Sentences with phrase «body of literature which»

There is also a growing body of literature which suggests that the aggressive efforts by climate deniers have adversely affected the communication and direction of climate research (Brysse, Oreskes, O'Reilly, & Oppenheimer, 2013; Freudenburg & Muselli, 2010; Lewandowsky, Oreskes, Risbey, Newell, & Smithson, 2013), and allegations of defamation have led to the re-examination of one of the first author's papers to eliminate legal risks that is ongoing at the time of this writing (Lewandowsky, Cook, et al., 2013).
Articles in this special issue add to the valuable body of literature which will improve the outcomes of individuals with ASD embarking on post-secondary education in the years to come.
In course of time that body of literature which we know as the Pentateuch assumed its final shape, and apparently by the fourth century B.C. it was «canonized,» that is, it was accepted as of divine origin and authority.
Thus far I have taken a body of literature which has become recognized historically as sacred and therefore authoritative, for one reason or another, and discussed it.

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How to Fix the Future is a truly important book and the most significant work so far in an emerging body of literature — others of note are Tim Wu's The Attention Merchants and Zeynep Tufekci's Twitter and Tear Gas — in which technology's smartest thinkers are raising alarm bells about the state of the Internet, and laying groundwork for how to fix it.
«This is a nice study that adds to the body of literature trying to figure out exactly the conditions under which bilingualism improves cognitive function,» said Dr. Ellen Bialystok, a professor and bilingualism expert at York University in Toronto, who was not involved in this research.
There is a further condition brought out in the literature which can be expressed as «if the separation of the body and life can not be verified, or if there is doubt about the separation of the body and life, organ excision is morally prohibited and should not be allowed» [2].
Fourth, although there is a fixed canon in most religions, it is also true that there is often a body of supplementary literature which, while theoretically less sacred, does nevertheless constitute a highly important source of direction for faith and practice.
It is most lively and productive to think of one body of literature, the Bible, representing in any time and place the testimony of the narrative stretching from Abraham to the Apostles, which can be juxtaposed to any other age by its Psalms being sung again, its letters being read again, its stories and parables being retold.
It is probable that the impulse to the selection and definition of this particular body of literature was a part of the general impulse towards consolidation which we can trace in the history of the Church in the period after the apostolic age.
The following facts support this belief: the participation of the churches in the theological conversations of the ecumenical movement, which perforce have had to find their common starting point and common vocabulary in biblical literature and theology; the growing body of specifically biblical theology, produced by the very vitality of fragmentary and monographic studies.
Such a revolutionary shift of perspective, typical of the Deists, nurtured a fascinating body of subversive literature, which actually began even before the heyday of Deism.
Less common is the appreciation that Christ completes the movement of theological thought which is expressed in the body of Old Testament writing described as Wisdom Literature.
Currently, there is a growing body of literature describing breastfeeding interventions among minority groups, some of which have been featured in The CDC Guide to Breastfeeding Interventions (24).
Meanwhile, the report — which adds to the growing body of literature documenting the challenges that early - career researchers around the world are facing — also calls for measures to address the problems in academia.
«Current guidelines for weight loss surgery in adolescents: A review of the literaturewhich Mudd conducted with a colleague, highlights the significant variance in current guidelines, particularly when it comes to age, body mass index, and co-occurring health problems.
«We have animal literature, which shows direct links between exposure and adverse health outcomes, the limited human studies, and the fact that 90 to 100 percent of the population has measurable levels of these compounds in their bodies,» said John Meeker, an assistant professor of environmental health sciences at the University of Michigan School of Public Health and a lead author.
In this vein, Parker's study joins a growing body of literature (including some of his own previous work) that modifies the most streamlined models in which people smooth out consumption in anticipation of drops or increases in income — and instead accounts for the bumps and jolts in spending that the data reveals.
A growing body of literature documents age - related increases in white matter volume (Lenroot and Giedd, 2006), which may be related to increases in long - range functional connectivity from childhood through adolescence and into adulthood (Fair et al., 2008; Kelly et al., 2009).
The body which bestows the annual Nobel Prize in Literature has been hit by the withdrawal of a number of its members after a row over allegations of sexual abuse and harassment.
In fact, a good deal of the literature on fascia is written for the trade: massage therapists, personal trainers, body workers, Pilates instructors, yoga teachers, and other movement professionals, which is why reading up on it can feel overwhelming, foreign, and / or unapproachable to the average Josie.
It is much less than you have likely heard from the fitness literature, which tends to state that bodybuilders and athletes should get close to 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight.
