Sentences with phrase «body of the church»

But they have not succeeded in taking the main body of the churches with them.
This is also why in Christian tradition the community, the actual concrete body of the church, has been regarded as fundamental to the Christian life, even to salvation itself.
Although we know that the broken body of the church is real, we also come together in hope for its healing.
«In light of this revisionist agenda and the heretical teaching that comes with it, I am no longer willing to sit around the table, pretending that we, as a governing body of the Church of England, are having legitimate conversations about mission».
Again morals aren't derived from the «opinion» of any member of the mystical body of the church except for its head, God.
For converter academies, the governing body of a church school can only make an application for an academy order if they have the consent of the trustees of the school and the person (s) by whom the foundation governors are appointed.
The apostolate is the heart and soul of the corporate body of the church.
This growing awareness leads us towards God along the path he has provided, namely the teaching of the incarnate Christ, our membership of themystical body of his Church, and our gradual incorporation into his Kingdom.
Never before had the central bodies of the Church published a document of this type.
Once joined, the noncongregational bodies of the church often gently pressure members into uniform patterns of behavior or attitudes.
Brown observes that the main body of the church was made up of «middling persons» who were not wealthy but who made modest but steady contributions to the church's support of the poor.
For the accommodationist, the body of Israel (or the body of the Church) extends, in a descending sense to be sure, beyond the range of its literal adherents.
«The fact that antisemitism has infected the body of the Church is something of which we as Christians must be deeply repentant.
Should these women not want to live by the teachings of the Church or in some way think that there is a fairness and democratic vote, I would suggest they review their dissernment and rejoin the body of the Church or perhaps to continue their valuable work without accepting the mantle of and affiliation with Catholics.
In addition to getting to know everyone in the church, with the support of the pastor I devised what I think of as an intentional plan to incorporate new people into the body of the church.
So if Christ, the head of the church, has ultimate power, so does the body of church.
Christ is the head of the church, and we are the body of the church.
This linkage also applies both within the body of the church and within the body politic.
Our responsibility to take care of the poor is a personal one and a corporate one in the sense of the body of the Church — not a national one in the sense of putting a gun to the heads of our neighbors and with it, forcing them to do as we think is right.
We submit ourselves to Christ of our own free will and participate in the body of the Church of our own free will.
These constituted the main body of the church.
The Eastern Orthodox are prepared to include in the body of the Church in this extended sense the whole cosmos, even the natural order, quite as much as human existence on this planet.
At the end of my Sunday Mass I came into the body of the church to make my thanksgiving, and as I knelt in the pew I noticed that the pulpit from which I had preached had on its front a banner with the inscription «God is other people.»
I still love the body of church but I have serious doubts about authority in the american church: -LRB-
And then within the body of the church, we want to look around and ask ourselves, «Are we OK with status quo?
From the body of the church, nothing strange would have been noticed — the celebrant with his back to the congregation had to move about from time to time in any case.
Judeo Christianity that remained faithful to Jewish rituals did survive for a long time among small groups, but very soon it became marginal to the main body of the church.
The church itself was restored, but the choir was separated by a wall from the body of the church and left in ruins until ten years ago.
We can not decide who ought to be members of the church, nor whether the excommunicated have been justly or unjustly, regularly or irregularly cut off from the body of the church
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