Sentences with phrase «born a family friend»

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After experiencing years of abuse from family members and friends, Winfrey ran away from home and bore a child at age 14 who died shortly after birth.
Instead, what is now Berkshire Hathaway was born out of nearly a dozen investment partnerships that Buffett created and ran for his family and friends.
Syrian - born investor Wafic Said is a close friend of the Saudi royal family and initiated the potential purchase through his company Safinvest.
The fear of the great nothing is too much for my mind to bear, and I can sleep at night by convincing myself that the absolute nothing we all face one day will instead be full of happy choirs of angels, reward for any suffering I've endured, punishment of the wicked and evil (it pains me to think those who cause so much evil will not suffer for eternity, so hell is a great comfort too), and that I'll get to see all those I currently miss since the death of friends and family are so painful.
Amongst my born again friends and family there is much talk about when their children choose to accept Jesus as their personal savior.
We live our lives in our families: the families we are born into, the families we create, the families we make through the people we choose as friends.
He had been born and raised Jewish, as Jesus and His family and friends had, as he much enjoyed reminding his startled congregation.
The actual wedding participants (family, friends) are there by invitation and are attending without compensation (most also bearing gifts).
A friend of my parents from before I was born, he and his family were a presence in my life throughout my formative years.
He bore his life of sharp physical pain with grace and humor, but his severe limitations caused difficulties for his family and friends.
Many a family or group of close friends can bear witness to the damage done when one of its members is like that or when the whole group shows carelessness.
And thus, unlike the religious, do not revolve our lives around this «faith,» this belief in something unknown; that, my friend, can be dangerous or might just be a shield for the feeble - minded (not that its their fault if they were born into that type of family).
Most claim that even if they were born in a Muslim country, of Muslim parents, with Muslim friends and family, attending Muslim churches and raised reading Muslim scripture, they would still be Christian.
Among the great joys that will occupy our minds with family and friends celebrating the coming of the God - child, we will all bear significant sadness in our hearts for the families agonizing over the loss young children at Sandy Hook.
The kind of broke when businesses and economies slump, dragging incomes down with them, when babies are born without insurance and ginormous hospital bills go unpaid for far too long and interest heaps on, when businesses die and new jobs can't be found, when mortgages can only be covered by the good grace of family members, and when food is bought on credit or gift cards from kind friends.
So The Recovery House of Worship was born to reach using addicts, recovering addicts, their families, and their friends.
Sama, who, according to the introduction, was once born as a fairy, was born in the Buddha age in a clansman's family, and became a friend of a famous teacher, Samavati.
So he drew family and friends together and, if too recent to be called a «tradition,» at least a popular habit was born.
I'm born and raised NOLA so I can not wait to share this with my friends and family!
I grew up eating Indian food because my best friend's family was born and raised in India and I so miss Naan.
Part photo essay and part memoir, FOOD is a cookbook born of a love of meat - free cooking and happy times in the kitchen with family and friends.
In some extraordinary way, in a short period of 20 years, Bill Snaith has become a very fine amateur skipper without alienating his family or friends or boring casual acquaintances.
This is a perfect game to play with family and friends, and even if your daughter is traveling, if she gets bored she can play this game with you.
When both my kids were born - when I was pregnant with each child, before I gave birth, I assigned my friend and my family members certain roles to take on during the birth, and when we first came home with the baby.
I am a proponent of «Gentle Birth» philosophy and will support your baby being born in water and «received» (I do not use the words «deliver» or «catch») with assistance from you, your partner or friend / family member.
Not everyone does this, but if you are planning on sending out announcements to friends and family, it's something you'll want to get done soon after your baby is born.
Nothing has stopped since my son was born in January — friends and family members and groups f which I am a part are having parties and weekends away and all manner of events that, while they sound amazingly fun, just do not work for me.
I have recommended the Bear Mattress to all my family, friends and colleagues.»
From my first born to last born... I am not even the same person friends... When I had my first daughter Carly, I was literally bursting with love and anticipation for this little human to enter our family.
When Baby T was born, I was so relieved I hadn't gotten all the items I wanted because we received gift items from family and friends, which was a blessing.
You're bored and you want someone to talk to, so give a friend or family member a call.
I also think of my friend M., who comes from a large, close - knit family, and whose sister delivered her baby — after two days of labor — right there in M.'s cozy guest bedroom (she could smell the scent of homemade pasta being cooked downstairs and, once the baby was born, everyone ate a celebratory meal and toasted this new mom with a giant bottle of Champagne).
Not a house - full - of - screaming - kids kind of dinner, but some of our adult friends who've known Little Man since he was born — more like family -LSB-...]
While some moms do report feeling a bit bored, because labor is not a fast process for most people, they can live with that and make plans to fill the hours up with various things, including enjoying visiting family and friends.
Before you go to the shower, organize a group of the parent - to - be's friends to volunteer to make dinner for the new family after the baby's born.
In the early days after our loss, I would spend hours looking at the bear and showing it to friends and family, recalling the short time we spent with our baby.
I often feel like my family and friends are bored of the topic and that my voice is just an echo into the abyss, but I refuse to keep quiet... «Because it wasn't just your baby.
We spent the better part of the twin pregnancy recruiting friends and family to come and stay with us once the twins were born.
I had a kangaroo wrap and he was literally stick to me 24hours right after he was born, I have NO PROBLEM with my milk flow and he is so healthy that our doctor / friends / family were impressed.
The book was born (like a lot of parenting projects) when a young couple realised that having a baby was a lot harder than they expected... and they really wanted a way of expressing this to friends and families while giving them support and encouragement as they went.
Your friends and co-workers and family can then guess when exactly the baby will be born.
From TV programmes like «One Born Every Minute» to pregnancy books, websites, forums, friends and family who will share their experiences too.
Before you go to the shower, organize a group of family or friends to make dinner for the new family after the baby's born.
How do you tell your friends and family that you need your privacy and to maintain your sanity during the first weeks after the baby is born without being rude?
Before her daughter, Indira, was born, Camille Pagán from Brooklyn, NY, had a good handle on AP from friends and family who practiced it.
The common practice is to celebrate with baby with showers and visits from friends and family who come bearing more gifts.
As children get older, they may notice a pregnant friend or family member and may begin asking questions about babies, how they're born, and who carried them.
However, if a woman can not afford formula, there's always WIC and local charities and I never seem to have a shortage of anything that I had asked for from friends and family AFTER the baby was born.
This is so appreciated by the parents, and it's also a way for close friends and family to come visit quietly after the baby is born
Start lining up helpers Your friends and family will want to pitch in after your baby's born, but many new moms are too overwhelmed to direct household help.
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