Sentences with phrase «bookshelf with»

She painted her dingy bookshelf with Annie Sloans Old White.
You probably have the only bookshelf with a sliding barn door.
If I ever have a bigger house with the possibility, my dream «mom cave» would have an oversized comfy chair and ottoman, my laptop, windows, big bookshelf with all my favorite books, and photo albums, and throw blankets.
After your wood filler has dried, sand your bookshelf with a hand sander and medium grit sandpaper.
A bookshelf with an aquarium on top, two dressers, (can't get boys to part with them), and a small tv stand with storage underneath are all the furnishings.
I have ANOTHER bookshelf with LOTS more books — so there will be plenty of titles to check out: --RRB- in a future post!
That's such a great idea to fill your dark bookshelf with light colored things.
4 Strike a balance Lisa topped her living room bookshelf with a restful photo and simple objects for balance.
In another, I have a bookshelf with case files and another with books and articles I have enjoyed (mostly but not exclusively legal).
In retrospect, I appreciate the effort my parents took to fill my bookshelf with classic Young Adult stories, the kind that can be read and re-read dozens of times and are encountered frequently throughout adulthood — books such as the Narnia series, the Little House books, Lord of the Rings, Island of the Blue Dolphins, To Kill A Mockingbird, Julie of the Wolves, Black Beauty, Robinson Crusoe, anything by L.M. Montgomery, Madeleine L'Engle, Lois Lowry, Roald Dahl, Charles Dickens, Judy Blume, etc..
So, I replaced my bookshelf with a kindle.
In the background is a bookshelf with a Frida Kahlo cover turned to the camera.
Pam Lins, Enzo Mari Autoprogettazione Bookshelf with Models, poplar shelves with glazed ceramic models, 199.4 x 30.5 x 110.5 cm
A single bookshelf with assorted reading material made up the sole piece of furniture.
The lounge room has a television, compact disk player, radio, a carafe of port for guests to enjoy in front of an open fire, and a bookshelf with many books and magazines.
Mike Holman of the MoneySmarts blog has filled one of the very few remaining holes in the Canadian personal finance bookshelf with a new book on registered retirement education plans.
For more in - depth material, browse the Investment FAQ bookshelf with its recommended books about personal finance and investments.
Wrap the cash in aluminum foil and place it in the freezer or hollow out a book and place it on a bookshelf with other books.
First thing you see when you launch iBooks is bookshelf with one book on it — Winnie - the - Pooh by A. A. Milne.
The larger a person's bookshelf with Amazon, the greater the switching cost.
These options are displayed when the tab next to the Status bar in the bookshelf with the header «Actions» is clicked.
This Kindle tip will walk you through the process of side loading apps, including ones that will let you (in a sense) replace the carousel and bookshelf with a more traditional Android setup.
If you have an extensive print collection you can scan your bookshelf with their Shelfie app and get a list of all of the titles that have an e-book counterpart.
In English, that means that we're sacrificing the higher royalty numbers from other publishing options over the long term for a one to three month display of our book buried on a bookshelf with low sales expected.
You can easily design your own bookshelf with Favorites, Downloads, Authors, Tags; shelf book cover etc..
I - Books is a great application with a user bookshelf with all of the books you purchase from the iBookstore.
Don't get me wrong, I love a nice bookshelf with carefully selected books.
I have a much smaller bookshelf with the same notched adjustable shelving inside, and I painted it a number of years ago.
I also have a black bookshelf with two doors in it from target that I was thinking of selling in a garage sale this weekend.
His subsequent works have filled many a bookshelf with provocative discussions of biodiversity, philosophy and the animals he has studied most closely: ants.
Treat it like a real book by storing it on the bookshelf with your child's other books.
I have a pretty eclectic bookshelf with topics ranging from DIY, fitness with kids, and a few new cookbooks.
My living has a big ol' bookshelf with a section dedicated all types of religion and mythology.
Place it next to a window for extra seating, or by the bookshelves with a little table for a quiet reading nook.
Also if you are keen on preserving the great decor in your home, choose a fabric covering for your bookshelves with patterns that will perfectly blend with the rest of the decor.
He might not even know that there are bookshelves with neatly arranged books behind the fabric unless he carefully watches you as you take and return your books.
Bookshelves with a shelf that's eye level can be tempting to your toddler.
Spruce up your bookshelves with this easy tip!
I love those bookshelves with the bins for organizing toys.
I'm so thrilled for your sale and can't wait to fill up my bookshelves with Courtney Milan.
I have 3 overflowing bookshelves with hundreds of hardcover and softcover books.
Full disclosure, i have six giant bookshelves with over 500 books I bought in the last decade.
Now thanks to RightStuf the lovers and newly curious alike can scoop up some more of the now out - of - print books for their bookshelves with this week's sale:
At 26, he lives in Kansas City Missouri with his wife Sarah, and fills his bookshelves with science and speculative fiction, and fantasy.
One sure way to give your child a head start on a successful school year is to stock your home bookshelves with up - to - date, reliable reference material.
Many people thought that people who read books they did not want to clutter their bookshelves with, such as trashy romance and fantasy novels.
It's always nice having more diverse licensing to line my bookshelves with too -LRB-:
Despite the daredevil behaviors of young cats — flying from cabinet to refrigerator and scaling bookshelves with abandon — they are not so adventurous when it comes to food.
You also find bookshelves with many tourist guides.
Then, get ready to fill your bookshelves with all sorts of Netflix toys.
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