Sentences with phrase «body mechanism called»

This involves an important brain - body mechanism called the hypothalamic - pituitary - adrenal (HPA) axis, which produces various hormones and regulates water and sodium.

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But in the following hours and days, the body's self - defense mechanisms backfire: White blood cells come in to clean up dead tissue, which causes massive inflammation, which in turn triggers healthy cells in the surrounding tissue to self - destruct in a process called apoptosis.
It's a feedback mechanism that's how just milk supply in general your body gets the message from baby to make milk and so, it's believed that this thing called the feedback inhibitor of lactation which controls milk supply has some kind of relationship tied in to emptying and filling a breast.
The National Executive Councils of the two bodies in a communiqué it jointly issued in Abuja also called for stakeholder engagement by the government to further discuss issues pertaining how to reinvest the gains from the price modulation mechanism.
The finding provides the first direct proof that microbes that leave the gut and travel to the rest of the body — a process called microbial translocation — is the mechanism that triggers these health complication in people with HIV.
Researchers used a technique called CRISPR / Cas9 - mediated genome editing, which can precisely remove a mutation in DNA, allowing the body's DNA repair mechanisms to replace it with a normal copy of the gene.
This type of mutual relationship, where two substances inhibit each other is called feedback control and is a common mechanism found in various processes, such as shaping of the body and the circadian clock.
One reason the bacterium has survived for so long is that it has developed a sophisticated mechanism for hiding in the body: it resides in white blood cells called macrophages, the very cells that would normally kill it.
This has developed into a new hypothesis called The «Old Friends Mechanism» which links the tendency to develop allergy to an individual's microbiome (collection of microorganisms living in and on an person's body).
To carry out the study, which is published as two articles in the journal «Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Letters», the researchers have analysed the effects of the so - called «Kozai mechanism», related to the gravitational perturbation that a large body exerts on the orbit of another much smaller and further away object.
When this protective mechanism turns against the body, it is called an autoimmune response.
«All the body's defense mechanisms, all of its inflammatory soldiers, get called into service to destroy the virus,» he says.
Only when the nervous system is relaxed in what Herbert Benson at Harvard called «the relaxation response» can the body's natural self - repair mechanisms do their job.
Cruise contends that frequent eating prevents the body's starvation protection mechanism (what he calls the SPM) from kicking in.
I suggest we call it the «self - healing effect» to remind ourselves that it's just a measurable phenomena related to the body's known self - repair mechanisms.
The brain and body respond to physical, biochemical and mental - emotional stressors through a mechanism called the Hypothalamic - Pituitary - Adrenal (HPA) axis.
Your body has a precise mechanism for maintaining this called the blood acid base and it doesn't shift much at all.
As the studies summarized above suggest, the mechanism of cancer cell death caused by selenium is its ability to increase extracellular glutathione, an antioxidant that plays a role so critical in eliminating toxins from the body, that Dr. Mark Hymann has called it «the mother of all antioxidants».
Using tools honed during my training in clinical psychology (MA, 2013), and yoga therapy (MS, 2015), I've constructed a new lens through which to view negative self concept, and therefore the mechanisms for healing: the root pathology, I propose, is grounded in what I call Disordered Body Awareness, or DBA.
Unfortunately, when you take a NSAID's, you prevent your body from manufacturing prostaglandins, which are natural substances are involved in mechanisms such as protecting your stomach lining, regulating blood pressure, and calling in inflammation to an area that has been injured (which can result in pain, redness, swelling and discomfort as that natural inflammatory process takes place).
Strength training improves fat loss not only by improving your resting metabolic rate (because slight increases in muscle mass will burn more calories than if that muscle were fat) and through a mechanism called excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC), which basically means that your body will continue to burn calories after your workout Though many distance runners may not be terribly concerned about fat loss specifically, they will nevertheless be heartened to know that any slight muscle mass gains from weight training will be balanced by a loss of fat, and fat certainly does not make ANYBODY faster.
Two body mechanisms that call on cortisol in a major way.
Published in the journal Cell Reports, this new research shows that this cell converting mechanism relies heavily on a major signaling pathway in the body involving a specific messenger called cGMP.
- Establishment of four new bodies: a mechanism on deforestation called REDD - plus for developing countries, a High - Level Panel to study implementation of financial provisions, the Copenhagen Green Climate Fund, and a Technology Mmechanism on deforestation called REDD - plus for developing countries, a High - Level Panel to study implementation of financial provisions, the Copenhagen Green Climate Fund, and a Technology MechanismMechanism.
It also contributes to what we called «Climate Change», for example, if the weather is cold then it becomes hot and then cold again and then hot again, the homeostasis mechanism of our body will not adapt normally and if that happens, there will be a stress inside our body that results to some illness.
Immunisation (also called vaccination or inoculation): Protection from a disease using the body's natural defence mechanism to build resistance to specific infections.
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