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The best way to start a more complex search is from the directory of Nook Books by subject.
Categories are a key component for physical and online book discovery, enabling customers to browse books by subject and genre.
The committee members review books by subject and assign one or more ratings to each book:
These include: Unfinished books by established authors, often because they died before completing the MS; books by subject experts (not necessarily well - known ones) who are very knowledgeable but don't write well; and just about any book by, or in some cases about, a celebrity.
Subjects range from Computing to Languages to Science; you can see all that Wikibooks has to offer in Books by Subject.
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Makes total sense, but, because of the self - published books, searching for books by subject on Amazon became as useful as searching for it on Google.
Indeed, any budding book - buyer will probably go straight to Amazon and certainly may not search all the crowdfunding platforms for books by subject or other means; the only people that may be buying from an Author is another Author!
Featuring works spanning nearly 200 years, Black Authors offers annotated descriptions of books by subject area, such as autobiography, education, philosophy, and technology.
Thus, the classification of books by subject and by author in a library makes it possible to manage even a very large collection without confusion.
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Not exact matches

Or if you're looking for a deeper dive there's a whole book on the subject by Peter Cappelli, director of Wharton's Center for Human Resources, entitled Managing the Older Worker: How to Prepare for the New Organizational Order.
Expedia, the world's largest online travel agency by bookings, said it expects the deal to close in the first quarter of 2016 subject to regulatory approval.
And while there are certainly classic books on those subjects, take a quick look at «top leadership books» lists and you'll notice that most include relatively few books written by women.
«I might lose whatever credibility I have with readers if I suggested flat out that a book centered around the subject of oil, written by an economist, was a page - turner, but I am willing to say with conviction that Why Your World Is About To Get A Whole Lot Smaller, by former CIBC Chief Economist Jeff Rubin, is a fantastically compelling read.
The LRC runs lively, expert reviews of Canadian books — as well as the occasional foreign title, if on a Canadian subject or considered alongside Canadian titles on the same theme — and essays by some of the country's most thought - provoking writers.
In November, the government changed some listing rules to allow book building, or the process of using underwriters to assess investor demand and price interest, for stake sales in state - run firms, subject to approval by the prime minister.
Excerpt from Dare to Serve: How to Drive Superior Results by Serving Others Getting the best performance from teams is the subject of countless leadership books.
After reading about three dozen books on the subject by college and seminary professors, I think I can make a pretty sound judgement.
Ditto for the rewrite of the NT by the Jesus Seminarians, Professor JD Crossan in his over 20 books on the historical Jesus and related subjects and Professor Gerd Ludeman in his book, Jesus After 2000 Years, pp. 694 - 695.
Everybody should read the book written on that subject, In God's Name, an Investigation into the Murder of Pope John Paul I. by David A. Yallop.
These were the conversations surrounding the emergence of the canon, says Wright, a process that has been subjected to scrutiny by both Catholic traditionalists, «asserting the supremacy of the church over the Bible,» and by postmodern skeptics, «asserting that the canon itself, and hence the books included in it, were all part of a power play for control within the church.»
Ever since the publication in 1903 of Wilhelm Wrede's famous book on this subject, The Messianic Secret in the Gospels, scholars have been compelled to take seriously the thesis it set forth, namely, that the whole conception of the secret Messiahship is an intrusion into the tradition, either read into it by Mark or at a late pre-Marcan stage in the development of the tradition, and not really consonant with the story of Jesus as it was handed down in the earliest Christian circles.
On this subject, I recommend the following book by Frank Schaeffer — «Why I Am an Atheist Who Believes in God».
The present volume is really a collection of studies, and it might easily have grown to twice its size if other topics had been included: for example the miracle stories — I should have liked to examine Alan Richardson's new book on The Miracle - Stories of the Gospels (1942)-- or a fuller study of the so - called messianic consciousness of Jesus, the theory of interim ethics, the relation of eschatology and ethics in Jesus» teachings — see Professor Amos N. Wilder's book on the subject, Eschatology and Ethics in the Teaching of Jesus (1939)-- the influence of the Old Testament upon the earliest interpretation of the life of Jesus — see Professor David E. Adams» new book, Man of God (1941), and Professor E. W. K. Mould's The World - View of Jesus (1941)-- or sonic of the topics treated in the new volume of essays presented to Professor William Jackson Lowstuter, New Testament Studies (1942), edited by Professor Edwin Prince Booth.
