Sentences with phrase «bold declaration»

A "bold declaration" is a strong and confident statement made by someone, usually about their beliefs, intentions, or desires. Full definition
Another far bolder declaration of November 20, 1954, by the Administrative Board of the Catholic Welfare Conference implies that the godly righteous who have renounced atheistic materialism will be able «to withstand the enemy from without.»
Makes bold declarations, but then dances like Richard Gere in Chicago when the hard questions are asked.
My scientific colleagues in Oxford and London are puzzled by Hawking's bold declarations about God, mainly because they are such speculative interpretations of what is already a very speculative theory.
As per usual the internet exploded with people pre-judging the game's multiplayer without actually knowing anything about it, with bold declarations that it would ruin singleplayer flying around like seagull poop on a picnic at the beach.
When a budget game claims to be «inspired» by other surprisingly successful, side - scroller retro style indy titles... that's a very bold declaration.
Mr. Mahama is recognized as the first member of the Assemblies of God Church worldwide to rise to the highest office of President, and according to the Church, he did not only fulfill his duties of leadership with high integrity and deep humility, but also a «bold declaration of his faith in our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.»
Making a bold declaration about what went wrong and the mistakes you've made can work wonders, especially if you follow up the apology with decisive action.
Statistically and economically, that isn't a good enough sample off which to make any bolder a declaration than «LegalZoom customers agree...»
Less than a year after making public his concept for a «Hyperloop» high - speed transportation system — essentially saying, «have at it, developers» — the erstwhile PayPal co-founder, current CEO of Tesla Motors and SpaceX, and general poster boy for successful geeky entrepreneurs has made another bold declaration of his laissez - faire attitude toward intellectual property.
In Matthew, Peter makes a bold declaration of Jesus» identity: «You are the Christ, the Son of the living God» (Matthew 16:16).
i was pointing out the people who made the big pronouncements that they were going to stick it out for the long... those who came into my study just to make this bold declaration... like how Peter did.
I noticed them lining the walls of EVERY beauty store in Tokyo, mockingly picked up a pair to test out, and politely proceeded to put my foot in my mouth (and keep the socks on my feet)-- making the bold declaration that I will never travel without compression socks again.
Yesterday's «Hashtags ain't winnin» no elections on MY watch» article stirred up the expected reaction on Twitter, with Alan Rosenblatt among others making cogent points to counter my bold declaration.
Science weighs in: Bold declarations that our ancestors exclusively consumed meat turn out to be untrue.
Maybe that's a bit of a bold declaration, but this is the second flamingo print dress I've picked up in a matter of weeks (see my off - the - shoulder version here).
That he has no agent, no publisher and has barely started the book does not disqualify him from making this bold declaration.
That bold declaration not only represents a strong young woman but is also a gift for fans of the actress who plays her, Jessica Williams, the former «Daily Show» correspondent and current co-host of the «2 Dope Queens» podcast.
However, even after this bold declaration, Fox played coy with the role Natham Summers, aka Cable, would play in the sequel.
She arranges for a series of simple yet bold declarations to be displayed on each, which take Ebbing's police force to task for not having apprehended the killer.
But it's the soaring central love story that makes the film sing: this is an old - school romance, all lingering glances and bold declarations, petticoats, pouting and heaving machismo.
He declares the flick to be «masterful,» one that has «vaulted itself» to a place among the «year's best films» (a bold declaration when the major movie months of the year are just now beginning).
It is not just a description of the status quo, but rather a bold declaration of what the organization will be.
«In every detail you will recognise our bold declaration of intent to grow Kia's market share in this [the «D' or midsize] segment.
«#amwriting» isn't a bold declaration of successful authorship; it's an acceptance that the journey is rough, the sea is choppy, the future uncertain.
* They have made a bold declaration that they have made the game to reach the maximum potential of the systems it is running on.
That was until months / years later, one by one, those bold declarations meant little as they invariably swapped business models and made «new» decisions for their businesses.
The programme to mark the 50th anniversary of MCA Chicago makes a bold declaration that art has the power to change our perceptions of the world.
The title of her exhibition is borrowed from a phrase that Emin painted on the back of one of her drawing pads in striking blue and green capital letters — a bold declaration of the pain of love and longing, a theme that underpins the entire show.
The programme to mark the 50th anniversary of Chicago's Museum of Contemporary Art makes a bold declaration that art and culture have the power to change our perceptions of the world.
«There was «The Death of Environmentalism» with its bold declarations: Environmentalism had defined itself as a special interest, its message was too negative, and it presented narrow technical solutions instead of an inspiring vision tied to values voters hold dear.
Using action - oriented language and short descriptive phrases, these sections make a bold declaration without needing bold design elements by relying on the content to speak for itself and stand on the strength of its own writing.
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