Sentences with phrase «borrowing plan»

A borrowing plan refers to a strategy or outline for taking and repaying loans. It involves carefully determining the amount of money needed, the source of borrowing (such as a bank or lender), and a detailed plan for how and when the borrowed money will be paid back. Full definition
Good credit is generated when payments are made on time, and can be enhanced when the consumer has several borrowing plans.
The Senate, on Tuesday rejected the request of Buhari to borrow $ 29.9 bn as part of its external borrowing plan for 2016 to 2018.
On the issuance of $ 2.5 bn for financing the Appropriation Act, Buhari noted that in order to implement the external borrowing plan approved by the National Assembly in the 2017 Appropriation Act, the Federal Government issued a $ 300m Diaspora Bond in the international capital market in June this year.
The Senate adopted the Federal Government's borrowing plans in 2017 but insisted that the borrowing should be on project - tied basis.
County leaders are unsure whether they would participate in what amounts to a pension fund borrowing plan if it passes the Senate and is signed by the governor.
U.S. borrowing plans this year and next will see a sharp rise in the sale of Treasurys and affect prices and yields, says Omar Slim of PineBridge Investments.
We will ensure accounting consistency among the Estimates and the Public Accounts; provide costing analysis for each government bill; restore the requirement that government borrowing plans receive Parliamentary approval; end the inappropriate use of omnibus legislation; and we will ensure the Parliamentary Budget Officer (PBO) is truly independent, properly funded, and answerable only, and directly, to Parliament.
The two men have been at odds for months, with Ravitch saying he has been shut out of budget negotiations (placing the blame largely on Paterson's chief of staff, Larry Schwartz) and Paterson publicly rejecting his LG's budget borrowing plan.
There is still another step in the process before the ECFSA can go to market, and during that vote on the actual borrowing plan I encourage all my colleagues in the Legislature to think about what they are doing.
With public borrowing planned to reach 57 per cent of GDP and David Cameron abandoning his party's link with the government's total spending plans, politics had just got interesting again.
«I attended the ECFSA's board meeting on March 15 and was disappointed how casually they are approaching this significant borrowing plan.
The session included two requests for Revenue Anticipation Notes, a routine item necessary for the County's annual borrowing plan to cover the County's cash flow needs.
Erie County Executive Mark Poloncarz (2nd from right), stands with ECMC officials, calling borrowing plan «a no brainer.»
He noted that there was an urgency to re-list the $ 1.28 bn in the 2016 - 2018 borrowing plans because the creditors were ready to provide the funding.
As promised, Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced today he was vetoing the last - minute pension borrowing plan for schools, a provision that slipped through the state Legislature in the final week of the extended session.
Observers expressed surprise to me that DiNapoli hadn't come out strongly against the pension fund borrowing plan.
The President further explained that in addition to the implementation of the approved external borrowing plan and in order to reduce debt service levels and lengthen the tenor profile of the debt stock, the Federal Government sought to substitute maturing domestic debts with less expensive long - term external debts.
According to unofficial results, 51.3 percent of voters said «yes» to the borrowing plan, with 48.7 percent voting against it out of a total of 10,080 votes cast.
According to unofficial results from the November ballot, 51.35 percent of voters said «no» to the Arlington Heights Park District's $ 39 million borrowing plan, while 48.65 percent of voters supported it.
Months later, the board decided to propose a revised $ 39 million borrowing plan, which was voted down with 51.35 percent of November voters saying no.
Silver also voiced support for the borrowing plan floated by Paterson's hand - picked LG, Richard Ravitch, from which the governor has repeatedly distanced himself.
Buhari said the timely approval will enable the country access the China - African fund provided for in the 2016 - 2018 external borrowing plan.
(He rejected the suggstion that this was a snub to LG Richard Ravitch, who was the architect of the $ 6 billion borrowing plan, saying: «He threw out on the table what would be a limit on borrowing, but I think that just the way it all went, it's no one's fault, it just became an acceptance that there would be borrowing.»)