One of the best books I have read on the subject while short covers the subject well is a book called Raptureless by Jonathan Welton
There began then an outpouring of books and articles on the subject by Werner Elert, Paul Althaus, Walther Kenneth, Friedrich Gogarten, and we may include Emil Brunner, who, though not a Lutheran, wrote several books on the orders of creation.
As to obligations of a more personal nature I have many people to thank — colleagues who have advised me, students at Union Theological Seminary who have stimulated me with their responsive interest, members of the congregation of The Riverside Church, New York, who, by their attentive listening to mid-week lectures on the subjects handled in this book, have kept alive my confidence that even difficult and recondite problems concerning the Bible are of vital, contemporary importance.
By reading a good book on the subject?
The subject of «new religions» is a staple in the news, making the book an essential for journalists, but it will also be welcomed by all who are interested in the many forms taken by the intense spiritual churnings of our time.
In the 1970's I read a book by Watchman Nee called the Spiritual man and subsequently lost it but have acquired an e-version of the book and it deals specifically with this subject.
Elaine Pagels has established her reputation by making the seemingly arcane topic of patristics, the theology of the early church, into a subject for celebrated and briskly selling books.
While I haven't read everything on the subject, I know of no other book like it on the market, and it really helped answer some of my own questions and provide me some direction as I seek to follow Jesus by loving and serving others in my community.
There are library filled with books, written by great men on the subject, but alas religion has only one passage in one book, in one chapter to use as scientific evidence.
The book is Daddy Dates by Greg Wright, and it is one of the best books I have ever read on the subject of women.
Some of the best books I have ever read are on the subject of grace, and a recent book by Andy Stanley is no exception.
However I am in the middle of a great book on the subject by renowned former atheist Anthony Flew called «There Is A God».
Jay I'm not talking about atheism; what I'm saying is that critics of evolution don't actually read any real books by actual scientists about the subject.
For those that struggle with this subject, I would suggest reading the book «The Great Gospel Deception», by David Servant.
A welcome addition to the subject of Marxist - Christian dialogue is a book by the Anglican theologian James Bentley, Between Marx and Christ, The Dialogue in German - Speaking Europe.
Just as the Eden so gloriously portrayed in book 4 is dismissed by Gabriel as «this rock» in book 11, so does the poem in the end forsake its own verbal glories and descend to a «subjected plain»: «Milton's epic depicts the relinquishing of its own imaginative plenitude and riches, the end of epic poetry itself.»
Such conflicts provoke renewed inquiry into the Koran's puzzling and apparently contradictory attitudes toward Christians and Jews, the «People of the Book»: Muslims are told in the same surah («The Table»), virtually in the same breath, that Christians and Jews will attain salvation by following their own religion, but that if they deviate from true Koranic doctrine they are subject to earthly punishment and eternal damnation.
As Yehezkel Kaufmann, one of the twentieth century's great scholars of the Hebrew Bible, explained in his magisterial book The Religion of Israel (1960), in mythological religion «the gods are subject by their nature to sexual needs.
In the life of learning nothing is so injurious as the usurpation of the role of the subject of instruction by the medium of instruction, whether the medium be the lecturer on the subject or the book about the subject.
When I was asked to write on this subject, the first book I started to read was written by three seminary professors, each of whom holds strong views on the Rapture.
archeologists... she also fails to mention that it is a book written by goatherds who didn't know why the sun came up in the morning and were this god to exist, believing in him or worshiping him would have little effect as his adherents are subject to his «will» so that our needs and desires are fulfilled at an equal rate to hoping and wishing.
Following are some of his more provocative reflections on that subject, excerpted from his recent book, Gravity and Grace (Augsburg Publishing House), copyright 1986; reprinted by permission.
Although his work penetrated more deeply into the issue of transcendence over against immanence, Altizer was joined in his quest by other scholars and particularly by the American Jewish educator Richard L. Rubenstein, who maintained that «after Auschwitz,» the title of his book on this subject, 27 it was no longer possible to entertain the idea of a Judeo - Christian God presiding over the affairs of humankind.
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