Sentences with phrase «bond bull market»

More importantly, this historical back test covers the unprecedented 30 year bond bull market of falling yields and rising bond prices that won't be repeated any time soon.
This is the process that drove the great bond bull market from the 1980s to present.
This is the process that drove the great bond bull market from the 1980s to present.
-LSB-...] The incredible bond bull market has put the hurt on the equity risk premium.
This is really more about the unbelievable bond bull market than anything.
But once again this result must be viewed in the context of the constant and unprecedented bond bull market through this period.
I think the 20 + year bond bull market is dead but that means stocks may be in for a wild ride and possibly poor returns going forward.
We can further confirm the conclusion of «stocks over bonds» for investing in most inflation periods by looking at the real returns of long - term treasury bonds versus the total U.S. stock market starting at the unprecedented and long - lived bond bull market starting in 1982.
We can further confirm the conclusion of «stocks over bonds» for investing in most inflation periods by looking at the real returns of long - term treasury bonds versus the total U.S. stock market starting at the unprecedented and long - lived bond bull market starting in 1982.
One of the challenges pointed out by many is the fact that the 60/40 portfolio has been juiced over the past 30 + years by the seemingly never - ending bond bull market.
The central bankers have painted themselves into a corner and will trigger the next economic crisis, as the end of the 30 - yr bond bull market nears.
-LSB-...] why Wall Street's significant call on the bond market place is all wrong — In excess of and more than we have read Wall Road call for the end of the thirty - calendar year bond bull market -LSB-...]
The resulting unwinding of positions taken in the 10 - year bond bull market resulted in the highest volatility the market saw in 30 years.
Owning ultra-short individual bonds gives you control over how much your bonds will drop in value when this 30 - year bond bull market finally turns around.
The great bond bull market that began nearly four decades ago is ending with a whimper, fixed income guru Bill Gross said Wednesday.
David Rosenberg gives us a roundup of someof the prior forecasts of the end of the 30 + year bond bull market.
Is the bond bull market over?
In a note sent out to clients on Monday, Major lists five reasons he thinks the bond bull market remains intact:
But while America's largest lender refusing to extend credit would be a major development, it's worth remembering we've been here before, with China and the oft - predicted end of the 35 - year bond bull market.
«That will define the end of the bond bull market from a classic chart perspective, not 2.60,» he added.
So if it truly is curtains for the bond bull market, how long will the bear period last?
The bond bull market lasted three decades.
«If the 30 - year treasury goes above 3.22, its game over for the bond bull market.
But that relationship has been tested over the life of this bond bull market that saw double digit interest rates fall over the past 30 + years, boosting the performance of long - term bonds.
Eventually the bond bull market that began in the early 1980s is going to come to an end and long - term bonds will get crushed (and good luck figuring out when that happens), but sometimes it's worthwhile to step back and appreciate a bull market of this magnitude.
The bond bull market is now well over 30 years in length.
Credit Suisse head of credit David Miller tells Danielle Myles why the bond bull market still has room to run, and how the Swiss bank is boosting its investment - grade platform.
Higher bond returns similar to those we witnessed in the bond bull market helped cushion the blow from large stock market losses.
During the bond bull market, long - term bonds actually outperformed stocks while high yield bonds came close.
We have been hearing the Bond Bull Market ois over for years.
I have never seen a bull market, especially a long - enduring one such as the bond bull market that started back in 1981, that failed to end in total euphoria and universal acceptance of the prevailing trend.
The bond bull market may be coming to an end (it has to eventually, right?)
The world has rarely seen a bond bull market that is not only 36 years old, but also shows few signs of ending.
As rates have risen, investors have, once again, started asking the perennial question: Is the bond bull market over and are rates normalizing?
This valuation model works well within a broad range of economic conditions, including stock and bond bull markets, bear markets, crude oil bubbles and crashes, various forms of Quantitative Easing, Democratic and Republican Presidents, wars, and occasional peace.
The bond bull market may have ended, i.e. rates have probably bottomed, but normal is a long ways away.
Try the Wharton School's article, «The End of the 30 - year Bond Bull Market
It goes without saying that if bonds break their current levels being pushed down by rising rates, we can likely put a fork in the 35 + year bond bull market.
For much of the past 30 years — the bond bull market — bonds have played twin roles for investors: diversification and returns.
The bond bull market may have ended, i.e. rates have probably bottomed, but normal is a long ways away.
We know that your standard 60/40 stock / bond approach will not generate the same types of returns that many investors are used to because the 40 % bond piece can not mathematically provide the returns that the bond bull market of the last 40 years has generated.
The yield decline powered the bond bull market.
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