Students of all levels enjoy her clarity - inducing, soul - sparking, body - awakening style, which blends Ashtanga, Iyengar, and Vinyasa yoga influences and derives inspiration from philosophy, religion, literature, sports, and more.
These include the complicated, incomplete and easily misinterpreted scientific literature on mercury; mercury's complex, nonlinear toxicity; the influence of genetics, epigenetics and micronutrient status in shaping mercury susceptibility; the ability of the body's natural defenses to mask toxicity, creating long latencies between exposures and symptoms; and mercury's varied and nonspecific symptoms, which may also be intermittent in the early stages.
But because of variations in method, sample, and context from study to study, the previous body of literature has not provided a decisive answer regarding which strategy, at scale, has the biggest impact per dollar.
They are perfect for aiding the progress of students learning poetry either in KS3 and KS4 in preparation for poetry / unseen poetry at GCSE, as the tasks draw on English Literature assessment objectives - suitable for all examining bodies - it is clearly highlighted within each task regarding which assessment strands the task is designed to demonstrate.
This 16 - page resource booklet contains a wide range of challenging and engaging comprehension activities for use throughout the reading of E.E. Cummings» poem «next to of course god america i.» They are perfect for aiding the progress of students learning poetry either in KS3 and KS4 in preparation for poetry / unseen poetry at GCSE, as the tasks draw on English Literature assessment objectives - suitable for all examining bodies - it is clearly highlighted within each task regarding which assessment strands the task is designed to demonstrate.
In a review of a book by Steven Brill — Class Warfare, which was deeply critical of the UFT — she wrote, «Brill is completely ignorant of a vast body of research literature about teaching.»
The dissertation proposals have mainly introductions which is a topic summary, a table of content, thesis statement, literature review, methodologies, main body or discussion and a conclusion.
His argument begins by noting the conundrum which pinions the educated reader: on the one hand, our universities inculcate in us the value of exhaustively knowing a formidable body of classic literature; on the other hand, to read exhaustively is so impossible that, as Bayard phrases it, «reading is first and foremost non-reading.»
The pair discuss Doig's iconic body of work and his intriguing biography, which took him from Edinburgh to Trinidad, Canada and London, considering how this along with his interests in literature and films have influenced him.
A new study has joined a growing body of literature suggesting the cold patch is evidence that a major ocean current system — which transports heat and influences climate and weather patterns around the world — may be slowing down.
An alternative approach is to review the immense body of literature from which the report is drawn.
There is a deep literature on the basic theory developed from first principles, models, experiments and observations (in many areas of physics, chemistry, geology, biology), and a large published body of empirical geophysical and biological evidence from real world systems, the majority of which is consistent with this underpinning science.
There have been great improvements made in medical care by implementing evidence based medicine, which encourages the regular consultation of the medical literature for best practices and the synthesis of large bodies of statistical information to provide the best information available.
The topic of conflicts of interest in international arbitration is therefore an increasingly important one, and a subject which has led to a large amount of academic literature, as well as numerous guidelines published by arbitration institutions and bodies such as the International Bar Association (IBA) and the Bar Council of England and Wales.
This study contributes to a growing body of literature that suggests that ST - g shows promise as an intervention which may stimulate avoidant coping patterns through experiential, cognitive and behavioral group processes, many of which appear to be unique to working in a group setting.
Planned Parenthood Federation of America applauds today's preliminary injunction issued by U.S. District Judge Laurie Smith Camp against Nebraska's recently enacted «The Women's Health Protection Act,» which requires physicians who may perform an abortion to discuss the entire body of research literature about possible health risks related to abortion with their patients who are seeking abortions, even though much of this information may be outdated, false or misleading.
There is a large body of evidence in the clinical literature demonstrating that childhood attachment - related trauma [27], [28], such as prolonged separation from parents or chronic conflict within the family (which were the most frequently reported events among the participants of our study), and lack of parental warmth [29] can increase the risk for aggressive behavior during adolescence and adulthood.
A large body of literature has established socio - economic gradients in adolescent health, but few studies have investigated the extent to which these gradients are associated with very poor health outcomes.
These perspectives, which have informed distinct bodies of research in positive mental health, are less obvious in the literature relating to poor mental health, where items measuring affect (feeling happy / sad) are often combined with items measuring psychological functioning (playing a useful part in things, making decisions)[4] in the same scales, suggesting that poor mental health at least is accepted as involving limitations in both eudaimonic and hedonic well - being [5 — 7].
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