Sentences with phrase «bons temps»

Also, Quebec, Pascal - like, hedges its bets and calls the act, modestly, the «Legal Time Act,» — also leaving room for «les bons temps» to «rouler» too.
Get back in touch with those Canadiens errants, kick out the jams, and laissez les bons temps rouler.
And remember: Laissez les bons temps rouler!
Laissez les bons temps rouler!
As we say in Louisiana «Laissez les bons temps rouler» (let the good times roll).
As they say: «Laissez les bons temps rouler» (Let the Good Times Roll!).
The region best known for its self - proclaimed motto «laissez les bons temps rouler» — let the good times roll — is one of the nation's economic linchpins.
Hailing from New Orleans, Matt brings his laissez les bon temps rouler joie de vivre wherever he works.
Laissez les bon temp rouler!
Laissez bon temps rouler!!!!
Price: Free to pulibc.Laissez les bons temp roulet!
But one walks away with the realization that, to put it in the terms of the Crescent City, you can't have Carnival without laisser bon temps roule when you don't want them to.
Or as they say in New Orleans, «Laissez les bon temps rouler»!
Welcome to Louisiana, and «Laissez les bon temps rouler» («Let the good times roll»)!
If you take the time to shop around for the best Louisiana insurance quotes, your motto can forever be «les bon temps rouler.»
Laissez les bon temps roulez!

Not exact matches

Some people on BON if they saw a beautiful Austin sunrise with a perfect temp and humidity in the company of a gorgeous woman sipping an amazing cup of coffee would say... yeah... but if it was an hour later I could have gotten more sleep.
Here are the themes included in set 1: ❶ le matin ❷ le week - end ❸ ma chambre ❹ je n'ai pas peur ❺ ma matière préférée ❻ les vacances ❼ les voisins ❽ la pizza ❾ la pluie ❿ l'école Here are the themes included in set 2: ❶ la personne que j' admire le plus ❷ mon anniversaire ❸ mon repas préféré ❹ les restaurants ❺ les sports ❻ après l'école ❼ les vêtements ❽ mon quartier ❾ notre salle de classe ❿ les émotions Here are the themes included in set 3: ❶ l'hiver ❷ mes parents ❸ j' étais fier ❹ je n'aime pas manger ❺ les devoirs ❻ être heureux ❼ un château de sable ❽ le soir ❾ j' ai peur ❿ bien élevé Here are the themes included in set 4: ❶ une cabane dans les arbres ❷ je n'aime vraiment pas manger ❸ un bon sandwich ❹ rester en bonne santé ❺ le samedi après - midi ❻ quand je serai adulte ❼ la piscine un parc d'attractions ❾ le zoo ❿ trois souhaits Here are the themes included in set 5: ❶ si j' étais invisible ❷ si j' étais un serpent ❸ la mer ❹ la montagne ❺ la télévision ❻ la lune ❼ voyager dans le temps ❽ si je savais voler ❾ les notes ❿ sous mon lit Here's how this writing program works: ✍ Lundi: Je dessine - Give students a drawing page with a writing prompt at the top.
I haven't read Thompson's «sensationalist» book yet, but I imagine it to be the moral equivalent of Anthony Bourdain's amusing copout Kitchen Confidential, where as «insider» he plays the bon - temp roué, and finks on the fact that restaurants throw out their expiring food into our «specials,» and that new brides, perforce inebriated with love for their new husbands, may occasionally (not often, I hope) be found in flagrante being bagged by daredevil waiters out in the trattoria courtyard.
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