Sentences with phrase «body processes become»

Without it, body processes become sluggish and inefficient.

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We must understand this whole movement as an atoning process, a forward - moving process wherein a vacuous and nameless power of evil becomes increasingly manifest as the dead body of God or Satan; but it is precisely this epiphany of God as Satan which numbs the power of evil, and unveils every alien and oppressive other as a backward - moving regression into the now lifeless and hence ultimately powerless emptiness of the primordial sacrality of God.
Gravity from space (Einstein's relativity) operates on mass through space and matter interaction is a natural process like centrifugal force which made its appearance when a body is morning in circle Jean mass is the amount of matter that must be present before gravity becomes effective or felt, once this minimum amount of matter is reached or exceeded, gravity with mass interact with space - time to bring geodesics and gravity begin to control other bodies and then orbit around each other, another aspect of the twin effect of gravity and mass is the necessity to account for energy required to sustain gravitating mass and where does this energy originating from Einstein's field equation says from space but never refer to the origin of gravitation.
In making the word to become flesh the interpreter makes herself or himself into the word, takes the word as poem into her or his body, continues the creation process begun by the poet (Bozarth - Campbell, 52).
Gingerly, I approach this problem of the subjective immortality of the «resurrected» into an everlasting God by envisioning God's continuous process of becoming as comprehending the regions defined by all of the processes of becoming that are God's creatures, even as the spacio - temporal regions coordinated by and responsive to the «presiding occasions» of our bodies include the regions defined by our various bodily occasions.
It would also amount to the beginning of the story of the life of the Spirit in the group as a group in process of becoming the body of Christ.
The Christian contribution in this context should be in relation to the struggle of India to develop, through dialogue among the many religions, cultures and philosophies, a body of common insights about being and becoming human, that is, a common framework of humanism which will humanize the spirit of modernity and the process of modernization.
Once, within intensive, factory farming, the animal's embodied sentience becomes an obstacle, then the animal's body has been excluded from the farming process.
It's one of those phrases which has become so populist that it is often overlooked: «YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT» good genes and good looks will only last so long if you fill your body with processed foods and sugar.
In 1996 Bioagricoop became the first Body accredited by Ifoam for the Certification and Control of vegetal, animal and processed organic products.
More and more people are becoming interested in preparing and eating their food raw because they've heard that processed and chemically sprayed foods do not offer the best nutrition for the body.
Since fructose needs to be processed by the liver, it can become quite a burden for the body.
During this sprouting process they become more alkaline, more nutrient available, and easier to digest due the removal of that enzyme - inhibiting substance in their skin called phytic acid, and our body is able to reap the full benefits from these heart healthy, body loving nutrients.
Many times, when you begin the weaning process, your breasts may become engorged with milk as your body adjusts to your child's development and makes changes to reduce the amount of milk production over time.
Read your baby's body language so that learning to sleep becomes a stress - free process for parent and child;
That is the only way to ensure his body will ready itself for sleep, and that the nap or bedtime will become a natural process.
Some mothers find that their baby becomes unhappy, jittery, colicky and / or sleeps poorly if she consumes too much caffeine.5 Too much caffeine is different for every mother and depends on various things such as how well a mother's body processes caffeine.
You've also recognized that mothers and their partners need a good education and foundation about their bodies and the process of birth and becoming a parent.
Besides, the polyester fill is processed to become Down - alternative (a typical filling materials which gives soft and luxurious feeling), and so the pillow will offer more breathability and quickly release the body heat and moisture vapor to the surface to ensure a more comfortable night's sleep.
We tend to view the mind as an aloof, disembodied entity but it is becoming increasingly clear that the whole body is involved in the thinking process.
He explains that during the process of dehydration, the blood plasma (the liquid part of blood) becomes depleted of water, forcing the heart to push the blood cells through the body without enough fluid.
One of the genes that MM41 blocks — the BCL - 2 gene — is involved in regulating apoptosis, the body's natural process which forces cells to die if they become too damaged or unhealthy to be repaired.
