Sentences with phrase «body things»

Well, most of them have to do with this whole changing body thing.
Geeky and cool at the same time; they kind of match my 80 year old woman trapped in a 20 - somethings body thing I have going on.
I think that same mind over body thing that can sometimes derail a good run will also bring you right back around.
It was a dream, there was this weird body thing that happened, and it just freaked people out.
I'm with you on the whole body thing, my lower back has gone too, I get out of bed in the morning and walk like my mother, I have no stamina, everything is sagging, dragging and wrinkling and I lie in bed at night with various parts of my body aching and feeling like I'm 100 not 44.
And your human flourishing is contingent upon being a soul - bodied thing
It really gets to me but this post has helped me see that life isn't about what foods you tell yourself your don't or shouldn't eat but it's about giving your body the things it needs, whether that's a protein boost and a steak or a green smoothie to wake you up in the morning.
Your giving your body things that you would most likely not eat on its own, especially in its raw state (not cooked, doused with dressing, etc.).
I think it's totally admirable how you stick to your fodmaps thing and are so determined to help yourself and your body
You'll be doing yourself a favor by giving the body things it needs, rather than bombarding it with substances that were created in a laboratory.
«The only time we see a spike in extinction rates and this huge size bias, where large - bodied things are disproportionately at risk, was where hominids are involved,» she said.
With an effective training program and a proper diet, you will lose fat all over the entire body, although with different intensity for different body parts, which depends mostly upon your genetics, but all in all, weight loss is a whole - body thing.
Once you get into mechanisms within the body things can get complicated fast.
First things first, cut down on your carbs and see the difference that it makes to your body
And second, give your body the things that help the mitochondria function optimally.
It's been done, this whole alien taking over a human's body thing in movies.
The body to body thing is super comforting.
And therein lies the transference: the thing becomes a body, the body a thing.
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