Sentences with phrase «body than the disease»

Most of the diseases our country vaccinates against were declining or eradicated before vaccines came out, and the toxins in vaccines are worse to a baby's body than the disease itself.

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I presume they are more mindful of modesty than of salvation, like those who contract a disease in the more shameful parts of the body and shun making themselves known to the physicians; and thus they perish along with their own bashfulness» (Repentance 10:1 [A.D. 203]-RRB-.
Even without being free of physical disease, we are offered God's transformative gift of love that can mean more than healthy bodies.
Americans generally eat way more meat than what their bodies can handle, and I'm quite sure that this is one of the major contributing factors to heart disease, cancer, and other diseases so prevalent in our society.
Well, the truth is, the cow industry is inhumane, (the overcrowded transportation conditions alone lead to to great suffering, severe cruelty and broken limbs), unhealthy (cows are pumped full of hormones, adrenalin from the fear from when they know they will be killed and anti-biotics — because the unhealthy conditions they live in promote infection and disease) and inefficient (cows must be fed 3 times the edible human grain than their bodies produce in meat).
Through nutrition, yoga and meditation, it focuses on treating the individual as a whole rather than a specific issue or disease, so that you can achieve balance and good health, not only in your physical body, but also in your mind and spirit.
But I guess if you have Celiac disease and your body attacks itself when you eat anything with gluten in it, you deserve more than one month.
Unriped mangoes have more Antioxidants and Vitamin C than riped mangoes.These antioxidant properties protects the body against cancer and cardiovascular diseases.
Interestingly, the soluble fiber in oats attaches to cholesterol molecules and transports them out of the body rather than being absorbed into the bloodstream, which can help lower cholesterol and reduce the risk of heart disease.
However, more than 80 % of pregnant women are still deficient in Vitamin D, which benefits the body in many ways including disease prevention and proper growth.
A young man allowed her to sleep at his place and she believed it would better to offer her body — risking pregnancy and disease and perhaps self - esteem — rather than display bad manners (or, for that matter, sleep on a beer - soggy couch)?
This research is still in its infancy so there are no definite conclusions, but it seems that in some cases these cells are helping the woman's body get stronger than it ever was and protecting her against certain diseases.
As a baby's body and skin has a weaker immunity system than adults, there can be severe impacts of diseases on them.
A new study indicates that bisphenol A (BPA), a chemical used in plastic bottles and can linings that has been linked to heart disease, diabetes and liver failure, may linger in the body far longer than previously believed.
The agreement «doesn't go as far as I had hoped but it certainly goes further than I had expected, the reason being this is the U.N.. It's not a body that typically deals with health issues,» says Ramanan Laxminarayan, director of the Washington, D.C. — based Center for Disease Dynamics Economics & Policy.
Anniston residents with diabetes had much higher PCBs levels in their bodies — on average 27 percent more — than those who did not have the disease, according to the study, which was published in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives in May.
The only FDA approved Lyme disease tests, based on technology developed more than two decades ago, rely on detecting antibodies that the body's immune system makes in response to the disease.
Although the idea of immunotherapy — activating or boosting the body's natural defenses to fight diseases better — has been around for decades, the molecular keys to unleash the immune system without doing more damage than good have long remained mysterious.
The JDF Center for Islet Cell Transplantation will fund 32 researchers to focus on four main goals: Reversing the overactive immune response that kills islet cells; finding new sources for islet cell transplants, such as pigs or genetically engineered cells; persuading the body to accept the transplanted cells without immunosuppressive drugs that often trigger worse side effects than the disease; and overcoming the technical difficulties of transplantation.
Membrane proteins make up about one third of all proteins in the human body, and their malfunction is associated with more than 500 diseases.
Roughly 15 % of people suffer relentless, long - term itch, often caused by diseases and medications; terminally ill cancer patients, for example, often experience such severe whole - body itch in response to morphine that many choose to live in pain rather than take the medication.
[Andrea K. Chomistek et al, Healthy Lifestyle in the Primordial Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease Among Young Women] The six anti-heart attack behaviors are: not smoking; exercising for at least 2.5 hours each week: watching TV for fewer than 7 hours a week; consuming a diet rich in veggies, legumes and whole grains but low in red meat, refined grains and sugar; consuming no more than one alcoholic drink daily; and having a Body Mass Index in the normal range.
«Urinary 8 - oxoGsn may reflect the real condition of our bodies better than our chronological age, and may help us to predict the risk of age - related diseases,» concludes Cai.
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have estimated that more than 96 percent of Americans have BPA in their bodies.
