Sentences with phrase «boss frame dropped»

When battle with big daddy, a lot of enemies, final boss frame dropped harsh.

Not exact matches

The game suffers from performance issues: 25 fps, with fps drops to 15 at some boss fights or scenarios, frame pacing issues, chromatic aberration and long loading times 30 - 50sec.
Yet, even though Toukiden 2 doesn't have the greatest visuals it still suffers from frame rate drops during big boss fights and while it isn't even close to unplayable, it is a bit of an annoyance when neither visuals or performance are up to standard.
Also, I have NEVER experienced such a frame dropping issue as the one he shows with the Witch Time on that boss.
It was also optimized well, as I never saw a single noticeable frame drop my entire play through, even after I had summoned multiple players and we were going against a massive boss that filled the entire screen.
Character and monsters models also look quite good, compared to the latest entries, and everything runs at a smooth 60 FPS framerate, with only some very small frame rate drops in hectic situations and big boss battles.
In terms of performance Rayman Legends runs solidly at 60 fps without dropping a single frame, even during boss battles and hectic gameplay segments, where the engine is pushing a range of animated sprites, effects, and 3D elements on - screen.
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