Sentences with phrase «borrow additional money»

The financial budget may uncover the need to borrow additional money to cover temporary shortfalls or to pay for capital projects.
With a home equity loan, an initial lump sum is given, and a new loan contract must be drawn up in order to borrow additional money.
Many families plan to borrow to pay for a bachelor's degree, but do not want to borrow the additional money required to earn a graduate degree.
If your application for a PLUS loan is turned down, your child may be eligible to borrow additional money under the Unsubsidized Stafford Loan program.
It makes no sense to borrow additional money when a person is struggling to pay down what they already owe.
The institutions are not only using the money to meet their own short - term financing needs, they are also borrowing additional money to purchase the bonds of troubled countries and earn the spread between the yields on those bonds and the much lower rate the ECB is charging them for money.

Not exact matches

Wednesday's results showed Tesla tearing through $ 745.3 million in cash in the first quarter, which may put pressure on it to borrow more money or sell additional shares to raise additional cash.
Indeed, the committee warned that without the tax increase, borrowing money to make necessary improvements would cost an additional $ 4.5 million in interest, and the improvements could take more than 10 years to be implemented.
Not voting tonight will not cost the taxpayers an «additional $ 250,000», his words, because what he conveniently omits from his public statements on the issue is that even if we do apply the premium to the deficit he is still going to be short of cash this year and he will still have to borrow money through short - term borrowing.
«There isn't additional money to borrow, there isn't additional money to give.»
Probably pay more in interest on the additional money borrowed for fuel saving tech than what they saved in fuel cost unless there is exceptional fuel savings over long period of time.
First off, KDP Select lets people borrow your book, which generates additional review (at the $ 2.99 price point, a borrow makes more money than a sale.)
(Payout is based on money earned from the total number of subscribers in Kindle Unlimited in a month, plus whatever additional money Amazon feels like throwing into the pot, divided by the total number of books borrowed.
Since a bond is similar to a loans, it is desirable for the purchasers of bonds to limit how much additional money that the issuer can borrow.
Principal — An amount of money that is loaned, borrowed or invested, apart from any additional money such as interest.
Recently, the cost of new student loans got even steeper when Stafford Loan interest rates doubled from 3.4 percent interest, which it's been for the last two years, to 6.8 percent interest, meaning thousands of dollars in additional money owed by graduates for the same amount of money borrowed.
The latter involves borrowing a lump sum, which will then show up as additional money in your regular taxable account — and possibly hurt you when you next apply for financial aid.
A online payday loan has a fixed fee based on the money you borrow, however, taking out an additional loan with the same lender will attract rollover fees — this is the original amount and fixed fee, plus the fee for the subsequent loan.
To illustrate, you can borrow to increase your liquid cash for buying additional supplies for a customer since you'll be making more money in the long run.
For instance, a hedge fund might try to boost returns by borrowing money and then using that money to purchase additional investments.
For example, one issue may be the amount of money the fund can borrow to make additional investments.
The main benefit of obtaining a deed in lieu agreement is that you'll stop incurring additional interest or late fees on the money you borrowed.
You can also get additional information on how to borrow money wisely by checking out our articles on the best debt consolidation loans, on personal loan interest rates at LC, on how to get a personal loan, and our Lending Club review.
Assuming the loans perform as expected, this option will net roughly 3 percent profit, or $ 3,000 for the year (note that this amount could be 1 to 4 percent higher if I invest in riskier loans, but the additional risk to «borrowed money» principal is too great in my mind).
Be certain to borrow only the additional money that you need - remember, you will be paying on this money for the next twenty years or so.
Interest due for the additional day the money is borrowed (the 8/31/15 date): $ 116,000 x 0.0475 ÷ 360 = $ 15.30555... rounded to dollars and cents: $ 15.31.
This 30 % return is in additional to the interest that you are paying back to yourself by borrowing money from your 401k (as is the case in most 401k plans).
Review these additional opportunities for Last Chance Loans if you are looking to borrow money and have less than perfect credit.
However, as much as $ 6,000 in additional money may be borrowed to cover the cost of energy improvements completed within 90 days before closing.
You might need to find additional work, borrow money from family or sell major possessions, but repayment is always an option right up to foreclosure.
A combination of your present mortgage at its existing rate with any additional money you borrow at the current rates.
The Public Debt Subject to Limit is the maximum amount of money the Government is allowed to borrow without receiving additional authority from Congress.
Has the company only used its own money or has it borrowed additional funds, either through loans or by issuing convertible notes (debt securities that can be converted to shares at a later stage)?
For example you may borrow money from relatives, start doing the activity which will bring additional money, or use the option of peer - to - peer borrowing.
Borrowing an unmanageable amount of money using private student loans as an additional means to pay for college could end up being a major regret later in life when a less expensive college or university could have been chosen.
Although, if you borrow and receive additional funds, you can return the money within a certain amount of time back to your loan service provider and the provider will apply it directly to your balance, which means you do not have to pay interest on it.
An additional credit card given to a person you have nominated where any money they spend will be borrowings against your credit card account.
Interest is additional money you pay to the lender in return for borrowing the money.
Securities lending programs provide real money to long term investors, with additional fun because when you want to sell, you can move the securities to the cash account if the borrow is tight, have a short squeeze, and sell even higher.
The why - should - I part involves whether to use the additional money available, alternatively, for investing or consumption purposes since funds borrowed under mortgage probably have a lower interest rate than say credit card debt.
We had the place evaluated and were able to acquire additional land (total 10.7 acres) and borrowed money to «pay myself» to work on completing our residence.
The policyholder could then borrow some of that money, effectively generating an additional stream of retirement income.
Michael Stapleton («Stapleton») allegedly approached Trent Decatur («Decatur») with the following proposal: Stapleton would locate «under - valued» homes, arrange to borrow more money than the homes were worth, and the additional remaining loan amounts would be used to repair and improve the property.
Then, for each month you are borrowing the money you pay an additional 1 % or $ 1,000.
The principal is the loan amount that you borrowed and the interest is the additional money that you owe to the lender that accrues over time and is a percentage of your initial loan.
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