Sentences with phrase «body hunched»

She kept her tail tucked and her body hunched up.
Her father, sitting outside the hut after dinner, his arms fatigued, his body hunched, glanced at Indravalli Konda and said, «Some priest, probably.
There are other mistakes, too, like bowing your knees in, keeping your body hunched over and allowing your knees to push out way beyond your toes.
I always tell my patients that keeping your body hunched for a long time can lead to low milk supply.
When I first started experiencing night anxiety, I would rush to my son at his first cry, get him immediately to the breast, and perch on the edge of my rocker with my body hunched, trying desperately to consolidate the movement from the rocker to the crib lest I wake him and waste minutes or hours of precious sleep.

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According to the Book of Enoch (which the inspired Jude quotes from as authoritative and which Revelation alludes to quite a bit), these now physical sons of God were punished by losing their bodies and became all the invisible demons that roam the world terrorizing people to this day (with ghost sightings, hunched backs, strange voices, possession, and more).
Mulu's back hunched over from the tremendous weight and her muscles burned as she walked; the physical toll that this work was taking on her body evident with every step.
Debora and her sister then designed what did not yet exist, a smaller nursing assist pillow in different sizes that was to work with a baby's head and body to bring the baby closer to mom's breast for an easier latch with less needing to hunch over, creating a set - up where a breastfeeding mom could breastfeed hands - free!
There are so many times as moms that we're drained from late night wakeups, our bodies ache, our shoulders hunch over and it all becomes too hard.
With the weight of your growing belly and breasts, your body may begin to hunch over, explained the American Pregnancy Association (APA), and actually shift your center of gravity.
having to turn your body to the side when chopping food at the counter, cooking at the stove or washing dishes because your belly sticks out so much that you have to hunch over just to reach what you're trying to do (refer to Rice Krispie picture above)
I sat in my padded desk chair, hunched over, alternately entering notes on my computer and reading a book called The Story of the Human Body.
Hunching is bad for the body, so a new system averts it in musicians by making it bad for their music too.
The lion share of emotionally evocative stimuli in the lives of our ancestors would have been from the faces and bodies of other people, and if one finds human artifacts that are highly evocative, it is a good hunch that it looks or sounds human in some way.
I had a hunch during a workout that the weights I was using were too heavy, but I didn't listen to my body, and I pulled out my back.
Angst manifested in my body as bizarre ailments doctors couldn't diagnose, including an engorged lip and a stiff neck that caused me to hunch to one side like a girly version of the Elephant Man.
The movements below will help you become more aware of how your body is positioned and open up body areas that previously forced us into assuming a hunched position.
To prevent hunching and help your body get into its ideal position while sitting, raise your arms overhead, then pull them down and push the elbows down and back.
Not only are hunched shoulders aesthetically unappealing, they can spell disaster for your long - term joint health and will impact other areas of your body as well.
If on the other hand you have strong pecs and abs on the front but weak traps, lats, rhomboids, etc. on the back, your body will be permanently hunched forward, and the only way anyone would ever know you have any muscle, is when you take your top off.
There is no v - shape in my body it is straight from chest to the pelvic region and i even have man boobs...... Exercising in wrong way make my shoulders hunched a little forward and i must tell u that i have a little apple shaped body.......
When doing dips for chest, you should have your body in a half - moon position, hunching forward and setting your elbows out wide to the sides.
This will cause your lower body to lift up and your upper body to hunch forward more.
Over time your body adapts to this «hunched back» position leaving you looking like a dead ringer for Quasimodo.
It allows shoulders to move to the back body, thus correcting the bad posture caused due to constant sitting and hunching.
When you train with crunches, you're basically pulling your body down into a hunched position.
Keeping your body out of a hunched position will lower your chances of pinching a nerve!
All day sitting hunched over at a computer desk to then drive home and lounge around on the couch watching television means that not only are many people missing out on well needed exercise but even more critically they are missing out on keeping the body mobile and agile especially in comparison to our ancestors and even the early caveman.
The next time you have a hunch that your body is trying to tell you something, listen closely.
Whether it's from an injury, or from all the crouching over a desk we do all day, hunching is the body's natural way of protecting itself by physically closing off access to the vital organs.
At this point, the scientific community is still gathering data but my hunch is that GMs are not good for your body, and we need to apply the precautionary principle.
Through awareness, we can shift ingrained movement and holding patterns within our bodies (such as hunching over cell phones and computers), as well as learn to respond to external stressors in a more mindful way.
Told from the perspective of the mad scientist's hunch - backed assistant, Igor, the film follows their ill - fated experiment to create life — from a body that is a veritable assemblage of spare body parts.
They are pudgy and have quite hunched backs, while their flippers are long in relation to their short bodies.
The little boy proceeds to repeat everything he says in that annoying way some kids do, offsetting the brutality of the battered body lying under the concrete the boy is hunched on.
Hunched over, nose close to the screen, it's as if I'm subconsciously trying to fold my body into Marvel's cinematic universe.
I hunch forward over the bag, using my body as a shield from the rain.
The man laid the tablet on the end of the table, hunched over it, and repeated, «Location... of... body» as he scraped with awkward but determined obedience.
A cat will typically hunch his or her body close to the ground and extend the neck down and out during an episode.
Animals in pain may favor a sore leg, walk or sit in a hunched posture, or continually lick parts of their bodies.
: Some dogs exhibit a rigid or hunched body stance when in pain.
Symptoms include unsuccessful attempts to belch or vomit, abdominal pain or distension, excessive drooling, weakness, collapse, pale gums, shortness of breath, heavy panting, rapid heartbeat, cold body temperature, anxiousness, depression, hunched position, coughing or choking sounds, repeatedly asking to go out, excessive drinking and repeatedly licking the air.
Ok, we know, it's really not that exciting to get out of bed and step in the slimy surprise, or watch your pet hunched over as their body performs a worm - like motion to expel that lovely little gift.
During active submission, he makes his body look small by hunching over and getting low to the ground.
Loud teeth crunching, however, can be a sign that your rabbit is in pain, and this is often accompanied by tense body language (e.g. hunched with ears held tight against her body).
This is especially important if your dog has clinical signs of hip dysplasia like reluctance to jump, bunny hopping gait behind at speed (both hind legs moving forward together), soreness or stiffness after exercise, a «wobbly» hind limb gait, poor muscle mass development behind compared to its forequarter, difficulty getting up, placing extra body weight on its fore limbs with a hunched back, a clicking sound when it walks, or reluctance to allow you to pet near its hips.
Body Language is all bulk buys and hunches about the latest strain or market flutter backed by the kind of money no publicly funded institution could ever muster.
9pm - 1 am Jesse Darling, Hunch and Jeebi on the Miracle Hour Beatriz Santiago Muñoz, Toothsighted Bhanu Kapil Six Notes for The Miracle: bodies, oranges, voices, water, love and blood Meriç Algun Ringborg, Have you ever seen a fig tree blossom?
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