Sentences with phrase «body mass gains»

Protein bars that contain creatine may lead to greater lean body mass gains.
The review results provide useful information for individuals who want to consume protein supplements for promoting body mass gain or improving body composition by means of reducing fat mass.
My only goals from here on out will be maintenance of body fat percentage and lean body mass gain.
Increasing the poundage you can move on this exercise will have a direct transfer to your bench pressing strength and power and it will provide you with unique upper body mass gains.
The old myth that the body can only digest so much protein in one sitting can trace its roots back to old studies that showed a negligible increase in net body mass gain in standardized patients when given more than x number of grams of protein per day (which was then broken down to x number of grams per meal).
Because the InBody Result Sheet provides a baseline of how many calories the client's body burns naturally per day, it is easy for coaches to give an exact number of the macronutrients that are required to fuel lean body mass gain while still losing fat mass.
HMB is a metabolite of the amino acid leucine and works by preventing protein breakdown and muscle loss and improving lean body mass gains and strength when combined with resistance training, especially in novice lifters.
You may need to «step it up a notch» to see further fat loss or lean body mass gains.
Bodybuilding workouts integrate into accessory programs post sport - specific power and strength work to increase muscle hypertrophy and lean body mass gain.
Over a period of 72 days, the individuals taking chromium experienced greater weight loss and lean body mass gain than those who were not.
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