Sentences with phrase «book about query»

While researching query letters for my free Tuesday Topic educational teleseminar, A Writer's Guide to Query Letters, I'm presenting tomorrow at 4:00 PM EST, I ran across a very strong book about query letters.

Not exact matches

I floated out a query about chapter books for boys on Twitter and received a wonderful response (thank you people of Twitter)!
We will contact you if you send us a query about your membership, order, screening the film Tigers, volunteering, booking a speaker or similar issues.
The book is written in a question - and - answer format and features a central character, Angus the Answer Dog, who addresses basic queries about starting school, including what a teacher does and what you can find in a preschool classroom.
Investigative reporter Brian Deer (left) answers a reader's query about the bargain - basement book value of government bullion
If you have a query about something specific when your book arrives, feel free to sing out and we'll be happy to help.
If you have any queries about this event please contact us at enquiries @ or call our telephone bookings hotline on 0845 862 1448 (9am - 5 pm).
A «query» is a question or an inquiry, and a «letter» is a written or printed communication addressed to a person or organization; therefore, if you're an author, a «query letter» is a written or printed communication addressed to a person or organization, asking a question about your book or book idea.
This article is part of a free 15 - part tutorial about How to Write a Query Letter, written by Mark Malatesta, a former literary agent and former Marketing & Licensing Manager of a well - known book publisher.
It's part of a free 15 - part training guide about How to Write an Effective Query Letter by Mark Malatesta, a former publishing agent and former Marketing & Licensing Manager of a well - known book publisher.
In other words, if all you do in your query letter is explain what your book is about, and include a short bio, the highest point score you can get is 50.
The success stories below about query letters that worked were provided by authors of all book genres (fiction, nonfiction, and children's books).
Take a quick look at the sample query letter one more time and see if you can figure out what her book is actually about.
These author case studies are part of our free training about How to Write a Successful Query Letter and Query Letter Blog written by a former literary agent, former AAR member, and former Marketing & Licensing Manager for a well - known book publisher.
Writing a query letter isn't just about seeing your books clearly and describing them effectively — it's about seeing yourself clearly and selling yourself effectively.
It's part of a free 15 - part training guide about How to Write a Query Letter by Mark Malatesta, a former literary agent and former Marketing & Licensing Manager of a well - known book publisher.
That's because there's a lot of conflicting information about query letters: in books; on the Internet; and taught by publishing professionals at seminars, workshops, and writer events.
This article explains, and it's part of our free 15 - part guidelines about How to Write a Compelling Query Letter by Mark Malatesta, a former publishing agent and former Marketing & Licensing Manager of a well - known book publisher.
As I mentioned during an earlier portion of this training on Query Letter Examples, most of the information you'll find published about queries, in books and online, is lacking.
You'll also get my proprietary Query Letter Critique Questionnaire, with a detailed list of important questions about you and your book.
You can ask Mark anything about book publishing, including questions about writing agent queries.
As you suggest, the point of a good query is to get at the heart of what the book is about, so I'd think in the long run, better, more focused queries would help agents see more quickly whether this is the kind of story likely to interest them.
It really frustrates me to get queries about books I list as specifically not accepting.
Jill: I like query letters where the first two paragraphs describe the project and then the next paragraph is about the author and any author bio that is relevant to the book / project.
Queries are not about making writers fill a bogus requirement for representation — it's about making your book stand out among the hundreds we are reading about every week.
Check out successful query letters and learn about marketing your book after it's published.
There are plenty of sites and forums with other querying writers (AbsoluteWrite is one) to help you summarize your novel in a way that helps an agent see exactly what your book is about without new confusions or questions arising.
Writers who are self - publishing their books don't have to worry about writing a query letter... but they still have to write the summary for the back cover of their books — and that can be just as hard!
When I finished my first book and after writing about 30 Query Letters with no successsful response, I just happened to be in the right place and the right time to meet my Independent Publisher.
Many writers have no qualms about jumping right in to polish up and finish their book manuscripts, and then querying agents for representation.
Oh, I should also tell you that no question about writing query letters is too big or too small — and there's no such thing as a stupid question in my book.
Home» How to Write a Literary Agent Query — How to Write A Query for Book Agents» Query Letter for Literary Agents — Warning About Bad Advice
A query letter hook can be about anything: you, your book, your target market, or a relevant quote or statistic.
There are five types of people in the world giving advice to authors about how to write a literary agent query letter (including book agents).
I've learned more about story structure from writing query letters than I have from some how - to books.
Think about the process of publishing a book by a new author from the publisher's perspective: they have to hire a staff to read query letters, book excerpts, and full texts.
The first section in my query letter sample outline is for you to explain what your book is about.
Last Updated: 09th December 2013 We often hear queries from authors and publishers about how to use BookBuzzrs Book Tweeting technology to market books on Twitter.
One of the nice things about self - publishing your book is that querying is not even a part of the picture.
Scroll below to learn more about the query letter sample structure that you can use to get literary agencies fighting over the chance to represent you and your book.
This agency — one of those that uses an online form for sending in your queries — actually wanted more information about the marketing plan and about my connections with libraries and the media in the area than it wanted about the book I was querying about.
If you want to get a literary agent, publisher, and book deal... you must also know the basics about how literary agents work, and you must know how to write a good book and pitch materials (query letter and book proposal).
That top book agent that you're thinking about querying might not be that great.
Most of the information published about queries (in books and online) is inadequate (it's not completely wrong, but it only paints half the picture).
Depends on you, if you read like 5 books a year then I would advise that you get a tablet, android, iOS whatever, but if you read a lot, then go for an ereader, if you have any queries Good ereader has an extensive videos about ereaders.
I queried for years without having a clue about genre or where my books would fit in the marketplace.
In a query include: one paragraph about the story, one paragraph about you and your credentials; a market analysis showing other books like yours, potential markets and what you as the author are willing to do to push the book.
Learn more about how to write a query letter for a self - published book.
Your query letter needs to tell the agent: Why you're writing to that particular agent, what your book is about (in three - four sentences max), and who you are.
Before you query agents, take the time to think very specifically about your book's genre, and get a second opinion from an editor or a few thoughtful reader friends about the genre.
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