The EMT is a biological process wherein epithelial cells (cells that line the cavities and surfaces of blood vessels and organs) become mesenchymal (skeletal) stem cells that can move throughout the body and differentiate into a variety of cell types.
With theSharpie, he marks her underside, or plastron, with body temperature, time, and location, tosses her into a camouflage - colored bag, andstrides quickly back to his turtle - processing shed, a former militaryradar outpost that has become the border patrol for wandering reptiles.
The research coming under fire reported the discovery of a potentially revolutionary process called stimulus - triggered acquisition of pluripotency (STAP), in which exposing adult cells to a stress such as acid or pressure prompts them to behave like cells in early embryos, which can become any cell type in the body.
As processed foods become more common elements of our diet, there has been a significant increase in concentrations of these particles found in the human body.
For large team - based interdisciplinary grants that include several PIs — which many funding bodies are becoming increasingly interested in — they act as project managers, guiding the team through the application process and making sure everything and everyone is on track.
One way they do this is by transporting the virus to the body's immune cells, without themselves becoming infected, through a process called trans - infection.
The process through which a person's body becomes sensitive to a given allergen is known as sensitisation.
People develop type 2 diabetes over time as their bodies become more and more resistant to the hormone insulin, which is necessary to process the glucose in blood that provides energy for cells, explains Dr. Patti, who is also an Assistant Professor at Harvard Medical School.
eutrophication The process by which a body of water becomes full of nutrients, which then stimulates the excessive growth of plants and algae.
The more numerous faint stars are still in the process of collapsing under their own gravity, but have become hot enough in their centers to be self luminous bodies.
Meanwhile, protoplanets that have avoided collisions may become natural satellites of planets through a process of gravitational capture, or remain in belts of other objects to become either dwarf planets or small solar system bodies.
As you repeat the same exercises, your body becomes familiar with the process and plateaus because it's not being challenged.
This often occurs when your body becomes accustomed to a workout and slows down the weight loss process.
With time, the process becomes more efficient, but also the richer the detail becomes of your body's map held in your brain.
The appropriate remedies are going to help reduce the toxic load on the organ in need — sometimes our bodies are processing so many toxins from our environment, body care products and the food we eat, that our organs become overwhelmed with the elimination process.
As you may already know, diabetes is the condition where your body's response to insulin is weakened until your body eventually stops producing the insulin necessary to regulate blood sugar, and your body's ability to regulate (or process) blood sugar into energy becomes essentially broken.
As your cells become more sensitized to insulin, the blood sugar regulating hormone, the body starts processing food more efficiently, thus having a lesser risk of storing fat even when eating more calories during the non-fasting periods.
The body actually vitally needs fats for hundreds of processes throughout the body, so when caloric restriction became fat restriction, health problems followed.
Lam's Key QuestionsHow does fermented milk thistle help with liver clearance?When a herb is fermented, the process helps to make the herb become more bioavailable for the body.
The body is constantly trying to heal itself from ailments and, when these processes become blocked for one reason or another, disease symptoms begin to manifest.
Since diabetes entails that there are problems in your body's ability to process carbohydrates — which later turn out to become blood sugar — food items that are high in carbohydrates practically equate to a rise in blood sugar levels.
But even this seemingly more advanced process become simple and intuitive after a period of time, and the end goal should still be to learn to listen to your body.
One of the most important adaptations that the body goes through in the process of becoming more aerobically fit is known as «aerobic coupling.»
Mitochondrial dysfunction — As the body becomes increasingly exposed to oxidative stress mitochondrial dysfunction increases and this speeds up the aging process.
The body continuously detoxifies itself naturally, but when this mechanism is overloaded, the process becomes less efficient and symptoms like allergies, PMS, indigestion, headaches or skin problems may occur.
Carbohydrate intolerance (CI) is an impairment of the metabolism resulting from excessive consumption of refined carbohydrate foods, including sugar and other junk foods, causing the body to become unable to properly process carbohydrates.
A similar process is used to target protein - containing muscles as being unfit for consumption, helping the body adjust to your demands and become thin and lean in constitution.
Because a lot of times these oils and fats may start off as a good source and down the road, as they go through their growth or their processing they become actually more damaging than good for the body.
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