Sentences with phrase «body of the book»

The main body of the book is divided into three parts.
However, the main body of the Book of Job does not try to explain suffering this way.
Is it okay if I just indent the Introduction, Conclusion, Epilogue, About Authors and NOT the main body of the book which are 9 Strategies for Transformational Caregiving?
There is also a small, but growing body of books and websites for professionals, parents and children including:
Having indicated both the close parallel between Gnostic and Christian existence and also the difference, I can explain why the account of this threshold crossing was omitted from the body of the book.
My explorations along this new path, leading, I hope, to insight into the structures of expression in local churches, form the body of this book.
I suggest that the note regarding physical and scientific objects in the second edition of the Enquiry be taken as a break on Whitehead's part with the position spelled out in the body of the book insofar as that position, because of its phenomenalistic orientation, rules out the possibility of the above - mentioned type of explanation.
The body of the book concerns «Grand patterns of evolution» and «Revising and extending Darwin».
Jocelyn Bell, discoverer of pulsars, is cited in a compilation of key events in the history of science but does not appear in the body of the book - which, however, does include the non-scientist Christiaan Barnard.
This is a good start; one plunges into the body of the book with spirits soaring, anticipating an intellectual cut - and - thrust.
Now that you have the body of your book formatted, select all and go into your paragraph dialog box.
Ebooks automatically open at the body of the book (unless you've given your designer specific instructions to set the opening page in a certain place).
Pages with numbers are in the body of the book.
Hazel wanted Against Borders to be all about the books, not her own life; I believed that the story of Hazel living as a privileged white person in the despicable apartheid era and rebelling against that privilege, as well as the journey she took, physically and intellectually, to put the legacy of apartheid behind her, could serve as a real - life bridge to all the fictional immigrant journeys she would celebrate in the body of the book.
No matter how skillful the body of a book, its overall success is tied up in the way it lands.
From there we follow one perky pup into the body of the book, where he turns and eagerly solicits the reader, «Will you...
Chapter headings should be 20 to 36 pt, and may or may not be the same font as the body of the book.
The Nook looked pretty good, ipad had some odd alignment issues on opening pages but the body of the book looked good.
We will also recommend several fonts for the body of your book, or tell us what you have in mind!
Diving into the Main Body of the book: when to use Sections or Part pages — and then on to Back Matter: Afterword, Appendices, Suggested Reading, Acknowledgments, About the Author, How to Work / Connect with the Author and Index.
Trying to pad your books will not help you earn more money; front and back material aren't included in the page count, and adding unnecessary filler to the body of your book will probably make readers abandon it altogether.
The story itself is considered the «body of the book
After deciding on the size of your book, the next big design decision is picking a type font for the body of your book.
Color printing is expensive; you'll want a color cover, but the body of the book should be in black and white.
Adding chapter endnotes is an effective way to properly cite your work; they are used to cite, reference or expand upon items in the main body of your book's text.
Our standard fonts are Adobe Garamond Pro 11 for the body of the book, and Myriad Pro for all the headings and headers / footers.
At 195 pages in the body of the book, Expectations Investing is not a long book for what it covers.
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