Listen to Emily Thornberry on why the Labour government's borrowing plans are necessary for Britain:
I will only support a borrowing plan that does not include the credit scheme.
Buhari had on Tuesday asked the National Assembly to approve the external borrowing plan to enable his government to raise funds to execute key infrastructure projects across the country between now and 2018.
Republican Harry Wilson is keeping the heat on the man he's trying to oust, Democratic state Comptroller Tom DiNapoli, over a proposed pension fund borrowing plan, calling for a televised debate on the issue.
So, even with the Government's borrowing plans being thrown out of the window, the Chancellor continues to meet his rules, because it's so easy to fudge them.
The second, which is technically Prop. 3, would approve a $ 2 billion borrowing plan for education infrastructure and technology.
First elected in 2013, Day inherited an agreement with the state that included a $ 96.4 million borrowing plan for deficit reduction and agreement for oversight by the state comptroller's office.
Miliband's moaning about Britain's downgraded credit rating was too scripted to have much bite, and he had no rebuttal to the prime minister's accusations about Labour's borrowing plans.
Education groups argued the borrowing plan was necessary in order to cover costs under the tax cap.
Liu said that his $ 2 million borrowing plan to speed up the projects could create 15,000 jobs over the next two years.
In a telling sign that Silver saw which way the wind was blowing in Albany, the longtime Assembly leader hinted that he was buckling on his borrowing plan in the wake of Cuomo's condemnation of it.
Erie County Legislature Chairman John Mills and Majority Leader Joseph Lorigo released the following statements after the Erie County Fiscal Stability Authority refused to attend today's Special Informational Meeting on a $ 120 million borrowing plan and its decision to take Erie County to court following a subpoena compelling them to attend.
Erie County Legislature Chairman John J. Mills today subpoenaed the six members of the Erie County Fiscal Stability Authority's (ECFSA) board after they ignored a resolution passed unanimously by the Legislature asking for a public discussion with board members to fully vet the $ 120 million borrowing plan for ECMC, which the ECFSA approved on Wednesday, March 15th in a 5 - 1 vote.
The government will seize on the borrowing plans to claim that Labour would fail to tackle the deficit — the centrepiece of Osborne's «long - term economic plan».
On Wednesday, he said that all borrowing plans were off the table.
«This is more than $ 100 million borrowing plan we are talking about.
O'Reilly then sought to turn the tables on DiNapoli, asking «Albany Tom» to answer how much the «DiNapoli Tax» in the just - enacted «pension borrowing plan» will cost New Yorkers over the next six years.
Peters said Cuomo's plan is drawing fire in part because it so fully details the borrowing plan.
DiNapoli raised eyebrows by not immediately denouncing the borrowing plan, which was first reported Saturday.
A controversial pension fund borrowing plan could put state Controller Tom DiNapoli on borrowed time if he backs it, fellow Democrats warned.
But the borrowing plan in his 2016 - 17 budget proposal now being negotiated with the State Legislature is a turnaround after five years of declining debt in New York, which has long been one of the most heavily indebted states per capita in the nation.
To the point that DiNapoli's borrowing plan will level off contribution rates and provide more predictability to local governments, how can that be true?
Stringer said his borrowing plan could be put on the ballot for approval by voters in 2018 if state lawmakers approved the idea.
Buhari had on Tuesday asked the National Assembly to approve the external borrowing plan to enable his government to raise funds to execute key infrastructural projects across the country between now and 2018.
Secondly, should returns on Fund assets be lower than the astounding assumptions Mr. DiNapoli used to calculate the costs of the borrowing plan, then contributions will skyrocket.
«We were thinking that there was going to be details but there was no detail of the borrowing plan.
You should disclose the assumptions surrounding this borrowing plan as well as its costs under a range of realistic market conditions.
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