Sentences with phrase «bolts of lightning created»

Researchers are finally beginning to understand the mysterious bolts of lightning created by volcanic eruptions, such as this one at Alaska's Mount Augustine.
A bolt of lightning creates an electromagnetic pulse that can travel a quarter way around the planet in a fraction of a second.

Not exact matches

It all started with Alan Gibbs, the owner of the farm, asking an artist, Eric Orr, to «create a huge sculpture that would throw lightning bolts
When a moderately strong bolt of cyber lightning struck the virtual rock, it created pressure waves that peaked at about 70,000 atmospheres, well into the range needed to produce shocked quartz, the researchers report this month in Geophysical Research Letters.
Now, a new study suggests that a different sort of shock can create the same banding patterns: a lightning bolt.
In the winter, intermixing of stratospheric ozone with the troposphere in a process called Stratospheric Tropospheric Exchange (STE) is the chief means of ozone transport into our air, but Dr. Wang says in summertime that process subsides and lightning bolts create significant ozone enhancements in the middle to upper troposphere, particularly in the Southeastern US.
In the winter, intermixing of stratospheric ozone with the troposphere in a process called Stratospheric Tropospheric Exchange (STE) is the chief means of ozone transport into our air, but Dr. Wang says in summertime that process subsides and lightning bolts create significant ozone enhancements in the middle to upper troposphere, particularly in the Southeastern U.S.
• Electricity Powers — Players can now utilize the new Electricity Power set and use new types of healing powers and damage attacks in combat, including: â — ¦ Tesla Ball — Creates a floating ball of electricity that zaps nearby enemies â — ¦ The Shockwave — Shoots streams of electric bolts at enemies â — ¦ Ionic Drain — Drains energy from the environment to replenish a player's health while simultaneously damaging surrounding enemies • New Gear — Players can earn all - new gear sets including the new Zoom - inspired set for villains, and the new Black Lightning - inspired set for heroes • New Characters — Encounter new iconic DC Universe characters, includingLivewire, Black Lightning, The Top, The Trickster, Static and much more.
I mean really, if you can create the universe in the blink of an eye, surely you can fire lightning bolts at infidels, unbelievers, and naysayers; cause a localized flood to wash into a satirist's basement; turn heathens into pillars of salt (or locusts!)
The vein cut is simply goes with the grain of the stone to create a lightning bolt effect.
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