Sentences with phrase «born child cause»

I felt like i was photographing my first born child cause I was so excited when it turned out so good.

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Even when unintentional, causing «a fatal accident» was punishable by death, showing that the life of an unborn child has as much value in God's eyes as one that has been born, being one and the same to him, for he «is the source of life.»
That can cause our children to see our faith as very boring and even unreal because they have never seen faith really being exercised.
One in five U.S. children are now born into poverty and the infant - mortality rate in parts of Detroit is higher than in Honduras, but the structural causes of poverty go unreported and remain invisible.
And when the day of the Virgin dawned, the profound and gratuitous finality of the Universe was suddenly revealed: from the day when the first breath of individualization, passing over the burgeoning supreme lower Center, caused the first monads within it to smile, everything moved towards the Child born of the Woman.
After noting that «certainly, the misdiagnosis did not cause the child's disability, which existed before the error and which could not be remedied,» the Court considers that, «however, the injury must be compensated is not the disability itself, but the fact of being born with such disabilities.
Two other reports in the same issue of Cancer Causes and Control suggest that children born to mothers who eat at least one hot dog per week during pregnancy have double the normal risk of developing brain tumors, as do children whose fathers ate hot dogs before conception.
Shaking a baby is a horrible tragedy that can cause certain brain damage and often death whereas letting the baby cry for a few minutes (not hours) while you get your bearings or call for help, will not hurt the child.
All of a sudden, the very same act that was lauded when it was framed as a sacrifice becomes a horrible way to put your child at risk (cause babies need optional pain meds to be born, I guess?)
This molding is the cause for the cone head of a new born child.
If your child does have asthma, especially if he or she was born prematurely, there are many things you can do to help prevent your family pets from causing severe asthma symptoms in your children.
For at least 450 years, policymakers have sought solutions to the supposed problems caused by the fecund, feckless poor, especially those bearing children outside marriage.
When your child says they are bored, it is important to look a little deeper to find the cause.
However, because parents worry about developmental delays that could affect a child later in life, this uneven development in a child who was born prematurely might cause the parents to seek therapy when none is needed.
They were bound, gagged and given drugs that drove them mad or caused millions of babies born with birth defects... husband weren't allowed to see their wives, new moms were allowed to hold their children but maybe 30 minutes every few hours (breastfeeding was out of the question for many), dads could only see the infants through a glass until after mom and infant were released... Yet we argue that medicine and science are correct??
Being on antibiotics during pregnancy, your child's birth, or since they were born could also cause issues.
Perhaps the concern over health and well - being their yet to be born child is what causes vulnerability.
It's a scary laundry list of possible lifetime problems the child is not responsible for, but the parent bears the full blame for causing.
And then another thought I was thinking about when I was thinking about questions I wanted to ask you all off of these tips was napping «cause I remember that I did not nap as much after my first child was born because we spent a lot of time just relaxing and things like that.
And if your child is ready, waiting until he's older to start school may cause a bright kid to be so bored that he'll slack off instead of excel in the classroom.
The condition can have many effects on sufferers including children born with abnormal facial features and lifelong learning and behavioural problems, caused by damage to the developing brain and central nervous system.
Families and organisations - including Australian children's hospice - Bear Cottage, an orphanage in South Africa, and New Zealand's Ronald McDonald House - are now able to support their cause more easily.
Contaminated meals are especially dangerous for children because food - borne pathogens that may cause only mild cramps in healthy adults can cripple and kill young people, whose immune systems are still being formed.
Examine hidden causes Is your child hungry, tired, sick, jealous, frustrated, bored or scared?
He stated that the birth order itself (ordinal position) didn't «cause» these personality difference, but rather that each serial birth child is born into a different family environment.
Zika causes children to be born deformed and with significant health issues.
Smoking can cause a child to be born with a hole over their heart.
Some opponents have argued that this provides a perverse incentive for more children to be born into poverty, others say it is a band - aid that doesn't deal with structural causes, and still others criticize the policy for not being inclusive enough.
These can cause cancer, these can cause birth defects for [the children being born from] the folks that eat that fish.
In susceptible children hookworms cause intellectual, cognitive and growth retardation, intrauterine growth retardation, prematurity, and low birth weight among newborns born to infected mothers.
The issues addressed in this program include prevention and treatment of leading causes of maternal, neonatal and pediatric morbidity and mortality, maternal and child nutrition and the role of micronutrients in healthy child bearing, and reproductive health including socio - behavioral aspects, birth practices, and development and evaluation of newer contraceptives.
The mosquito - borne disease caused by the Plasmodium parasite kills more than 700,000 people every year, the vast majority of them African children, and no vaccine has ever shown efficacy in trials.
Around one in 2,500 children in the UK is born with cystic fibrosis, a hereditary condition that causes the lungs to become clogged up with thick, sticky mucus.
Estimating its global impact is difficult but in some populations almost 2 per cent of children are born with mental retardation caused by mercury poisoning.
In addition to causing a high fever, rash, red eyes and joint pain in those infected, Zika has been linked to birth defects, so Dr. Chen recommends that expectant mothers, women of child - bearing age and their male partners be vigilant about protecting themselves from mosquito bites.
To build their tool, Alison Galvani, from Yale University in New Haven, USA, and colleagues focused on the two known serious consequences of Zika infection: microcephaly, a condition in which children are born with a small brain causing mental impairment, and Guillain - Barré syndrome or GBS, a potentially fatal disease that can cause neural damage and paralysis.
A single injection of DNA into the eyes of four children born with a blindness - causing disease has given them enough vision to walk without help.
Delicate surgery performed on a fetus months before birth can improve the health of children born with spina bifida, a devastating neural tube defect caused by an opening in the spine, a new study shows.
The parents of the boy born this year sought help after having two children die from Leigh syndrome, caused by mutations in mitochondria.
Since 2016 thousands of children across South America have been born with microcephaly, which causes abnormally small heads, after their mothers became infected with the Zika virus during pregnancy.
One model proposes that genetic diversity was lost in two distinct bottlenecks, where groups of hundreds or thousands of migrating people were quickly decimated by disease, starvation, warfare, or some other cause, dramatically reducing the number of adults who bore children that survived.
SMA is a genetic neuromuscular disorder that causes muscle weakness and one in every 10,000 children born is affected by it.
Tuberous sclerosis is caused by a genetic mutation that either is inherited from a parent or acquired during development before a children is born.
Approximately 3 percent of children born in the United States have a birth defect, either due to chromosomal anomalies, single - gene syndromes, or another cause.
The parasitic, mosquito - borne disease is a leading cause of death and illness among young children, hitting hardest in resource - poor tropical and subtropical regions.
The problems resulting from errors caused by the gene insertion could be severe - even lethal - or they might not be evident until well after the child has been born, perhaps even well into adulthood, when the errors could be passed on to future generations.
Estrogen levels drop during menopause causing fat to be stored in the abdomen instead of the hips and thighs, where fat is stored during child bearing years.
The elderly are especially vulnerable to malnutrition caused by SIBO, as are the increasing numbers of children born with autism and other brain development disorders.
This can cause the child to be born with an autoimmune reaction already taking place in his or her body.
However, we remember that these women were not on synthetic hormones (ie: birth control), ate what they grew and raised themselves and / or raised locally, ate more real food, and were not overweight or obese like the vast majority of child bearing age women today (being overweight or obese can sometime cause infertility due to other issues).
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