Sentences with phrase «bore little fruit»

The coalition spent six months and $ 500,000 on the effort, yet like those that came before it, their recommendations bore little fruit.
Applied to the real numbers, though, this approach bore little fruit, for reasons that soon became clear.
Trump's courting of Bernie Sanders» followers appears to be bearing little fruit, with many backers for the Vermont senator saying the ideological gulf is too deep.
And both are prime examples of self - imposed limitations bearing little fruit, films stunted by their shameless attempts to appeal to as wide a demographic as possible.
Every open position will invite a flood of applicants, and without a solid resume, your job search could end up bearing little fruit.

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The results bear the fruit of my labors, although wish it were a little less time consuming to pick and choose loans to get a statistically higher rate of return, w / consistency.
The little things we do, the love we share, the time we spend for intercession for others, the visits we make to the sick in the hospital — however feeble they are, however much they seem fruitless at the beginning, they are not wasted, they will bear fruit in their own time.
We are not the first Christians to struggle with the issue of wealth, but it would be hard to find an earlier generation whose struggle has borne so little fruit.
Little Johnny will believe in talking snakes and trees that bear knowledge and everlasting life giving fruit.
There Jesus stops his own parade to heal a blind man named Bartimaeus, and curses a poor little fig tree for not bearing fruit out of season.
little is to be expected of that day, if it is to be called a day, to which we are not awakened by our Genius... to a higher life than we fell asleep from; and thus the darkness bear its fruit, and prove itself to be good, no less than the light.
It will be years still before most of these trees bear any fruit that we can enjoy, and this fact amazes my little ones.
A more common comparison of your baby's size is also the blueberry, but I will not bore you with the similarities with this little fruit.
Dear Gwyneth, had your little girl been born in Malaysia you would not have been allowed to choose a fruit as her name.
Fruit from the bush tomato plant Solanum ossicruentum bears little resemblance to its cultivated cousins.
The paleo «diet» is not really a diet, nor is it a fad as many like to accuse it of being, but rather a lifestyle / eating choice, and those of us who follow it, feel it is at the moment the most corrective eating choice one can make in today's world of processed, GMO'd, irradiated, cross-bred, bio-engineered foods, the bulk of which are fruits and grains that bear little relation to their distant cousins as recent as a 100 years ago.
The angle that has Dan on the verge of a possible syndication deal with his advice column on parenting is supposed to make certain elements of the film ironic, but it is mostly needless and bears little thematic or comedic fruit.
The relationship lasted too long and bore too little fruit.
Aside from its somewhat disturbing and eerie rate of growth, the vine is also notable for producing a fruit that might, to say the least, catch you off - guard — a hardened, green, spiky ball that bears little resemblance to its more salad - friendly cousin.
Use the bow and the arrows to hit the fruits placed on the head of the little cute bears, brave soldiers and evil dragons!
And bear in mind there is little environmental gain in using any sort of reusable bag for carrying groceries, if you've arrived at the check - out, laden with a basket or trolley filled with fruit and veggies all bagged individually in plastic.
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