Sentences with phrase «book basket»

We began preparing the bird book basket - which sits out all year long - with some new additions.
As an added convenience, many chairs have the option of an attached book basket underneath the seat where notebooks, textbooks and other class materials can be stored.
But now, the spring book basket is active and full and pulled from each day for some springtime reading.
Not only does she give them the time at home to read by not assigning other homework, but she also makes books readily available: Around school, there are book baskets in the halls.
Many of the books I review I have purchased myself (my blog got its name from my real never ending book basket full of unread books), though I do sometimes read and review books that are sent to me by authors.
You might suggest to library they have postcards the trucks can pass out or have strategically nearby, perhaps advertising a raffle for free book basket or something if they walk inside?
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