Rather than approach the disease based on what region of the body it stemmed from, scientists began to identify cancers in terms of their genetic signatures.
«Many mitochondrial diseases affect more than one system in the human body,» said Kateryna Makova, professor of biology and one of the study's primary investigators.
However, in the bodies of those with Menkes disease, copper begins to accumulate at abnormally low levels in the liver and brain and at higher than normal levels in the kidney and intestinal lining.»
The research team's new process is the first major step toward helping more than 4 million people in the U.S. with a degenerative autoimmune disease called Sjögren's syndrome, in which the body attacks its own tear ducts and salivary glands.
The study, which published today in the Journal of Investigative Dermatology, is the first to link psoriasis severity to an increased risk of death using an objective measure of disease severity — called Body Surface Area (BSA)-- rather than treatment patterns, such as whether or not a patient was receiving oral, injectable or phototherapy treatment for the condition.
Public Health England (PHE), a governmental body the equivalent of our Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), recently released an evidence review claiming that e-cigarettes are 95 percent less harmful to health than combustible cigarettes.
Rather than the body's immune system destroying its own tissue by mistake, researchers at the University of Bristol have discovered how cells convert from being aggressive to actually protecting against disease.
The body converts unused calories from meals into triglycerides, which can cause heart disease and stroke, and some people amass far more triglycerides than other people do.
The panel concluded, among other things, that yoghurt and cheese have a different and more beneficial effect on bone health, body weight, the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, than would be expected on the basis of their saturated fat and calcium content.
When it comes to the risk of developing diabetes and cardiovascular diseases, it seems more important where in the body the fat is stored than how much fat the body has.
«In this study, we have a narrow focus on diabetes only,» wrote Tolstrup, «but since alcohol is related to more than 50 different diseases and conditions — reflecting that alcohol affects virtually every organ system of the body — any recommendations about how to drink and how much to drink should not be inferred from this study or any study investigating associations between alcohol and a single outcome.»
Funding organizations (i.e., funding bodies, groups of funders (for small funders), companies) investing more than 10 million USD over 5 years in rare disease research
In the end, a person who avoids fatal diseases is likely to grow old and have a body that seems younger than it is, even at age 100.
Researchers have proposed a radical change in the way Alzheimer's disease is defined, focusing on biological changes in the body, rather than clinical symptoms such as memory loss and cognitive decline.
What followed is an illuminating tale of how one woman's intersection with experimental research helped open a new frontier in cancer treatment — with approval of a drug that, for the first time, capitalizes on a genetic feature in a tumor rather than on the disease's location in the body.
Abstract: Molecular machines, much smaller than single cells, may one day be able to deliver drugs to kill cancer cells or patrol your body for signs of disease.
Patients with metastatic melanoma, or melanoma that has spread to other parts of the body, often have a poor prognosis, and while some forms of immunotherapy — treatments that boost the body's immune system to fight disease — are promising, response rates are less than 35 percent.
Female offspring, whose mothers had diabetes, were more often affected by MetS, higher glucose levels, and body fat content, rather than female offspring of fathers with diabetes, or no parent diseased at all.
Different strains attack the body in different ways, meaning that discoveries about the parasite often end up being strain - specific, rather than to the disease in general.
However, heavy smokers tend to have more adverse cardiovascular risk factors than light smokers (such as higher body mass index and central adiposity and poorer diet).858687 Therefore, light smokers should have characteristics that are more protective against cardiovascular disease, compared with heavier smokers.
For more than a century, researchers have believed that the body's immune system held vast potential to fight cancer, if only they could figure out how to turn it against the disease.
A low body mass index (less than 20) in middle - aged and older adults is associated with a substantial increase in non-cardiovascular disease mortality.
Using a mouse model for this disease, which in humans involves the destruction of white matter in the brain, a research team led by Albee Messing, director of the UW — Madison Waisman Center, found that a protein behind the symptoms of the disease, called GFAP, is broken down more rapidly in the body than researchers previously found in cell culture studies.
If you are sensitive to gluten (approximately 6 percent of the population is) or if you have the autoimmune disorder celiac disease (it is suspected that there are more people with undiagnosed celiac disease than diagnosed), even small amounts of gluten can set off an inflammatory response in your body.
He understands and treats the body as one integrated system rather than a collection of independent organs, in order to identify and address the root causes of disease.
This type of eating plan has shown promise in animal studies; mice who are fed time - restricted diets tend to lose more body fat and have lower risk of chronic diseases than those whose meals are more spaced out.
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