Sentences with phrase «bold education reforms»

What other state school chief in the history of the country has had the opportunity to serve with a governor in his second term who has an approval rating of almost 70 percent who made education reform a priority and said, «Go forth, craft, execute, and implement the most bold education reform agenda in the United States?»
«Mike Pence has been leader in advancing bold education reform, including supporting all educational options for children, both in Congress and as Governor of Indiana,» said Betsy DeVos, chairman of the American Federation for Children.
Foundation for Florida's Future gave both Republican lawmakers an «A +» this year and included both on their «honor roll,» which the group says, «recognizes the legislative leaders who championed bold education reforms that keep the promise of a quality education for each and every student.»
Again and again, Friedman hints at the need for bold education reform as he makes his case for greater competition in the marketplace, fewer labor restrictions, and lower barriers to trade.
Florida state politicians and a few who seek to make Bold Education Reform their national platform to have spent a great deal of time talking about «achievement gaps, accountability, learning gains and the need to dismantle public education.
Foundation for Florida's Future gave both Republican lawmakers an «A +» this year and included both on their «honor roll,» which the group says, «recognizes the legislative leaders who championed bold education reforms that keep the promise of a quality education for each and every student.»
«We're going to do everything we can to support the governor in advancing a bold education reform agenda that improves the quality of traditional public schools and expands choice for families,» the group's executive director, Jenny Sedlis, said in an interview.
But persuading her colleagues in this political swing state to support what the Romney campaign describes as the candidate's «bold education reforms that will put children first» could prove to be her toughest assignment.
In October 2014, researchers for the liberal advocacy group Center for American Progress cited the Pygmalion Effect as an argument in favor of the new, more rigorous Common Core State Standards, a bold education reform adopted by more than 40 states starting in 2010.
Supporting bold education reform, Microsoft's mission is simple: support bold education reform to help prepare students for today's highly competitive workforce, and support our U.S. educators with software and programs that fuel powerful learning and digital - age skills.
Under Williams, and now Jeffries, DFER has been particularly anxious to portray itself as purveyors of «progressive, bold education reform
Last night was Waterloo for the education status quo in Mississippi, a powerful statement that the voters of Mississippi support the bold education reforms of these last four years and do not want to go backwards.
Initiative 42 Defeated November 4, 2015 by Grant Callen Last night was Waterloo for the education status quo in Mississippi, a powerful statement that the voters of Mississippi support the bold education reforms of these last four years and do not want to go backwards.
«We're going to do everything we can to support the governor in advancing a bold education reform agenda that improves the quality of traditional public schools and expands choice for families,» the group's executive director, Jenny Sedlis, said in an interview.
When the Public School Choice (PSC) initiative was approved by the Los Angeles Unified School Board two years ago, it was hailed across the nation as a bold education reform effort.
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