Sentences with phrase «bosom covered»

The colorful animation may also be too graphic for some audience members when one of the elderly actresses appears on stage in an almost non-existent bikini bottom with her grossly - exaggerated bosom covered only by a couple of tiny pasties.
I just noticed this: Half of your bosom covering came from the same creature that was used to make Lady Gaga's «Poker Face» mask.

Not exact matches

The cover illustrates a story about 72 - year - old pediatrician Dr. William Sears with a photo of Jamie Lynne Grumet of California gazing at the camera nearly expressionless and her preschool - age son perched at her bosom.
This sort of «Goddess Gone Wild» action is unacceptable to the AG, who ordered new lapel pins created for his staff that essentially photoshop the centuries - old image so that Virtus» bosom is covered by an armored breastplate.
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