Sentences with phrase «body produce»

One of the reasons that breast milk is so crucial for premature infants is that a mother's body produces milk specifically designed to provide what her baby needs.
The fact that we can nourish and grow beautiful, healthy babies from milk our own bodies produce naturally is pretty much the coolest thing ever.
It will only help lower blood sugar in people who's bodies produce insulin naturally.
It occurs when your dog's body produces antibodies, which normally fight infection, but instead attack the thyroid.
Different organs of the human body produce different resonance frequencies.
Is it as natural as the milk that my own body produces for my baby?
Because one's body produces melatonin during the dark time of the day.
Although a healthy body produces enough of this antioxidant, but a deficiency may lead to weakened immune functions, impaired brain functions and reduced muscle mass.
Women's bodies produces estrogen in their fat cells, especially after menopause.
However, the male body produces it in larger volumes and it contributes greatly to the growth and development of strength and muscular power.
Our feminine bodies produce different hormones each week of our cycle, and because of this there are significant changes that happen on an almost weekly basis.
During pregnancy, a woman's body produces about 50 % more fluids.
These bacteria both produce hormones themselves and are affected by the hormones that our own bodies produce as well.
The balance of size and weight coupled with that sleek metal body produces a phone that just sinks into your palm.
Unlike type 1 diabetes, in type 2 diabetes human body produces some of the insulin but not completely.
Male and female mice differ not only in living arrangements but in exposure to sex hormones such as testosterone and estrogen that their own bodies produce.
When your child's body produces too much heat (e.g., running vigorously) or is unable to cool down when exposed to intensive heat (e.g., sitting in a hot car with the windows rolled up), it struggles to maintain a normal internal body temperature.
Firstly, the don't test for beta - hydroxybutyrate, which is the main ketone body utilized by the brain, but acetoacetate, another ketone body produced in the liver.
Isoleucine is another BCAA that specifically helps your gorgeous body produce energy and haemoglobin.
On the other hand, bioidentical hormones, because they are molecularly identical to body produced hormones, are accepted by the body as if they were its own.
The human body produces vitamin D when exposed to the sun's rays, and research suggests that people who are deficient in the vitamin are more likely to be depressed, anxious, and tired.
During the lactation state, woman's body produces high levels of prolactin hormone (milk hormone) that restraints other ovulation - triggering hormones; therefore the more often your baby nurses, the longer it may take for you to become fertile once again.
One of the main reasons for this is whey protein's ability to help the human body produce glutathione.
The ketone bodies produced on a ketogenic diet might effectively make up for a genetic predisposition to migraines, taking over the job of glutamate regulation.
Keratinization disorder, also known as primary seborrhea, occurs when the dog's body produces excess keratin and sebum.
In contrast, fat - derived ketone bodies produce only NADH, which increases the redox span of the coenzyme Q couple and reduces production of ROS.
Studies have shown that when strength training, the ectomorph body produces low levels of myogenin (a member of a large family of proteins related by sequence homology, the helix - loop - helix (HLH) proteins.
Acromegaly occurs when the adult body produces growth hormone in excess.
It is secreted by the corpus luteum, a temporary endocrine gland that the female body produces after ovulation during the second half of the menstrual cycle.
Like, how can such a tiny little body produce so much poop, that it leaks out of a diaper and gets all over a baby's back and clothes and hair and legs?!
She also explains the conditions we need to optimize the flow of the «ecstatic hormones» that every woman's body produces during a natural labour and birth, and that continue to support her during early mothering.
In what sense do bodies produce language, how are they themselves grasped and defined by it, and what spaces for action are opened up by this understanding?
humans have landed on an asteroid to mine valuable minerals from it, however as they burrow into the ground, the sentient rock produces its own auto - immune response, much in the same way that the human body produces white - blood cells in response to an infection.
In an attempt to stabilize the joint to decrease the pain, the animal's body produces new bone at the edges of the joint surface, joint capsule, ligament and muscle attachments (bone spurs).
Once larvae feed, the fat body produces a number of signaling peptides, including growth factors and cytokines.
The preggo body produces lots of heat while making a baby.
Cholesterol binds to liver produced proteins for bloodstream transport to cells and tissues throughout the body
The main difference is that males» bodies produce around 10 times more testosterone than women and vice versa.
The human body produces ATP, the universal energy molecule, by combining protein, fat and sugar (along with B vitamins).
The female body produces estrogen naturally throughout life until premenopausal occurs, at which time estrogen productions decreases.
Here is a sad fact from the Atlanta Humane Society, one which is mirrored at most other shelters in large cities: «20 tons of dead animal bodies produced in one year in the Atlanta Area alone.»
The human body produces several types of enzymes for making thrombus, but only one main enzyme for breaking it down and dissolving it - plasmin.
UCLA researchers have discovered a subset of people with hypertriglyceridemia whose bodies produce autoantibodies — immune - response molecules that attack their own proteins — causing high levels of triglycerides in the blood.
Among the most common hormone disorders in women of reproductive age, PCOS occurs when a women's body produces slightly higher amounts of testosterone and other androgen hormones — sex hormones typically associated with men, but also found in women — than normal.
Glomus cells in the carotid bodies produce the enzymes heme oxygenase 2 (HO - 2), which generates carbon monoxide (CO) when oxygen levels are appropriate, and CSE, which generates hydrogen sulfide (H2S) when oxygen levels dip.
When asteroids or comets strike Venus, their effect is very different from the one such bodies produce on the Earth, Moon and Mars, says a planetary scientist in the US.
«Yes, the IPCC — which we're told to take seriously because it is a scientific body producing scientific reports — has, in fact, been led by an environmentalist on a mission.
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