Sentences with phrase «bother at»

So she has had no bedhead, which didn't bother her at all, but her bed just looked unfinished to me.
I like seeing «real life» so the open concept doesn't bother me at all.
We do have to look up to watch it but it doesn't bother me at all, especially since I'm always looking down at the computer or my devices.
I mildly enjoy it, listen to some music, save a good amount of money, doesn't bother me at all but if I had multiple rentals and was busy I would probably suck it up and hire it out.
That's why what the CB is doing does not bother me at all.
They don't bother us at all, and they don't mind if we come and check the property over when we are in town.
My client was delighted because he had long ago detached from her and it didn't bother him at all that she might think she was winning every hand.
Do not let this bother you at all, as this type of attachment will only have a very good effect on your child's overall personality and development.
At this point in time I don't want to get married however I would have married him as soon as we got engaged, but it didn't happen and now it doesn't bother me at all because we are comfortable without complications.
You might ask, why bother at all with writing a cover letter?
You should call them during the day time, when they are likely to be at work, and not bother them at home.
It doesn't bother me at all when someone who once worked for me, or who once worked with me, asks for a reference, a recommendation, a testimonial or a letter of support.
If office paper came with rounded corners it would not bother me at all — well it would sometimes but that's just because I do Origami.
Honestly, the notch doesn't bother me at all and I find it a bit unique.
Finally, let me give vent to a peeve of mine: notice how the Canadian agency feels the need to identify that it's in Canada, presumably for fear that someone in Singapore might be misled for a moment; whereas the UK agency doesn't bother at all to identify it's territorial jurisdiction but is simply comfortable in its skin.
Does it bother you at all that you make so many errors of fact?
This did not bother me at all, but neither was it something that I was very concerned about.
After re-reading «Stocker's earmark» on Climate Audit, I came to the conclusion that it does not bother me at all if somebody tells a lie, cheats or breaks a promise to that worthy gentleman.
Does the RICO advocacy bother you at all?
Counting flowers on the wall, That don't bother me at all.
Now the imperfections that once made me cringe don't bother me at all.
Why won't it bother him at all?
That did not bother me at all.
So the longest analysis of sea ice starts just at the end of a 30 year period during which Arctic temperarues fell by almost 1 deg C. I take it this doesn't bother you at all?
What is sure to me is that we either have deep cuts in emissions globally and quickly or do not bother at all.
So that decision doesn't bother me at all.
It doesn't bother her at all to see me dressed as a man, but if you are even the slightest bit put off, I am completely prepared to put on a skirt, especially since all I have to do is to open a closet to find a whole assortment of feminine outfits.»
I've played my fair share of first - person dungeon crawlers, so grinding doesn't bother me at all - this is a staple in RPGs in general for me and considering I've been playing them most of my life, I have no problem with this - but having this level of punishment only because I haven't been able to save - a system that doesn't necessarily have to do anything with my inability to fight or lack of power in my characters - gives this sense of «see how far you can go and start over again if you die» like old arcade games would do.
With Dead Trigger 2 you can move using the D - pad (still difficult), but you have to aim using the touch screen still, awkwardly stretching your right thumb over - so why bother at all?
This is of course assuming the PSP2 even exists; I wonder if Sony is still recovering from the failure that was the PSP Go to even bother at this point.
That fact doesn't bother me at all, I just found that to be a little humorous.
The lack of any real narrative was kind of a disappointment at first but after jumping into the game it didn't bother me at all as I was having too much fun giving terrorists the business.
Did it bother you at all?
This wouldn't bother me at all if it wasn't so obvious and jarring every single time.
I was waiting for MS to fix the hardware issues before investing in a 360, but now I don't think I'll bother at all.
Each fight was such an amazing feat to see that having little control didn't bother me at all.
This was something I had seen before in games such as Dragonball Z on the PlayStation 2 and it didn't bother me at first.
The face and directional buttons have been left unchanged, but this doesn't bother me at all because they were fine in the first place.
I own an XB1 and NOT a PS4, and this doesn't bother me at all.
To those thinking about buying the game, don't bother at the moment if you're running an AMD processor, especially the FX series which seems to be getting hit quite hard.
I wasn't sure whether or not I would enjoy it, but I was pleasantly surprised that it tasted delicious and the texture of the raw fish didn't bother me at all.
Lots of room although close to the toilets did nt bother me at all.
If you don't want to bother at all with an annual fee and you spend a few thousand dollars at supermarkets then this card can be a perfect selection.
The passport covers are longer than a typical passport, which doesn't bother me at all.
These things happen and don't bother me at all.
You don't seem to bother them at all; we even had the chance to play some basketball with the kids.
But we took our time with her and she got used to the waves and now they don't bother her at all...
My German shepherd has a very sensitive stomach this food didn't bother him at all and he loved it it's a great choice and a healthy choice for your dog!
It did not seem to bother him at all.
The eye is whitish, but there is no cataract and it doesn't seem to bother him at all.
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