Sentences with phrase «body looked pale»

Her body looked pale and she wasn't moving, he recounted Monday.

Not exact matches

Many people have conditioned their bodies to a nutritional regiment made up of lots of white or pale - looking foods — french fries, potato chips, white bread, chicken nuggets — that don't exist in nature.»
We are not to look for some pale disembodied soul - existence, but for a rich, embodied life — although the «body» will be one appropriate to the heavenly state, not one fitted for a world of physics and chemistry.
Their skin is gradually becoming less wrinkled and red, as white body fat builds up beneath the skin making it look smoother and paler.
It looks different too with a longer, straighter bill, longer legs, larger body size and paler overall plumage.
Look for the jeans most flattering for your body type and keep two things in mind — dark wash and straight leg yes, pale and ripped no.
The floral trend comes in fiesty colors or demure pales, mixes well with neutral pieces, and looks fab on every body type, as these div...
Benefit's velvety body balm ($ 30; not only provides some much - needed hydration, but also adds a hint of glimmer to ensure our stems don't look overly pale against the mini skirt we're breaking out for New Year's Eve.
I have medium - light skin color and this gives me just the right amount of color to my face so I don't look pale or washed out, yet not so bronze I look like I have a tan face and pale body.
In the thin light his new body looks ridiculously narrow and soft, its skin beneath a pelt of hair as pale and shriveled as a molting nymph's.
The clerk heard a voice, looked up at the top floor, and watched in horror as a pale naked body tumbled and flapped with what appeared to be a bedsheet gathered at the neck.
If you notice your dog's stool looks tarry, their vomit looks like coffee grounds, or their gums are very pale, this indicates bleeding somewhere in the body.
Both artists shared an interest in the female human body and one can imagine that Mapplethorpe might have looked at Bouguereau's renowned work «Birth of Venus» (1879) and considered how he depicted the pale white skin of a naked female torso.
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