Sentences with phrase «books on my book shelf»

There are much better books on my book shelf.
I have forty - year - old books on my book shelf — hardcover and paperback — and they all still function.
A book on my book shelf might be more enticing.

Not exact matches

Only days after his father, Terrence, had bought him Bailey's Book House, he spied Bailey's buddy Millie on the shelves of a Lechmere store just north of Boston.
«It may not be the newest shiny object on the shelf, but it certainly remains one of the best books for teams I have ever read.
For example, in his book Nudge, Richard Thaler talks about how grocery store products on shelves at eye level get purchased more than those down by the floor.
You won't find «50 Shades of Grey» or gossip magazines on their book shelves.
One editor became frustrated that his colleagues kept piling books on a nearby shelf, so he put up a Post-it Note.
If you're looking for a book like that, put this one back on the shelf.
In the 1970s he cowrote, with his brother Justin Mamis, an investment classic, When to Sell, described by Barron's as one of the 10 books all serious stock players should have on their shelves.
If you are looking for the «real deal», not empty promises, this book should be on your shelf!
is a book that belongs on any executive's shelf.
Habitat and goodwill have an entire corner of there space for books that are on shelves that are about 7 ft high.
Once the book is written and on the shelves, you really do not have to do anything to earn those checks!
MoneyWeek's film theatre and book reviews — A look at some of the best financial books on the shelves at the moment, plus film and theatre reviews.
Axovant Sciences» adjunct approach, top - shelf leadership, and $ 320 million stockpile of cash on the books simply gives me more confidence in it than Anavex Life Sciences, which recently moved its shares from the wild west of the pink sheets to the NASDAQ exchange.
or you might as well put that book on the shelf with the other childish fantasy books that idulge the child like maybe «The Wizard of OZ.»
I planned to buy it at LifeWay, but when I pulled the book from the shelf, I discovered that it — and every book by Donald Miller at the store — comes with a slip of paper tucked inside, a note instructing me to get extra info on Miller from the cashier before making my purchase.
Intentional or not, I enjoy the contrast between the tidy order of the books on the bottom shelf with tilted books and tipped shelves (revealing a Z pattern) above.
Ondemand music, book and now audiobook providers are also taking an increasingly strong grip on their respective markets, causing some to question whether our homes will include shelves for such things in the near future.
If you line your shelves with these books and magazines, and put a few on your coffee table when guests come over, you will impress them with how much you know about fishing.
While I paused with my kids to take in the reality of the books still on the shelf, a woman in her 40s pulled out her phone and snapped an illicit photo.
Even now, my prized possessions are rare first - and - early editions of L.M. Montgomery books, each one showcased on our dining room's shelves similar to how other people display fine heirloom china.
The book isn't even on the shelves yet, and people are being just plain nasty toward him.
I have books on my shelves written by Muslims and Mormons, none of which I have thrown out.
But it was also true that before the printing press, the scrolls (and later the handwritten books you had access to in your library) varied, as did the order in which you chose to keep them on your shelves.
It is not something that one has once and for all — like a book on a shelf, a pearl in a drawer, a diploma on a wall or a license in a wallet.
His studies of the American founding and of such iconic presidents as Washington, Lincoln, Kennedy, Nixon and Reagan are on the short shelf of books indispensable to an understanding of American political culture.
(«In our household, the Bible, the Koran and the Bhagavad Gita sat on the shelf alongside books of Greek and Norse and African mythology,»)
Your cynicism is just as valuable as every theology book on my shelves.)
«When one considers the caliber of our authors and the fact that the Principia has occupied a prominent place on mathematical shelves for fourteen years, one wonders that the book has influenced mathematics so little» (BAMS32: 711).
And we stacked books on top of the cases also, so each one is holding six shelves of books.
I can honestly say that the only time those words have ever come out of my mouth was when I had read ever book on the shelf.
If we were finding a place for it in a well - arranged library, we might put it on a shelf labeled «Sacred Books».
I was in a bookshop on Telegraph Avenue surveying a shelf of books.
The part of that story that is this story in a messy house at midnight with a loud clock ticking on the wall is what the Greek philosophy books said on that guy's shelf: That more than half a century before the Gospel of John was ever written, more than 500 years before God pulled on flesh and stretched out on straw, Heraclitus was the first Greek philosopher who used that word: Logos.
Sadly, for me, the blurb on the back of the book comes true «This book belongs on the shelf of every Bible Teacher and Student» and on my shelf it will remain.
It's been 13 years since the first Harry Potter book landed on store shelves and provoked some Christian conservatives to begin voicing opposition to J.K. Rowling's world of wizardry.
Megan, who's started a dialogue with Ellen Ruppel Shell (author of the new book Cheap), has some ruminations on the infamous maker of shelves with short shelf lives.
Among the books, all of which either wear their contemporary paper jackets or are recent paper - backs, on the shelves that climb the walls, are displayed plastic reproductions of such things as a Tibetan prayer wheel, African masks, a cross or two, a grinning gargoyle, several Indian - temple loving couples, and (standing in a corner) a crosier.
My books are on orderly shelves though, not piled up in a forest.
of countless worlds Contained in dusty books, decaying on the shelf?
And then, when you go back and see it there on the shelf, re-shelve it right beside the nearest bestselling book you see.
And this chokehold not only affects the inventory you find on Christian bookstore shelves, but which books are contracted by publishers, what content gets edited in the writing and editing process, and the degree of freedom authors feel they have to speak on their own blogs and platforms.
After a bit of a kerfuffle, I got to keep «vagina,» but with no promise that the book will be featured prominently on Christian bookstore shelves.
I started working on Evolving in Monkey Town nearly four years ago, signed a contract with Zondervan back in September of 2008, and won't see the book on shelves until June of 2010!
This man needs to put his book back on the shelf and start living with the modern world.
No intimations, fables, puppet shows; No need for parables: up there one sees Reality; good books stay on the shelf.
Maintaining a growing library of books that you've read (whether it's on your Kindle or iPad or, you know, one of those actual «shelves» that old mansions in the movies have), is a good habit to get into at any age.
Why produce another book on Christian ethics when the library shelves are already full of them?
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