal mental function (pp. 336 - 339), so that thought and understanding while integrated with the imagination nonetheless transcend it, and transcend the body.
While each member serves a different function, we form one body.
And then, when man is separated from God, he lives in darkness, and the part of him that was given to him to discern between the truth / reality, and lie and deception becomes dead, while he still functions with his body and his natural senses.
Selenium is an important compound used to detoxify the body of harmful molecules, while manganese promotes health muscle and bone function, as well as blood pressure and energy levels.
While healthy snacks are an important part of any diet, serving to keep your body feeling satisfied and functioning well in between meals, not all snacks are created equal.
While your body is capable of making the vast majority of the amino acids it needs to function on its own, there are nine more (called essential amino acids) that need to be taken in through your diet.
While this might seem like a waste, those fibers play a number of vitally important functions in your body.
Sleep is one of the most important functions of the human body, as short - term memory in the hippocampus is converted into long - term memory in the frontal cortex while we are all busy getting our beauty sleep.
Yet while we know that adequate amounts of sleep are biologically necessary for our bodies and minds to function properly, according to the National Sleep Foundation as many as 59 % of middle school students and 87 % of high school students are not getting the recommended 8 - 10 hours of sleep each night as set forth by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM).
While babies are asleep, their body's work to support healthy brain function as well as to promote physical health.
It forms a link between your body and that of the baby so as to keep the baby healthy within the womb by carrying out functions that can't be performed by the baby itself while inside your uterus.
Yes, our babies are only babies once, but we all need to function, and we need to not be given guilt trips if we decide it's time to have our bodies to ourselves for a while.
While a Diastasis recti mainly affects the abdomen and may be harmless in most cases, sometimes it can also have implications on functioning of other organs and body parts.
The conclusion is thus that this specific protein helps the magnetic sense to function, while other cryptochromes, whose levels in the body vary at different times of the day, take care of the biological clock instead.
Clinicians are well - versed with the human body and the delicate use of surgeries and drugs, while scientists understand the intricacies of how the body functions at the molecular and cellular level,» he explains.
While humans have harnessed the power of yeast to ferment bread and beer, the function of yeast or other types of fungi that live in and on the human body is not well understood.
Dr. Bayir explained that while this process may happen in all cells with mitochondria, it is particularly important that it functions correctly in neuronal cells because these cells do not divide and regenerate as readily as cells in other parts of the body.
The left hemisphere controls the majority of functions on the right side of the body, while the right hemisphere controls most of functions on the left side of the body The crossing of nerve fibers takes place in the brain stem.
While on the Clean Program, you eliminate foods that are known to cause digestive issues or even allergic reactions, with the hopes that it will reset your body to function beautifully without them.
While mainstream science suggests that the rations couldn't possibly fuel essential body functions, there are plenty of walking anecdotes that argue to the contrary.
By investing in your body and feeling great, you will love the peace and comfort that comes from knowing that you are protecting your future and ensuring your body is reacting and functioning properly - even while sitting.
While it is true that HGH helps lose weight by improving metabolic functions so that the body can convert food to fuel rather than fat and start to burn some of the excess fat that has already been stored inside cells, the majority of overweight people will only see a decline of about 10 % of their excess body fat during 6 months of treatment with HGH therapy.
While it is important to get saturated fats from healthy sources, these fats are not the enemy, and we need them for proper body function.
While their function in the pre-training preparation pales in comparison to a well - rounded dynamic warm - up routine, static stretches work amazingly well for reducing muscle soreness, maintaining optimal body alignment and increasing the ability to build muscle when performed during the post-workout window, especially when paired with soft tissue work on the same body areas.
According to multiple studies, growth hormone can slow the progression of age - related degenerative diseases, maintain healthy brain function, improve the mood and increase sex drive, while a lack of growth hormone in the body leads to impairment in all of these areas.
Consider this: the body contains high concentrations of many minerals and nutrients, and while it needs water, it also must have the proper concentration of these nutrients in bones, blood and organs to function properly.
Female athletes need at least 11 % to 14 % body fat, while the male athletes need at least 6 - 10 % body fat to function properly.
Previous studies have found unusually high rates of mental - function problems in former NFL players (especially those with a history of concussions), while a large body of research has linked being overweight or obese to a higher risk of dementia later in life.
The participants went through a series of biological, physiological and cognitive tests prior to the program began so as to establish their body composition, cognitive functions, brain oxygenation while exercising, cardiovascular risk and maximal aerobic ability.
While reflexive tears generally serve to protect the eyes by flushing and lubricating them, Frey postulated that the main function of emotional tears is to help the body recover from a stressful event by excreting excess hormones and other proteins.
While the gummy candies may look, smell, and taste appealing, they don't provide the nutrition that our bodies need to properly function.
While your body doesn't produce nearly as much estrogen as a woman's body, you still produce some, and you still need it to function properly.
While everyone has a different standard for what their personal best is, I think we all hope to have the muscular strength that allows us to feel our most capable, and a body composition that keeps our hearts, organs, joints and body systems functioning at their best.
The body contains high concentrations of many minerals and nutrients, and while it needs water, it also must have the proper concentration of these nutrients in bones, blood, and organs to function properly.
While everyone has a different standard for what their personal best is, I think we all hope to have the muscular strength that allows us to feel our most capable, and a body composition that keeps our hearts, organs, joints and body systems functioning at their... [Read more...]
The goal, of course, is to get as lean as possible while still providing the body with the nutrients needed for functioning.
While low - calorie diets continue to remain popular, remember that carbohydrates are your body's preferred source of energy and needed for body's normal functioning.
While your body needs glucose to function, fructose isn't essential and only your liver can break it down.
While a home gym, depending on the machine, provides various functions to train different body parts using weights.
* While both have demonstrated to be the strongest and most fibrinolytic of their types, they have different but certain functions in the body.
So, while we are sleeping our body burns energy for the heartbeat, brain functioning, and other internal organs.
Many weightlifting programs are designed specifically to make your body look better while neglecting the function behind the form.
While all 22 are required by our bodies to function properly, it is the 9 essential amino acids that we need to get from our diet that make it important that we eat protein on a somewhat regular basis.
Rich's Training focuses on helping people move and feel better, while maximizing strength, power and overall body function.
While breathing is an automatic function of the body, there are a few relevant factors that can impact you and the amount of oxygen that you are getting into your body:
Improve function of the nervous system, heart, and immune system while protecting the body from men's top health treats.
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