Sentences with phrase «book similar to someone»

I get to find people who have reviewed books similar to mine on amazon and ask them to review mine too.
We help you find potential reviewers by looking for people who have already left reviews for books similar to yours.
In fact, many readers go in search of books similar to ones they love.
Yes, you need to pay attention to it; it does make sense to know what other books similar to yours are going for.
They try to acquire books similar to what was selling yesterday, and then they release the book in 12 - 18 months.
Initially you should choose authors who write books similar to yours and who are successful in their genre.
Any marketing channel worth your consideration should have a track record of success with books similar to your own.
Check out the covers of best - selling books similar to yours to ensure you're giving your target audience the context clues it needs to correctly identify the content within.
To look for beta - readers you can check its forum or simply ask people liking books similar to yours.
Alternatively you can approach publishers directly, having done your research into which publishes publish books similar to the one you have written.
«Read - alike» suggestions for thousands of books and authors so your recipient can find books similar to ones they've already enjoyed.
The trick to these is joining groups that read books similar to yours.
You want a designer who's well versed in the tropes and trends employed by books similar to yours.
Research books similar to yours to see what the prospects are.
Do you know how much books similar to yours have sold for recently, so you can ensure you are getting the highest possible advances and royalties?
Search for blogs that feature readers of your genre or have featured books similar to yours.
When you find terms that generate books similar to yours, be sure to add those phrases to your book titles and description.
If you are a wise author, you would find a few books similar to yours and look at the reviews to see what readers are saying.
Before you hire a cover designer, I recommend doing some research and studying bestselling books similar to your own in genre, theme, or audience.
That gives you a pretty good snapshot of not only how much you can make per sale but where most books similar to yours are making the best money.
Search for books similar to yours (same genre, topic, target audience, etc.) and look at the reviews these books have and the users who left them.
Write reviews of books similar to yours; create book lists if they don't already exist on these topics.
It only works if you're reviewing books similar to your own.
When I am doing my initial marketing discovery with clients, I commonly have authors tell me that there are no other books similar to their own on the market.
Read our checklist to learn how to stand out in a market filled with books similar to yours.
Browse top - selling books similar to yours and search for successful books where the blurb likely played a strong role.
Was it because she had represented books similar to yours?
So first, I find what keywords people actually use when they're looking for books similar to mine, with a tool like KDPRocket.
The most obvious way to use a Product Display campaign is by targeting books similar to yours and advertising there.
BookLamp's claim to fame was the Book Genome project, a book discovery engine that analyzed the text of books to break them down by various themes and variables to let readers search for books similar to books they liked.
The more activity your book gets from readers, the better it will do in Amazon's algorithm — resulting in Amazon recommending your book to additional readers who've purchased books similar to yours.
If I am giving a book as a gift, I like to include a little toy to go along with it if it's a book about cars, I would include a little toy car; if it's a book about animals, I would include a stuffed animal Something for the two of you to do together (since you mentioned that you watch her) would be nice, too my daughter likes sticker books similar to the one in the link it helps teach letters, as well as gives a fun activity for you to do with her.
You could try altering the board book similar to how Whitney Moss of the site Rookie Moms did to make a really clever Father's Day gift that her husband and son enjoying reading -LSB-...]
Eight: Baby's First Year - A Simple Baby Book Similar to the animal version, this Lucy Darling baby book is perfect for documenting the first year for little girls.
I need some sort of books similar to PHD to give to some Polish people to help them out with their health.
If you see a well - preforming book similar to yours or one in your catalog, it's a safe assumption the price is on point.
Not only will they give you a great cover, they'll also give you ideas about bookmarks and business cards (which you can leave in library books similar to your own book), posters, postcards, etc..
Using book giveaways to give away books similar to mine, so I have a very targeted list of readers who enjoy my genre
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