Sentences with phrase «book leaving the nest»

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We have to almost pry the book out of their hands so that we can finish it, even though they don't really have anything left to change.
Later, when he wrote his own book, Chris told me that he intentionally omitted these episodes from his memoir because he didn't want to leave me hanging.
He's since written a book called Social Media is Bullshit, in which he trumpets real - world experiences over virtual ones: «The idea that you're «leaving money on the table» by not using [social media] is patently false.»
In the cases were someone requests and apology that you don't agree is deserved, you're left with two options, says Paul Lima, a business writing trainer who has written several books on business writing.
If you don't complete a book, you run the risk of missing key points or leaving gaps in your understanding.
The slump has left the province facing a budget deficit and Prentice in the tough position of balancing the books while maintaining his commitment not to hike taxes.
We aren't self - aware enough to notice that a two - hour strategy session leaves us tired and exhilarated the same way a great exercise class does, while two hours at a desk balancing the books leaves us drained and cranky.
While the love for a hardbound book can not be done away with, it's weight often weighs one down or your worst nightmare, you leave the book somewhere.
If I can leave you with anything after recommending these books, it's this: don't look at a book as something you must read from start to finish to get anything out of it.
So I did just want to say on behalf of all my fellow writers: we hate you, and we would prefer that you stop writing books, if you don't mind, and leave it to us.
I'll leave the final word to Kennedy, who in subsequent editions of his book addressed the rise of new - fangled sales channels like email and the web: ««What works» does not change significantly whether carving it on a rock, having it put on papyrus by a calligrapher, or posting it on a web site.»
Taking a leaf out of Tesla's «how not to» book, the phrase leads Volvo customers into believing that the car sports more autonomy than it really does.
Carley's book offers readers an abundance of clever trading strategy and risk management techniques in that easy - to - read format, but she doesn't leave out the harsh realities and heartbreak many overzealous speculators face.
Under Uber's lease arrangements, drivers» leases can run far above the actual Blue Book value of the car, not unlike how homeowners were left underwater when housing prices plummeted and their mortgages far exceeded their homes» value.
But when financial management - and by that we mean not just closing the books, but managing the entire business by metrics, truly understanding unit economics, and having a strategic view toward future capital raises - is left unattended, cracks in a startup's foundation inevitably start to show.
Armed with a full staff of helpful and highly experienced traders, NetPicks does not simply sell its customers a box of books and leave them to fend for themselves.
He didn't write any books, but he did leave his investing rules.
(Perhaps the most unsatisfactory aspect of Comey's book, from the perspective of the left, is his explanation for this poor, ill - timed decision; but it's telling that Republicans are so interested in one form of election meddling but not another.)
What happened in Denmark was that the banks left the most highly leveraged folks alone (some of them even lived for free as «caretakers» of their «repossessed — but not quite cause then we'd have to book the loss» 2 - 15 MEUR mansions.
I had in my heart and tongue the Name of Allah when ever I had fears, troubles or depression of any kind but from Jan 05 1995 when had lost my father and second brother in a car accident, it was the time I really felt am alone at age of 33 to face all the challenges my father has left upon me to run and manage among other partners therefore had been investigating the Quran as to understanding every word of it rather than to memorize it, have been did a lot of reciting verses of prayers begging God to look upon me and give me strength... am sure through such difficult times if I had no faith in God I would have perished and lost every thing long ago... Another thing my heart always gave me signs and my mind gave me logic of what to believe although have read many books abroad in my youth of many beliefs out of curiosity but could not belief in other than that God is one and Muhammed is his last prophet in all belief of the Quran he brought upon me / us in all that it says... Should mention at times had experienced dreams seeing signs and warnings long in advance of things going to happen A year or more before losing my father in a car accident I had seen him in my dream good bye wearing white cloth and going to board a tourist ship all crew dressed in white uniform rolling a red carpet on front of him and when was on the top of the stairs weaver smiling good bye... seen in another dream how or wealth will be stolen and what I will hold... so many things like that..
Most christians do not think the Bible is a text book and much of it is left to interpret.
Why not be of a combination that does not go or do where and what is of the wrong doers as specified in the Holy Books «commandments»... while still be not dump and can gain respect of whom you know and deal with... such as truth, honesty and so on of such Posativties... how much charm the smile does and how much warmth and tenderness does a kind word leave...!
Books, movies and plays were disseminated and discussed with offense taken only by the so - called «wingnuts» of the right who, though disgusted, understood that these extravagant fantasies were simple, immature venting: in truth, the left knew that such a horrific event would martyr Bush, place Dick Cheney in the Oval Office and solidify, not weaken, Republican power.
