Sentences with phrase «boulder field»

The phrase "boulder field" refers to an area with many big rocks or boulders scattered around. Full definition
While the Tevis riders are picking their way through boulder fields, the crews at Robinson are hauling buckets of water, pans of feed, blankets and food from their trailers to spots they've selected in the meadow.
Stop to scramble to the top of huge boulder fields for panoramic views of the island or to plunge into the cooling waters of a sheltered cove tucked into the surf - washed shore.
The helicopter took off in a maelstrom of blowing sand and rock, leaving us in the middle of a giant boulder field stretching several miles north toward Beacon.
They don't necessarily offer the proper support for the hiker carrying a 50 - pound pack and enduring the heel strikes of a granite boulder field, either.
Other evidence bolsters the notion that the Annagh Head boulder field wasn't created by a tsunami caused by an asteroid strike at sea or an underwater landslide, the researchers note.
Although a tsunami typically creates such deposits over a large span of shoreline, Annagh Head hosts one of only two boulder fields in the area.
Yet buried beneath the frozen boulder fields, tucked between grains of sand and buried ice, there is a surprising amount of biodiversity.
We cross glaciers and climb boulder fields.
Through a small boulder field the Grand Cherokee adjusted travel at each wheel, maintaining contact with the ground at as many points as possible, and accounted for wheel slip in the way it dealt out power.
The trail makes a beeline for a low point on Castlecrag's East Ridge crossing a large boulder field just prior to reaching there.
Swim over, under and through a giant underwater boulder field.
Immense craggy mountain ranges erupt straight up from colossal boulder fields, vast rivers of ice calve into deep blue lakes, and its intricate coastline is strewn with uncharted fiords and inlets.
Other formations in the area deliver boulder fields, canyons and spires that attract tarpon, turtles and sharks.
There's many racks, crevices, caves, and boulder fields for fish to hide in.
Bees flit among the yellow mountain asters dotting the boulder field at the glacier's base.
The 20 - mile trip took more than two days, leading mules, professors and students 3,000 feet up and over a high alpine plateau and down several thousand feet into a valley, where they slowly weaved their way along a river in the direction of a boulder field until they finally reached the glacier's base.
The water continues downward, gaining power as it winds through the boulder field, before plunging into a river valley where it combines with runoff from the nearby Gannett Glacier to form Dinwoody Creek.
The only signs of people here are the small tent sites that dot the boulder field.
The shapes of the boulder fields were another clue: because glaciers flow more rapidly in their centre than at their edges, landslide debris tends to get stretched into ever - lengthening ellipses as it moves down a valley.
The pointers watch as the Jasons bumble through a boulder field.
It's easy to see why this boulder field was given its name: the giant granite rocks are arranged and balanced upon one another in the most peculiar and apparently impossible way.
The Airbib Heritage and Nature Trail begins with a ramble through the historic port town of Speightstown, and then heads into the forests and the boulder fields of the Whim Gulley.
We took the longer route (about five miles roundtrip), working our way up through a boulder field and continuing on through forest into alpine meadows at the top.
For eight months prior to the exhibition the wind chimes reverberated in the wilderness — tintinnabulations in pine coves, boulder fields, mountain ridges and coastal escarpments across the state.
Dead twigs, rebar, and shoots pocked the boulder field like tiny flag poles, stripped of their sigils.
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