Sentences with phrase «borrow the money back»

You may even feel safer making larger payments on a home equity line of credit, knowing that you can borrow the money back if you need to.

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It's the same kind of resentment that builds up when you've borrowed money from someone and you know that you can't pay it back.
By making lending cheaper, consumers, corporations and governments would be able to borrow money inexpensively and put those dollars back into the economy, whether by buying goods or investing in businesses.
He recently heard from a couple who borrowed $ 100,000 via a paralegal posing as a broker, who then convinced the couple to give the money back to him so he could invest it on their behalf.
Repak: While borrowing from friends or family is better than borrowing from a bank and especially those high - interest payday loans, only lend money if you're fine with never getting it back.
When it is time for either college or retirement, the policy holder can borrow money from the cash value and pay it back with the death benefit when they die.
Graduates who borrowed money to pay for college will have to evaluate how best to pay back their federal and / or private loans.
He takes the borrowed money and pays you right back for the house.
In return, they issue you a secured credit card that has very limited credit but provides a sensible way to prove you're capable of borrowing money and paying it back on time each month.
Credit allows us to borrow money with the promise we'll pay it back at the end of the month or pay a fee in the form of interest.
You can borrow money against your retirement account under some circumstances, but financial advisers say such borrowers often struggle to get back up to speed on their retirement savings — in other words, their past over-saving leads to future under - saving.
Though the National Front has had trouble raising money for the campaign (Le Pen had to borrow money from her estranged father) and she has also been ordered to pay back over # 250,000 to the European Parliament over fake EU parliamentary assistant jobs — none of it seems to have an influence on the determination of her supporters.
The financial portion of your cash flow statement includes items like loan or credit line obligations (repayment from borrowing money), issuing or buying back stock, and any cash dividends.
So remember that you're still borrowing this money, and are responsible for paying your balance back.
Financially parasitized companies use corporate income to buy back their stock to support its price — and hence, the value of stock options that financial managers give themselves — and borrow yet more money for stock buybacks or simply to pay out as dividends.
It's all part of the phenomenon of repressed yields and cheap credit: Companies are borrowing large amounts of money to buy back their own shares and to buy out each other, instead of funding investments in productive activities.
Typically, the loan will be paid back over a set period of time, known as the loan term, and you'll be charged a percentage of the remaining balance in interest each month as a cost of borrowing the money.
When you take out a loan, you're borrowing money from a bank or other institution with an agreement in place that dictates how you pay the money back.
Firstly, all loans have consequences if you borrow the money but then refuse to pay it back.
A 30 - year fixed mortgage basically means that you will have 30 years to pay back the money that you borrowed from the lender.
The political message is that they — backed by wealthy bondholders and depositors — should have monetary power to decide whether or not to fund governments, whose spending should be financed by borrowing, not by fiat money creation.
Apple has already done a $ 17 billion bond offering (the company decided to borrow the money rather than pay the hefty U.S. taxes required to bring some offshore cash back home) in order to raise funds for a planned $ 60 billion share repurchase over three years.
As part of the terms of the partnerships crafted by China's government, if the nations that borrow the money can't pay back those loans, China assumes control of those projects.
(That is, they're not interested in your ability to borrow money, stash it in a bank account for a month, and then pay it back.)
Interest - only loans allow borrowers to defer paying back their full loan amount and only pay for the cost of borrowing money, i.e. interest.
Money borrowed with the intention of paying it back plus interest.
This means you'll save some money on the interest you'll pay back against your borrowing; making balance transfers a preferred way for many borrowers to axe interest and pay off outstanding debt, as many credit card companies offer an interest free period on balance transfers to new customers.
Corporate financial managers, for example, can raise their company's stock price simply by buying back shares from investors — financing the move by borrowing money.
Because the Fed is holding interest rates very low, corporations can borrow very cheaply and use the money to buy back stock or redeem older, more expensive debt.
People are going to say, okay, we can't make money borrowing to buy stocks, we can't make money borrowing for real estate, so we're going to pay back the bank loans.
A personal loan is money you borrow from a bank, online lender or credit union that you pay back with interest over a set period of time — usually between one to seven years.
First, he said, some young people will be able to borrow the money they need for college and pay it back after graduation as a small percentage of their income over time.
Before the night was over she had spent all the money she had with her, tried to cash checks, borrowed all the cash her friends had, begged money from strangers, and finally been dragged back to her room, screaming and sobbing, «Just one more quarter.
It was hordes and hordes of people ripping off and taking advantage of banks borrowing money they knew they couldn't afford to pay back.
Think back to that very first time you borrowed money.
For all I care, that man could easily have borrowed (leveraged) money on his Arsenal's shares, thereby holding the club back
In the summer I borrowed money from it to take on a cruise but immediately paid it back.
And so, those monies, even if we borrow them are going back into the pockets of Ghanaians.
Adding that amount alone back into the stock would increase the total base by nearly 20 % and reduce the total amount of money borrowed under President Mahama as a percentage of accumulated stock since independence to about 23 %, which, high as it is, is not nearly as dramatic as 66 %.
They borrow money for the Legislature and the governor, and the state pays them back with income tax revenue.
Farley, a partner at the equity firm Mistral Capital, launched her effort with a video that borrowed an argument recently deployed by Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo: New York State pays roughly more in federal taxes ($ 40 billion in 2016, she noted) than it gets back in federal aid — money, Farley said, that could be used to rebuild state infrastructure and boost education, among other things.
Instead, the money has to come out of what it can raise independently or borrow and pay back from what city schools pass along.
«But, as captured in the memo, she insisted on three conditions: a. only a part, not the entire Abacha funds would be spent on the arms; the rest would be invested in developmental projects as originally conceived b. the money was to be treated as borrowed funds which would be paid back as soon as possible c. the NSA's office was to account for the spending to the president who was the commander - in - chief, given the fact that the minister of finance is not part of the security architecture and does not participate in the security council.
People who don't can only borrow as much money as they can reasonably pay back.
Building projects In his only announcement, the deputy prime minister said councils would be given the right to borrow money for building projects from the income generated by locally - set business rates - «the first step to breathing life back into our greatest cities».
If you borrowed money from a bank, and then said you will pay the money back in five years, how long would you stay in business?
«We would oppose any bill that would simply allow counties to just borrow money and pay it back,» Tompkins said.
Why should the state borrow and tax money only to give some of it back to those who don't strictly need it?
Patients were asked to answer a seven - question survey that asked whether they had used savings, borrowed money, skipped bill payments or cut back on items such as food, clothing or recreational activities because of their cancer treatment.
A second important source of changes in cash flow is borrowing or paying back money.
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