After reading several of the posts on the «interpretation of mythical texts into a book called the bible» one is left to wonder how a being who is supposed to have created the universe would permit what is often referred to as «his inerrant words»... to get so screwed up... you would think he / she / it would have been keeping a close eye on a book that he / she / it wanted to have in print for... mass distribution... it is not not a womder the bible is messed up the way it is... it is a «human» construct... only humans could mess a book up that badly... gods do nor make mistakes... except for Rick Santorum
But even when one knows why Ker chose not to include, say, Francis Thompson or David Jones, one is still left wondering why he decided to write about his finalists in a single book.
So somehow God inspired the writings of this holly book, but could not somehow leave a single original copy that everyone could understand.
(24) But as for him who is given his record in his left hand, he will say: Oh, would that I had not been given my book (25) And knew not what my reckoning is!
King Tut didn't leave behind a book of dubious authorship full of ideas on how to control the population for fun and profit...
There doesn't seem to be any book stores left.
There are, no doubt, plenty of books in this genre for people of your beliefs so you are not left out.
Putting the Bible together was very political and there were many books left out of the Bible and the Catholic Bible has extra books that the Protestant Bible does not.
Ben Franklin write his own bible where he removed every supernatural reference and took what was left as a book of «parables» not a history book.
I don't see anything in there about compiling a bunch of little - ish books into one big book to be bought or sold, or left in hotel rooms.
For true Christianity we understand based on Jesus» prophecy in the book of Matthew the 24 chapter verses 11 and 12 that many would leave their faith because of the hypocrisy of their leaders and truly not being able to help mankind out as a whole.
I'm quite sure at least half of all American christians don't believe a word of their holy book anyway and are just waiting for the moment it feels socially acceptable to leave the philosophy behind.
As David Kinnaman explains in his enlightening book, You Lost Me, one of the top six responses among young adults is that they left the church because they didn't feel like their pastors, mentors, and friends took their questions about faith seriously.
If you read my book, Questions are the Answer, you will realize that it wasn't because of outright abuse that I left the ministry and the church, but because I couldn't be me and stay.
Coming Clean by Seth Haines:: Coming Clean is not simply a book for alcoholics; it's a book for anyone who has dealt with pain and been left scrabbling after God when their coping mechanisms fail or easy answers run out.
Under this model, not sure what's left to separate the bible from other religious books, which (under this model) «also» contains historical truths, and falsehoods.
When a writer repeatedly proclaims that he has left faith behind in childhood» in fact, never had it» and then proceeds to write book after book in which a crisis of faith plays a central role, we may reasonably wonder if he is not engaged in his own evasive maneuvers, conscious of a pursuer at his heels.
By providing only fragments from biblical books (in this case part of an oracle from Isaiah, a reassurance from Paul, a parable from Jesus), they leave a suggestive opening, not only to other texts...
Although many of us find in Whitehead's philosophical achievement a system nearly unparalleled for its balance, intricacy, and tight coherence, it can not be gainsaid that many of his books leave much to be desired with respect to the order of presentation.
The bible is not a catholic book, so leave your books out of the conversation and answer the question biblically.
When the Prophet was dying, and knew that he would not be present to give such advice, he told the people that they would not go astray so long as they held to the two guides he was leaving for them — the Qur» an, the Book of God, and the example of his own way of life, the Sunnah.
If for you your faith is only about «worshiping» the words in a book (which are written by man)... think about it... you might be wasting your time and not realize how distant you actually have become (from the true msg) worrying about trivialities or needing to reconcile scripture with science / common sense... simply because your book (and your self - imposed obligation to believe in the words) doesn't leave you another option.
As I have argued throughout this book, critical Americans must not leave the tradition of American idealism entirely to the chauvinists.
Once you get through the deception and their crazy no - fact doctrine based on book where it's history has been proven false due to the lack of DNA and Archeological evidence that does not support the BOOK OF MORMON, I am glad this guy was intelligent enough to lebook where it's history has been proven false due to the lack of DNA and Archeological evidence that does not support the BOOK OF MORMON, I am glad this guy was intelligent enough to leBOOK OF MORMON, I am glad this guy was intelligent enough to leave.
The book of m ormon, the q uran, and any other text that says there is * ANY * other way to G od except through the name of J esus C hrist (or says that G od is so incompetent that He can not maintain the Word He left mankind through mankind) is straight from the pit and will lead you there.
To fill the gap left by a weakened church, people are not only experimenting with both new and ancient forms of the spiritual and psychic life; they are searching for religious books that deal with the complex problems of society in personal, direct and simple ways.
I don't care what he looks like, but to eliminate any doubt, please read the LEFT BEHIND book series.
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