Sentences with phrase «books written about»

There are all kinds of online resources, as well ask books written about collecting milk glass.
Not only are there many books written about the power of communicating with your database, there are also entire coaching companies and coaching systems built around the subject.
Let's face it: there are a lot of books written about marriage out there.
There are now many books written about this very important topic.
There are many books written about helping teenagers to develop into confident and co-operative young adults.
There have been books and books written about what specific features AI must include to be truly AI, and unsurprisingly, no one really agrees on what these features are; every description of AI is a little different.
Yes, there have been numerous books written about becoming a new lawyer, but almost all of them are dated.
The contents of the fake letters heavily influenced the authors of books written about Gorky and his art during the 1970s and 1980s.
There are entire books written about how to play just the black side.
There has been a mountain of articles, posts and books written about solo travel, all for a good reason.
After hearing of books written about the legend and paranormal research confirmation, the legendary Kate Morgan rumors were enough to make me want to see it for myself.
Head for the library and check out some of the many wonderful books written about caring for a new pet.
There are several books written about the English Springer Spaniel and those recommended for reading are listed below.
That understanding can come from one or more of the many excellent books written about training companion dogs or from an obedience instructor or dog trainer.
Many books written about the Labrador retriever discuss these color anomolies.
As well as books by Canadian authors, one will find there books by foreign authors who have moved to Canada, books by Canadian - born authors who have made their homes elsewhere (such as Gilbert Parker), and various books written about or set in Canada (such as those by James Oliver Curwood).
There have been several books written about these famous Siamese Twins.
While there have been entire books written about marketing your book online [see D'vorah Lansky's Book Marketing Made Easy and my Kindle book, Author's Quick Guide to Marketing Your Book Online and Off] the five quick tips in this article should give you enough information to revise your current online presence or start off on the right path toward money - making success.
His first book was a 592 - page technical manual on parachuting, entitled Hang Gliding, which he decided to write after realizing that there hadn't been many books written about the new sport yet.
Hint: there are more than a few books written about it.
Dozens of books written about the region, others included stories of fiction, poetry and cookbooks.
Thus far, there have been four total books written about value - added models (VAMs) in education: one (2005) scholarly, edited book that was published prior to our heightened policy interest in VAMs; one (2012) that is less scholarly but more of a field guide on how to use VAM - based data; my recent (2014) scholarly book; and another recent (2011) scholarly book written by Doug Harris.
If you have read any of the stacks of books written about that day, you understand what happened and the messy investigation that followed.
There are whole books written about letting love in.
There are literally thousands of articles online and dozens of books written about «adrenal fatigue.»
But what I started to see was all those books written about how to be 100 or more, they're always written by somebody in their 30s, 40s, or maybe 50s.
Unfortunately, with all the books written about HRT and the attention it gets these days, many people (and doctors) go straight for hormones (with or without lab tests).
There are literally series of books written about the topic your title, but the actual questions you ask are more specific.
There are books written about breastfeeding and how to get a great latch, but my guess is that since you're reading this now either the books didn't help you or it's 3 am and you're desperate, so I'll try to keep things brief.
Now, when it comes to creative ideas about kids and money, there are many, many columnists and websites and entire books written about how to teach our kids the value of a dollar.
In comparison to the amount of research, the number of studies, and the number of books written about motherhood, relatively little has been written about fatherhood.
Thus far I have spoken of books written about ministry by process theologians.
Pentecostals are often skeptical regarding books written about them.
More books written about Him More music written for Him More colleges named for Him More hospitals named for Him
What made you want to write another one?They say there have been more books written about Martin Luther...
It is well known the Obama's are not very «spiritual» people as niether one of them grwe up in that kind of environment according to the many many books written about them on both sides.
Has books written about him.
Just because there are books written about Harry Potter doesn't mean he really exists.
There literally were tons of books written about this.
There have been hundreds, if not thousands, of books written about investing over the years.
There's a reason there are so many books written about time management: It is crucial to success.
The idea of a paperless office seemed like a joke, and there was even a book written about it, «The Myth of the Paperless Office,» which theorized that certain human characteristics made going paperless an impossible feat.
In the book you write about going to Hawaii after school and being a salesman — and not a great negotiator.
For one, it's something of a holdover from Sex, Bombs and Burgers, the book I wrote about how the military, pornography and fast - food industries are technology leaders.
Just because you have a book written about it, doesn't mean jack shit.
In this book he writes about the danger of the New Evangelisation being an abstract or empty formula, which by attempting to be all - inclusive, ends up lacking real vigour.
Anything in your book written about what jesus did or said were written decades after the jesus character was said to have lived.
James Farmer tells a story about a woman who acquired wealth and decided to have a book written about her genealogy.
Now could you please attempt to follow a «god» that isn't portrayed as a vindictive ass by the book written about it?
Just throw it away, treat it as it is, a work of fiction, like ANY other book written about Zeus, Apollo, Thor, Odin, or any other «god».
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