Sentences with phrase «bond length»

Below the element's symbol, each box shows the 2 - D metal's average chemical bond length, bond strength and the material's compressibility.
«Pair bond length is not what drives the terns» reproductive performance.
The periodic tables revealed similar relationships between 2 - D and 3 - D metals in bond length and compressibility.
The resolution of 4 angstroms, corresponding to 0.4 nanometres, achieved by the team is within the typical magnitude of atomic radii and atomic bond lengths.
For each sheet, the researchers measured the average chemical bond length, bond strength and the material's compressibility, how difficult it is to squeeze the atoms closer together.
As the monolayers were strained, the energetic cost of changing the bond lengths became significantly weaker — in other words, under enough stress, the emergent soft mode encourages the atoms to rearrange themselves into unstable configurations.
«Bond lengths and angles, as well as atomic vibrational modes, are variables supplied by the procedure.
It either returns finally to its previous energy minimum, or lands in a different energy dip that corresponds to altered angles or bond lengths.
The carbon — oxygen bond length is pm, noticeably shorter than the bond length of a C — O In nuclear reactors, carbon - 14 is produced from reactions in the fuel, the core structural materials and the moderator.
Along with proper bond angles, bonding principles, bond lengths, students need to show relevancy by constructing the model out of products that utilize the compound.
By mixing different bond types and bond lengths, you could still get the safety of bonds while boosting your returns.
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