Sentences with phrase «book publicity opportunities»

Also, I hope this book promotion opportunity is just the beginning of many book publicity opportunities for you.
How do you garner book publicity opportunities without persistent outreach to radio show producers and radio show hosts, though?
There are far more book publicity opportunities than you would expect in a newspaper.
Sure, it's great to get mainstream media interviews and other traditional book publicity opportunities.
Therefore, the dynamic of seeking book publicity opportunities changes.
Now I'm getting it, and it promises to be an effective and exciting new way to explore book publicity opportunities.
But book publicity opportunities do not end with advance publicity efforts.
Today promises to be a productive one for anyone who needs book publicity opportunities and is available to answer the telephone or respond to email.
Kids» books are about to receive an old - but - new book publicity opportunity by Reading Rainbow host, LeVar Burton.
It never occurred to me that there was a reason to strip out the contact information, and there is a practical reason for including it, since I often have clients who are gracious enough to send media folks thank - you notes for providing them with book publicity opportunities.
Once you have made some inroads with local booksellers, doors will open to even more book publicity opportunities in your community, like local author events.
Of course, the authors of Brave New World and The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe had plenty of book publicity opportunities before they went to meet that fabled Great Publisher in the Sky.
Along with being a great book publicity opportunity for the children's books in the program, it's also a wonderful chance to turn a new generation of kids onto the joys of reading... now and, I hope, for the rest of their lives.
Book publicists would do well to keep an eye on news stories to see which book publicity opportunities they can garner — just by making the connection between the books they're promoting and the news stories of the day.
If your book publicist doesn't see the PR opportunities, then make sure she's responsive to the news hooks when you find them for her... and don't let book publicity opportunities pass you by because you're too polite to ask for what you need from your book publicist!
While that provides quick — if not instant — gratification for authors who want to see their words reach book buyers as soon as possible, the mad dash from the computer to the bookshelf does require the sacrifice of long lead - time book publicity opportunities.
According to an article in the business section of today's Miami Herald, many authors at mainstream publishing houses have become responsible for creating their own book publicity opportunities.
And it's especially difficult to watch prestigious newspapers morph into something altogether new... but to deny those changes, or to hope it won't affect any other newspapers, is to jeopardize book promotion campaigns and the possibility of garnering as much book publicity opportunities now as you did in the «old days.»
I rarely think of book promotion as something authors can do for other authors, but a wonderful blog entry by Lisa Romeo reminds me that if you want to receive book publicity opportunities then it's always a good idea to provide support for other authors (and publishers): buying their books, attending their book signings and other events, joining (and participating in) their social networks, and doing whatever else you can think of to bring visibility to others.
But since most eBook publishing involves authors whose chances of landing traditional media coverage is necessarily limited (for now, anyway), it's good to know that eBook promotion doesn't mean fewer book publicity opportunities.
«Trade journals: The book publicist's secret weapon» lists the typical book publicity opportunities in trade magazines.
National television interviews can be a wonderful book publicity opportunity to build awareness for an author or expert.
As it is, Kitty Kelley will have to struggle for even the most modest book publicity opportunity.
Every time an author can create a news story rather than become part of an article or segment that some other media decision maker is creating, that author has transformed book promotion from a passive process into a proactive book publicity opportunity.
As long as you can tie your book, and your book's topic, into a news story, you have a good chance of garnering book publicity opportunities.
However it plays out, I offer kudos to Mark Zuckerberg for using his influence as a thought leader for good... to get people reading books, and for giving the authors he chooses to support the best book publicity opportunity they could ever dream about.
Fortunately, book publicists can get book publicity opportunities for all authors when the topic and the pitch is on target and timely.
This book publicist uses technology for every book publicity campaign (whether it's a book marketing campaign that includes social networking outreach or whether it's a book marketing campaign that revolves around traditional book publicity opportunities).
That said, here's how to get more book publicity opportunities than you can handle: get involved with O.J. Simpson, and then offer your «exclusive» perspective into the man's psyche.
The radio producer will appreciate your professionalism, your book publicist will be grateful you saved the day... and you'll be grateful to have salvaged a book publicity opportunity that you otherwise could have let slip away!
Book publicists should have the flexibility to depart from their paper book publicity plan, and even from your contractual agreement, when a book publicity opportunity arises.
In other words, your book publicist should be eager to leverage the news event as a book publicity opportunity for you, as an author and as an expert.
Now, with every book publicity opportunity that he accepts, he has to share the information that he believes his father is the Zodiac Killer with the world.
As the story breaks to a national audience, Lenore Skenazy has a book publicity opportunity (and her book publicist, who sees the news story, has the opportunity).
But, after seeing the book publicity opportunities recently garnered by Gary L. Stewart, author of the new book, The Most Dangerous Animal of All: Searching for My Father... and Finding the Zodiac Killer, this book publicist has to wonder about that.
It's enough to say that indie books (or self - published books, or whatever you'd prefer to call books that are not traditionally published and distributed) have lost their stigma, and all of the book publicity opportunities that are available to authors of traditionally published books are now on the table for indie authors, too.
Filed Under: author publicity, book discovery, book marketing, Book Promotion, book publicists, book publicity, eBook promotion, Online Book Promotion Tagged With: Book promotion, book publicist, book publicity, book publicity opportunity, news
In many ways, when a book is about to publish, book publicity opportunities are just beginning.
But, although it's interesting to see how Skype virtual book tours can be integrated into book promotion campaigns, I'm guessing that world - famous authors will be in a far better position to take advantage of the book publicity opportunity than the rest of us... now, and for a long, long time to come.
This will provide a book publicity opportunity that authors need.
Anyway, the anniversary of Charlie & The Chocolate Factory «s publication is a wonderful opportunity to score some book publicity opportunities for the book which, hopefully, will lead to an increase in interest in the book... and a surge in book sales.
You would have had Britney Spears (and your own instinct for book publicity opportunities) to thank when your phone rang off the hook with requests from the media for your insights and input... each of which was an opportunity to tie your book into a media frenzy.
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