Sentences with phrase «born over all creation»

Not exact matches

«And if God is sovereign over His creation, how can He bear no responsibility in all of the violence He allows to take place?»
In the creation narrative, men and women were both given an equal responsibility to bear God's image, have dominion /» rule» over creation, and be fruitful.
I have been baptized in the Holy Spirit, I walked the aisle, I am born again, I will rise up to be with Christ at the rapture, I name and claim many things over my life and my childrens, (I have never name and claimed a mercedes, or useless materialstic worldly things), I have prayed the sinners prayer and am a Christian, a Christ follower, a faithful believer in Jesus Christ, I am Spirit Filled, I am forgiven, redeemed, a new creation.
Even as they reflect the particularities of Israel's covenantal relationship with Yahweh, these passages bear the clear imprint of borrowed notions about God's unchallengeable sway over the whole of creation.
The argument plays to Alabama's primal fear of federal control, a fear born of years of resentment over U.S. courts» ordering the desegregation of schools and the creation of black - majority legislative districts.
American - born and Paris resident Sturtevant (born in Lakewood, Ohio) has been questioning the meaning of art and the traditional understanding of the artistic creation process for over half a century.
Some people think storytelling should be the verbal equivalent of Katamari Damacy, where you grab your suffering listener in a bear hug and roll all over creation accreting random junk.
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