Sentences with phrase «book fantasy»

I got my seven - book fantasy deal that way.
Smart watches first gained prominence as comic book fantasy in «Dick Tracy,» the detective series, in which the main character used his sci - fi watch to call for help in chasing down gangsters.
Life and romance plays out like a series of videogame challenges by way of a comic book fantasy in Scott Pilgrim vs. the World (Universal), which I review at MSN.
She has written a five - book fantasy series known as the Glasswright series that tell the story of Rani Trader, a merchant girl who witnesses an assassination and is accused of being the killer.
The movie offers a panacea, a comic - book fantasy of black empowerment that exchanges the actual history of the»60s Black Panthers for a superficial commercial remedy.
At times the FX and comic - book fantasy sit uncomfortably with the politics, but for the most part it works terrifically.
What keeps the movie from becoming nihilistic are its moments of kindness: Logan caring for an ill Xavier, a family standing up to shelter their guests from the authorities, Laura and her young mutant peers fighting back against their abusers and working together to turn a comic book fantasy into a real community.
Robert Rodriguez and Frank Miller's sequel to their own comic - book fantasy lays on the teenage kicks but the thrill is gone, writes Xan Brooks
In this comic book fantasy about a powerful, isolationist country with a superhero for a king, Black Panther grapples with difficult subjects that even high school history classes gloss over: That of the terrible legacy of colonialism.
The busy fall publishing season kicked off today, with the release of several anticipated titles, including the long - awaited second book from Marisha Pessl and the launch of a seven - book fantasy series.
Instead, the movie offers a panacea, a comic - book fantasy of black empowerment that exchanges the actual history of the»60s Black Panthers for a superficial commercial remedy.
If you're in the mood for Neo-Victorian drag iconography torn from the pages of comic book fantasies (and, let's face it, who isn't?)
But Lewis delivers in these books a fantasy for adults that few other Christian writers can match.
For a long time, «Chronicle» is a case of erector - set digital technology: tiny rather than large effects; slightly enhanced reality rather than grandiose comic - book fantasy.
Their plan to stop him is part comic book fantasy, part elaborate heist, featuring an oddball gang of conspirators (Michael Peña, T.I. and David Dastmalchian) and a small army of ants, who prove to be team players and quite personable once you get up close and personal.
Based on a young adult novel by Steven Gould and directed by Doug Liman («Mr. And Mrs. Smith»), it can't quite make up its mind whether to be a boy's book fantasy or a roiling psychological drama with neat special effects.
One of these, The Shape of Water, won Guillermo Del Toro the festival's top prize, the Golden Lion, surprising some who had doubted that a lovingly (old --RRB- fashioned comic - book fantasy could be so honored.
Language: English Genre: Action MPAA rating: PG - 13 Director: Christopher Nolan Actors: Christian Bale, Michael Caine, Katie Holmes Plot: A prequel to the Batman movies that remakes Batman to be more of a «real life hero» instead of a comic book fantasy.
Perhaps even the world was not ready for Last Action Hero (it is underrated and unfairly maligned in my opinion) and there needed to be a the ridiculous number of comic - book fantasies (and Coen Brothers and Wes Anderson films) to get to this point.
This take on the Batman character is more comic book fantasy versus Christopher Nolan's graphic novel reality.
My sister, Jaclyn Moriarty, is an award - winning YA writer, and this is the first in an extraordinary three - book fantasy series.
These open - book fantasies are bound to ruffle a few feathers.
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