Sentences with phrase «body of scientific evidence for»

Yucca does not have a large body of scientific evidence for mobility but is widely used to promote healthy joints.

Not exact matches

He called the arguments for a «strong natural disposition to believe in gods...» a «mounting body of scientific evidence
There is no evidence supporting the genesis creation account which is concordant with the entire body of scientific knowledge (whence the need for supernatural delivery, hibernation, etc).
A scientific theory is simply meant to provide an explanation for some body of natural phenomenon with the use of what we have found - gathered evidence, data, laws, hypothesis, facts in their explanation.
Funny how star gazing gives one awe and a sense of eternity and in my case it removes the hope of heaven... i.e. there is no heaven, just space with gazeous substance... a place where it is childish and absurd to think we are going when we die... Our solar system / galaxy seem empty of organic life altogether... actually inorganic seems to be the norm... so my faith struggle of the week is how can I possibly believe in after life... when reality shows me decomposition of all that we are, scientific observation does not allow room for a «spirit body» to rise and go in some nebulae... So why do I still need to believe despite this raw evidence... I drive me crazy sometimes...
Although a considerable body of scientific evidence substantiates the positive correlation between curcumin consumption and a reduction in the risk of cancer, the paucity of suitably designed human clinical trials that clearly demonstrate any direct effect of curcumin on cancer markers may prevent Health Canada from approving a cancer risk reduction claim for curcumin within the current regulatory framework.
«Based on the entire body of scientific evidence, and the findings of the [Food and Drug Administration] and numerous health authorities and researchers, consumers can continue to safely enjoy foods and beverages in the many forms of packaging provided, including those that contain BPA, without changing their purchasing or eating patterns,» Robert Brackett, chief science officer for the Grocery Manufacturers Association, said in a statement.
There isn't a good scientific body of evidence that someone could pick up their blood PFOA level and say «OK, well this means my risk for some health outcome is x, y or z,» and scientists can't provide that and this is one of the places where we'll have to say we don't know and there is uncertainty about that.»
This phenomenon is also seen for other emotive subjects such as climate change and vaccination, where some people reject the scientific consensus despite the large body of evidence supporting it.
Recent scandals have undermined the credibility of the international scientific body, yet the scientific evidence for climate change remains as strong as ever
A vast body of scientific evidence shows that phthalates break down within minutes and are quickly eliminated from the body,» Lisa Dry, a spokesperson for the American Chemistry Council, which represents manufacturers of phthalates, said in an emailed response.
In February, a group of neuroscientists who call themselves the Avian Bird Nomenclature Consortium publicized a whole new scientific lexicon to account for the growing body of evidence that birds are a lot smarter than some thought.
A large body of scientific evidence shows breast feeding offers unparalleled nutritional and immunological benefits for both mothers and children.
Having published more than 50 peer - reviewed scientific articles, Brody and the Institute are generating a body of evidence that supports a policy agenda for breast cancer prevention.
There is no scientific basis for investigating exposure of the growing baby when pregnant mothers use a mobile phone, as exposure to radiofrequency radiation from mobile phones is highly localised to the part of the head closest to the phone; there is no evidence to suggest that other parts of the body, such as the abdomen where the baby is growing, are affected by mobile phone use.
Not one of them has restored us to health, and that's because each one is underpinned by profit motives, rather than scientific evidence that manipulating macronutrients, or eating specifically for your blood type, or putting your body into some kind of unnatural state, is a positive or sustainable way to live.
Is this method beneficial for getting rid of toxins in your body, or is it just a hype without any scientific evidence?
Thousands of years before modern medicine provided scientific evidence for the mind - body connection, the sages of India developed Ayurveda, which continues to be one of the world's most sophisticated and powerful mind - body health systems.
It is irrelevant because we know that the body of scientific evidence tells us that the healthiest diet for people * today * is to eat a whole plant food diet with b12 supplement.
And there is scientific evidence that suggests there is some truth to this; the body uses a variety of metabolic and hormonal mechanisms — like slowing down metabolism when you cut your calorie intake, for instance — to maintain its weight when you try to slim down.
It said, in part, «A substantial body of scientific evidence identifies important developmental, familial, and social risk factors for violence.
It's no secret that pets make us happier and now a growing body of scientific evidence is revealing that pet ownership (or even just petting an animal for an extended period of time) has a significant impact on physical and mental health.
«The approval of a second BRAVECTO product builds on the strong foundation and body of scientific evidence that we have established with our chewable tablet for dogs, our oral flea and tick product,» said KJ Varma, senior vice president, research and development, Merck Animal Health.
As for appeal to authority, well the wide body of literature has authority (although individual papers may be badly flawed), so although it would be wrong to say that because it supports AGW then AGW must be true it is still perfectly legitimate to present it as indicative of our current level of scientific understanding of the subject and evidence that the skeptical view is, rightly or wrongly, a minority one.
That said, the safest route between two scientific points is not the mushy middle, «well, the critics raise some good points too, so I'll compromise by saying that the scientific body of evidence for global warming is probably exaggerated».
For those interested in perusing this growing body of scientific evidence all at once, a new page has been added to the NoTricksZone website.
The scientific evidence for human influence on current climate comes from a large body of independent lines of evidence of which paleoclimate data is but a small part.
The AGU said: «Mr. Michaels's op - ed reflects a political strategy to sway popular opinion on climate change without regard for facts or the enormous body of scientific evidence... The result damages the scientific community and is a disservice to the public.»
Unfortunately, or fortunately, this flies in the face of a large body of scientific evidence that suggests neither women nor men outgrow the need for belonging, comfort, acceptance, and support.
It said, in part, «A substantial body of scientific evidence identifies important developmental, familial, and social risk factors for violence.
«There is a growing awareness and body of scientific evidence that indoor, built environments can affect human health and well - being, with the perception often being that indoor environments have a negative impact on health,» says Dr. Brent Bauer, medical director of the Well Living Lab and professor of medicine for Mayo Clinic Complementary and Integrative Medicine Program.
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