Sentences with phrase «born out of their memories»

The setup behind The Gardens Between is thus: two best friends, Arina and Frendt, by chance have fallen into a world of strange gardens born out of their memories.

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Firstly, it must be remembered, that he disclaims very early in the book that he can only speak for the mainline denominations with which he is familiar, and although my memory may fail me, he implies that he can only speak for his observations of the churches / leaders with whom he is familiar, and also that he may be wrong, and also, that he is only pointing out what he calls a possible cause for the problems he has seen, and hopes that his suggestions / ideas, will be considered, researched, etc, and that time will tell if his thesis bears any truth or not.
These religions were born out of poverty, displaced Egyptian workers no longer needed to build pyramids were sent away with memories of Egyptian man - gods that were molded into their new modified Egyptian religions.
Out of that memory, the Boiler Room was born.
I hold out hope that the Big 5 will someday be interesting and competitive again — until then I just ask so many of the younger generation here to bear with us older generation members as we relish our memories of what once was and what we hope can be once again... someday.
You would be amazed at what service projects and groups are out there doing things that you never knew about — dolls and bears made up to be the the weight of your baby (Molly Bears), stuffed animals made out of your baby's clothing and blankets, peer support and parent advocates waiting to help the newly bereaved, personalized jewelry makers (like My Forever Child), stone painters, heart sewers, pillow - making people (Heaven Born for miscarriage), memory - box makers, authors (there are books for almost every subject on this topic waiting to be discovered), research and education groups, story - sharing sites, support groups, chat groups, blogs, Facebook groups, foot / hand print kits, music and funeral planning resources... Consider starting here before starting something new.
Gabriel's Gift was born out of a desire to give other families of stillborn or neonatal death the opportunity to make as many memories and keepsakes as possible, and give them information and support as they grieve.
But Edinburgh holds dark memories too of medical training in those days before blessed anesthesia, I clearly remember running out of the University's operating theater unable to bear the screams of a stuck down child in surgery.
What starts out as a wonderful holiday memory can leave kids bored and whiny, your floor covered in sprinkles, the kitchen a disaster area, and lots of frosting in your hair.
After her husband's death, Edna becomes a powerful political figure, succeeding in removing the stigma of illegitimacy by having that word stricken from all future Texas birth certificates; in this way, she honors the memory of her own half sister, who had killed herself upon discovering she was born out of wedlock.
While Amazon says the tablet is faster because of the larger memory onboard, our benchmark tests didn't bear that out, at least relative to a bunch of other tablets we compared the 2016 Fire HD 8 with.
CastleStorm was born out of the fond childhood memory of building and destroy Lego castles.
The exhibitions are: Born Losers, curated by Laura Brown; Her split body is a crack in our community (Bard), curated by Levi Easterbooks; Not Quite Verbatim, curated by Max Fields; The skin of the sounds, curated by Talia Heiman; So long ago it feels like a memory of someone else, curated by Andrew Hibbard; An unbound knot in the wind, curated by Alison Karasyk; To clear the gound of weeds, curated by Sabrina Maltese; Measures of Authority, curated by Selby Nimrod; Everything is going to be fine, curated by Thomas Patier; I have become direction, curated by Santiago Silva Daza; In and Out of Place, curated by Hannah Spears; Fashion Work, Fashion Workers, curated by Jeppe Ugelvig; L'impudeur, curated by Janique Préjet Vigier; More than mere jelly, curated by Amelia Wallin; and Counting the Waves, curated by Ruiyu Xu.
In short, we don't know what will happen since it has not happened before within living memory; the opinions of polar bear specialists must be taken with a grain of salt because so many of their previous assumptions have turned out to be wrong (Crockford 2017a, b, 2018), see here, here, and here.
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