Sentences with phrase «book of a shelf»

Keep adoption books accessible so your child can raise the subject simply by plucking the book of their shelf.
Libraries (physical or on the internet) are amazing places with a wealth of information, but just because you pick one random book of the shelf doesn't mean that it is going to change your life.
For instance, Rick Riordan includes This Dark Endeavor by Kenneth Oppel in his list of 44 «Favorites», along with Dune by Frank Herbert; L.J. Smith appears to be a huge Agatha Christie fan with over 50 books of hers shelved; and Khaled Hosseini gave Billy Lynn's Long Halftime Walk by Ben Fountain 5 stars.
So if you wouldn't steal a book of a shelf... At the same time, digital things can be endlessly copied and shared essentially for free.
She is looking for patterns everywhere - in the drawers of her grandfather's desk, in the stones of the terrace floor, and in the order of the books of the shelves.

Not exact matches

I didn't understand anything that was coming until I read that book, especially the whole premise of unlimited shelf space.»
Only days after his father, Terrence, had bought him Bailey's Book House, he spied Bailey's buddy Millie on the shelves of a Lechmere store just north of Boston.
Case in point: Lewis» book flew off of shelves because it was catered perfectly to his loyal following.
It won't replace a real book, but the reader in your life will thank you when they realize the convenience of having a whole shelf's worth of titles in their bag.
If you just give that simple insight more than a passing thought before you rush online to buy a book off Richard, Bill, Arianna, or Peter's lists you might suddenly find yourself with a shelf full of books that actually matter.
After selling about $ 100,000 worth of plastic comb - bound books to interior designers via direct mail, Kimberly Causey wanted to get a real book onto the shelves of bookstores but couldn't afford to professionally print them.
«It may not be the newest shiny object on the shelf, but it certainly remains one of the best books for teams I have ever read.
Though some shelves contain stacks of books, others have printed aluminum plates that mimic books — a feature that has prompted criticism that the much - touted space is «more fiction than books
I had a shelf full of old Photoshop books.
You won't find «50 Shades of Grey» or gossip magazines on their book shelves.
In the 1970s he cowrote, with his brother Justin Mamis, an investment classic, When to Sell, described by Barron's as one of the 10 books all serious stock players should have on their shelves.
Habitat and goodwill have an entire corner of there space for books that are on shelves that are about 7 ft high.
all of the walls are covered with shelves of books.
MoneyWeek's film theatre and book reviews — A look at some of the best financial books on the shelves at the moment, plus film and theatre reviews.
Axovant Sciences» adjunct approach, top - shelf leadership, and $ 320 million stockpile of cash on the books simply gives me more confidence in it than Anavex Life Sciences, which recently moved its shares from the wild west of the pink sheets to the NASDAQ exchange.
or you might as well put that book on the shelf with the other childish fantasy books that idulge the child like maybe «The Wizard of OZ.»
Not that I need more books (the whole bottom shelf of my tall bookshelf is all books I haven't read) but this is one i definitely want to read.
I am a drone, cranking out yet another book to bend the shelves of libraries and bookstores.
With comfortable leather chairs, the lamp lit room dedicated to him was lined with shelves of what was billed to be his own personal collection of books.
I planned to buy it at LifeWay, but when I pulled the book from the shelf, I discovered that it — and every book by Donald Miller at the store — comes with a slip of paper tucked inside, a note instructing me to get extra info on Miller from the cashier before making my purchase.
Mark what makes the evidence you ask for «overwhelming» is that it overflows the shelves of world's libraries... What makes the «evidence» for the existance of your particular «truth» underwhelming, is that it pretty much only fits in a single book...
Intentional or not, I enjoy the contrast between the tidy order of the books on the bottom shelf with tilted books and tipped shelves (revealing a Z pattern) above.
She's been reading aloud to her six kids (preschool to high school) ever since, and has spent the last few years chatting with experts, authors, parents, and leaders, discovering how a simple choice to pull a book off a shelf and share it with a child is one of the very best decisions a parent can make.
We have always kept the books and I imagine we always will: shelves of worn out board books beloved by all of the now - lanky Bessey babies remain until the end.
While I paused with my kids to take in the reality of the books still on the shelf, a woman in her 40s pulled out her phone and snapped an illicit photo.
Even now, my prized possessions are rare first - and - early editions of L.M. Montgomery books, each one showcased on our dining room's shelves similar to how other people display fine heirloom china.
There are shelves of books... thousands of books.
Taking a Moslem book from one of my shelves, I discovered about the same frequency of use of Moslem scripture.
I have books on my shelves written by Muslims and Mormons, none of which I have thrown out.
The issues of justice between men and women are so complex that a full discussion of them would require a shelf of books, and indeed a shelf has been appearing with Simone de Beauvoir's The Second Sex; Helen Deutsch's Modern Woman, the Lost Sex; and Betty Friedan's The Feminine Mystique, to mention some outstanding ones.
Maybe you've got a shelf full of the latest books by social justice crusaders.
His studies of the American founding and of such iconic presidents as Washington, Lincoln, Kennedy, Nixon and Reagan are on the short shelf of books indispensable to an understanding of American political culture.
(«In our household, the Bible, the Koran and the Bhagavad Gita sat on the shelf alongside books of Greek and Norse and African mythology,»)
Browsing in a local bookstore recently, I took down several of the more general books from the «Ecology» shelf.
«When one considers the caliber of our authors and the fact that the Principia has occupied a prominent place on mathematical shelves for fourteen years, one wonders that the book has influenced mathematics so little» (BAMS32: 711).
And we stacked books on top of the cases also, so each one is holding six shelves of books.
I can honestly say that the only time those words have ever come out of my mouth was when I had read ever book on the shelf.
Now I'll have to go into my book shelf and dig out Ethics of Freedom again...
I was in a bookshop on Telegraph Avenue surveying a shelf of books.
And isn't it somehow deceptive to think of the Bible as just one more book upon the shelf?
When being a woman who preaches the Gospel or teaches with authority or writes a book that actually isn't expressly meant to be shelved in the «Women» section of the bookstore isn't so worthy of note.
The part of that story that is this story in a messy house at midnight with a loud clock ticking on the wall is what the Greek philosophy books said on that guy's shelf: That more than half a century before the Gospel of John was ever written, more than 500 years before God pulled on flesh and stretched out on straw, Heraclitus was the first Greek philosopher who used that word: Logos.
Sadly, for me, the blurb on the back of the book comes true «This book belongs on the shelf of every Bible Teacher and Student» and on my shelf it will remain.
It's been 13 years since the first Harry Potter book landed on store shelves and provoked some Christian conservatives to begin voicing opposition to J.K. Rowling's world of wizardry.
Judging by the number of psychological self - help books that populate drugstore and supermarket shelves, one would think that the greatest moral failure of our time is to be bound by another person's wishes and desires.
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