Sentences with phrase «book like someone»

I love reading books like that so this is just right up my alley.
This depends greatly on the amount of readers looking for books like yours, but you should keep tweaking the sales description to see if you can get it to climb a little higher.
Once books are electronic, relevant and social, too, they'll start reading and writing books like crazy.
With books like wheat belly, paleo, and all the other garbage out there, people are looking for quick simple answers.
Find other books like yours and see where other authors are selling, speaking and participate.
Also, find books like yours, written by authors who you can possibly collaborate with in the future for marketing, and investigate how they connect with their audience and where.
Many also have a policy of only posting reviews on books they liked.
If that's the case, write more books like that!
Cake sounds like a fun read my son loves books like these.
Since there is the reduction of publications, the value of publishers will also decline and more indie authors will learn how to publish books like professionals.
Be prepared to talk about your writing — and what books you like reading — but also ask questions.
But wait, you say, you can't treat books like a commodity!
Doing your part by reviewing books you like will do a lot to make the review system more useful for everybody!
I'm fascinated by books like these, and am always interested in learning different techniques and perspectives!
Normally I need months to get through books like this because I read several concurrently.
It's that last one that reminded me of why books like O Me of Little Faith are so important and why wanting a monopoly on the subject would be terribly selfish.
Also, invite any others you think might benefit from books like the ones I send out every few months.
All teachers and all scholars need books like this.
I usually buy books I like in paperback following reading in ebook, but I love the portability and accessibility!
At first I didn't like the cartoon - y, comic book like graphics, but overtime it grew on me and I actually like it now..
They are online, they are waiting to learn about books like yours, you just need to find them.
Great books like this one can be more easily discovered when these keywords are integrated into search processes deployed by ebook retailers and libraries.
For self - published authors — How do you reach the people who actually want to try out new books like yours?
Books like mine, with 200 - 300 graphics, can use them well (and my sales stats prove that, as I have written on several occasions).
It is just another self - help book like many others, stating the same things we all know, like «dress for success», etc..
I have also written down all their recommended books they liked and hope to read many of them.
Instead what most of them are doing, is creating new sites that let readers decide which books they like and then publishing the crowd favorites.
This course provides tips to optimize the most essential metadata for books like book title, book description, author bio, trim size, and more.
I do keep books I liked to read again or to know the author's name and pick up sequels later.
Perhaps you can ask him to suggest a parenting book he likes and then read it to find common ground.
We don't produce books like that any more.
Although many history books like to present the past as a clear, open road that leads straight to where we are today, historical fact is different.
There is no other end - times fiction book like this.
It's so fun to go through old books like that, talking about the good old days and the memories that come with it.
And one of the hottest niches that audiences are craving right now are interactive books like journals.
When you give a book a bad review, they will show fewer books like that.
Who gives books like this to their hormonal pregnant sisters anyway?
Share books you like with your friends and family easily, with just one click.
Nothing sells a first book like a second one.
Both of them are not affected by this «love» for the «feel» of a paper book like many people of my own generation are.
I like unusual, fun books like this one and it's a great little gift.
People wanted books like that because it was these characters that we recognized, a world that we recognized, but with a happily ever after.
I read cook books like they're romance novels and your blog reads like that for me.
And some low - level readers who might otherwise be embarrassed to be seen with a simple book liked keeping their peers in the dark about what title they were reading.
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